You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 7 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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If I were the blood circulating through your veins; I would incessantly flow

without respite,

Unrelentingly purifying contaminated zones of your body; ensuring that you

were perennially in a state of blissful health.


If I were your intricate ears; I would make sure you heard the most

inconspicuous of sound as long as the sun shone in the sky,

Would inundate your mind with melodious sounds; mesmerizing reveries; the

moment you went off to sleep.


If I were your emphatic eyes; I would make sure that you discriminate between

the omnipresent good and evil,

Would make you stringently aware of the perils lurking beside you; bestow upon

you the power to prognosticate the future yet to unveil.


If I were your pair of dainty feet; I would make sure you traversed

scrupulously through the entire globe,

Saw the most astounding of palaces; the most enticing of sapphire oceans;

without suffering from the slightest of exhaustion.


If I were your robust hands; I would make sure that you successfully clambered

up the colossal mountain,

Wrote exquisite lines of enchanting music; tenaciously decimated all those who

ever tried to torment you.


If I were your rotund belly; I would make sure you digested your food to

meticulous perfection,

Bore a battalion of impeccable children as you desired; without the tiniest of

anguish and tribulation.


If I were your silken hair; I would make sure that I glistened ravishingly in

full rays of the sun,

Keep myself bereft of abhorrent dandruff flakes; so that you never felt the

need to vehemently scratch.


If I were your rosy tongue; I would make sure that you spoke with a perfect

blend of eloquence,

Sedately swishing inside your mouth; saving you on umpteenth occasions from

the tyranny of your chiseled teeth.


If I were your conglomerate of bones; I would make sure that you never felt

dreary; even after marathon hours of work,

Fought like an indefatigable soldier; when the question arose of defending

your persona your true integrity.


And by magnanimous stroke of fortune If I were your heart; I would command you

to throb; only when you witnessed me,

Instruct you to love me as uninhibitedly; as much as I fanatically wanted to

possess you .