You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 7 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I saw her mesmerizing face in the walls; while pouring sizzling tea in my


Although I soon realized that I was rampantly fantasizing; as the steaming

liquid burnt my skin; spilling over the immaculate material of my trousers.


I saw her magnanimous silhouette in the rocks; while driving my car through

circuitous routes of the valley,

Although I soon realized that it was a figment of my imagination; as the car

swerved violently colliding with the hand rail; overlooking a few thousand

feet into panoramic space.


I saw her jelly blue eyes while walking on each vehicle; while walking through

the congested street,

Although I soon realized that I was dreaming under the sun; as compact cars

whizzed inches from my body; leaving clouds of black smoke for me to inhale.


I saw her honey coated red lips in the wall; as I languidly strolled through

the interiors of the mystical palace,

Although I soon realized that I was out of tangible senses; as I violently

barged against the iron doors; tripping neatly over a jugglery of intricate



I saw her dainty feet embedded with jingling bells; as I sat peacefully at the

precarious edge of the bridge,

Although I soon realized that I was drowned in a reverie; as I plummeted down;

losing my stoical composure to blend with the chilly waters of the river.


I saw her ravishing hair flowing in the gentle breeze; as I ruminated on my

past while cooking food,

Although I soon realized that I was romanticizing a bit too much; when eerie

whistle of the pressure cooker inundated my sensitive ears.


I saw her smiling revealing her magnanimous teeth; while playing cricket with

the sun god shining above my head,

Although I soon realized that I was in seventh heaven; when the hard ball

struck me on my chin; giving my face a ghastly black swollen look.


I saw the vivacious outlines of her eyebrows; while writing my examinations,

Although I soon realized that I was wistfully perceiving; when the slender

cane of my professor lashed stringently on my scalp.

I saw her rubicund cheeks embossed with blemishes; while lifting bulky weights

in the gym,

Although I soon realized that I was intensely dreaming in the day; when the

heavy bars landed with an abrupt thud on my chest.


I saw her in part and whole; throughout the monotonous day; in my dreams; and

in every person I met; irrespective of caste and creed,

Yes O! divine creator; you know as well as I do; the only reason behind my

absurd behavior; was that I was compassionately in love .