You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 7 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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There were an infinite violently unstoppable winds; which so demonically lead you; forever towards the wind of ghastily stabbing and hedonistically sadistic death,


There were an infinite menacingly stormy seas; which so unsparingly lead you; forever towards the seas of devastatingly asphyxiating and cold-bloodedly

butchering death,


There were an infinite despairingly acrid deserts; which so aridly lead you; forever towards the deserts of uncouthly barbarous and horridly irrevocable death,


There were an infinite ghoulishly wailing spirits; which so deplorably lead you; forever towards the spirits of waywardly wastrel and salaciously maiming death,


There were an infinite torridly simmering droughts; which so heartlessly lead you; forever towards the drought of parsimoniously febrile and peevishly disoriented death,


There were an infinite belligerently blood-stained thorns; which so mercilessly lead you; forever towards the thorns of diabolically stinging and indescribably venomous death,


There were an infinite sadistically perverted leeches; which so cannibalistically lead you; forever towards the leeches of unbelievably maniacal and torturously morbid death,


There were an infinite misanthropically surreptitious marshes; which so abjectly lead you; forever towards the marshes of inconsolably fetid and vindictively pugnacious death,


There were an infinite anomalously ballistic shards; which so cruelly lead you; forever towards the shards of disdainfully livid and unceremoniously ominous death,


There were an infinite fecklessly prejudiced battlefields; which so emotionlessly lead you; forever towards the battlefields of sordidly crumbling and disastrously silencing death,


There were an infinite worthlessly obsessive manias; which so wretchedly lead you; forever towards the manias of cadaverously decrepit and dolefully naked death,


There were an infinite lethally gobbling earthquakes; which so satanically lead you; forever towards the earthquakes of hideously cantankerous and brutally squelching death,

There were an infinite criminally salacious screams; which so murderously lead you; forever towards the screams of bizarrely penalizing and treacherously obnoxious death,


There were an infinite gorily demented gutters; which so stealthily lead you; forever towards the gutters of insanely decrepit and indefatigably terrorizing death,


There were an infinite sacrilegiously gleaming knives; which so licentiously lead you; forever towards the knives of perilously strangulating and poisonously atrocious death,


There were an infinite truculently lambasting nights; which so unjustly lead you; forever towards the nights of horrifically blackened and unsurpassably devilish



There were an infinite nefariously indigent nooses; which so horribly lead you; forever towards the nooses of perpetually stony and intolerably beheading death,


There were an infinite malevolently diseased curses; which so despondently lead you; forever towards the curses of unfathomably blighted and lecherously evaporating death,


And then there was just a single beat of her immortally throbbing heart; which so miraculously leads you; far away from the most bludgeoning gorges of death; and forever and ever and ever towards the heartbeat of Omnipotent life; even after you’d

veritably surrendered your physical form and died .