You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 6 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Even if you were an obdurate stone; with loads of callousness embedded rigidly in your persona,

I would make sure that the tenacity of my love; transformed you into molten wax rampantly dripping down; eventually blending with the earth. 


Even if you were the dry desert; harboring a plethora of acrimonious cactus and violently blistering winds,

I would make sure that the tenacity of my love; inundated you with fresh water; imparting a perennial wetness to your sands. 


Even if you were the satanic demon; with your armory of brutal teeth scintillating wickedly under the moon,

I would make sure that the tenacity of my love; brought about a dramatic metamorphosis in you; converting you into an immaculate angel. 


Even if you were the incorrigible dictator; rebuking all in proximity with your volley of expletives and commands,

I would make sure that the tenacity of my love; pacified you overwhelmingly; exonerated the bitterness in your voice. 


Even if you were deadly poison; causing instantaneous death on consumption,

I would make sure that the tenacity of my love; completely annihilated your venom; making you as sweet as golden nectar. 


Even if you were pallid paint sticking languidly to the walls; propagating waves of disparaging gloom in the ambience,

I would make sure that the tenacity of my love; impregnated you with brilliantly vibrant color; made you profoundly smile. 


Even if you were poignant green chili; thunderously shouting expending supreme capacity of your lungs,

I would make sure that the tenacity of my love; transmuted you into innocuous sugar; irrefutably sweet in taste. 


Even if you were the viciously lethal reptile; baring your fangs at me with utter hostility,

I would make sure that the tenacity of my love; changed you into the resplendent fish; gliding sedately through the swirling ocean. 


Even if you were blazing volcano; torching all those who came even centimeters near you; devouring innocent humans in your fiery belly like inconspicuous insects,

I would make sure that the tenacity of my love; transfigured you into the melodious stream weaving its way enchantingly through meadows of soft grass. 


And even if you were the idol of horrendous hatred; ostracizing humanity severely for its benevolent deeds,

I would make sure that the tenacity of my love; rekindled in you the essence of sharing; the insatiable urge to caress and care.