You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 6 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When the tender skinned cub was innocuous and small; he played frivolously all day in his cage;  sequestered from the ominous attack of vicious predators, 

However when the same kid matured into the majestic lion;  it was indispensable to leave him in the dense jungle. 


When the buds were minuscule in size;  they were kept in clusters in the contemporary vase;  shielding them from the tenaciously blowing wind,

However when they blossomed into crimson flowers;  proliferating at amazing speeds by the unveiling day;  it was indispensable to let them spread on sprawling acres of farmland. 


When the river was new oozing parsimonious rivulets of water intermittently; it inhabited the obscure regions between the valley,

However as torrential rain unrelentingly pelted down; the stream swelled astronomically in size; and it was now indispensable to blend the same with the colossal ocean. 


When the fish were small; they were scrupulously kept in a grandiloquent tank; 

impregnated with loads of coral and sea food, 

However when they speedily augmented in size; it was indispensable to place them beside the preposterously huge whale. 


When the eggs were pearly white with their shells wholesomely intact; the mothers sat on them incessantly harnessing them with their effeminate warmth, 

However when they hatched out into slender beaked fledglings; it was indispensable to teach them the art of flying high in the sky. 


When the pup was just born wailing incoherently in the air; it slept like an angel leaning against the belly of its mother, 

However when it started frisking around the garden; it was indispensable to make him realize the importance of his bark. 


When the venomous spider aimlessly loitered on the ground; it took shelter for many hours in cocoons of wet mud, 

However the minute it had spun its web; it was indispensable for it to trap its prey; 

before strangulating the same with its slimy juices. 


When the honeybee just took its first breath; it buzzed inexorably against the eardrum of its queen mother, 

However as it developed its wings rampantly flying in the air; it was indispensable for it to produce fresh honey. 


When the child lay in its cradle he emulated the most impeccable form of life existing on this earth; effusively crying for milk and attention, 

However when he grew up into a complete individual; it was indispensable for him to earn his own bread; exploring different arenas of the monotonous world. 


And when two lovers witnessed each other; they were incorrigibly mesmerized by each others presence; romanced and languished in the aisles of desire, 

However after a marathon period had elapsed; and their relationship had culminated into one of perpetual understanding; it was indispensable for them to get united into threads of holy matrimony; to eventually get married