You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 8 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I didn’t want to know how I was going to die; whether a dinosaur would brutally pulverize me; or whether the electric bolts of lightening would strike me head-on

from the ominous sky,

But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to place me in the immortal feet of my beloved; just as I was about to relinquish my last breath; and blend

with gruesomely pathetic cocoons of soil .


I didn’t want to know how I was going to die; whether a sword would rip me apart to infinite pieces; or whether the lion would swallow me without a single yawn,

But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to place me in the immortal feet of my beloved; just as I was about to relinquish my last breath; and settle down forever in the interiors of my abominably ghastly corpse .


I didn’t want to know how I was going to die; whether a speeding truck would satanically crush my bones; or whether a dungeon of venomous snakes would stab each part of my eye,

But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to place me in the immortal feet of my beloved; just as I was about to relinquish my last breath; and coalesce with stinkingly grizzly walls of my murderous coffin .


I didn’t want to know how I was going to die; whether an earthquake would devastate me to raw ash; or whether a forest of wild elephants would break each bone of my tender spine,

But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to place me in the immortal feet of my beloved; just as I was about to relinquish my last breath; and melange forever with horrendous worm and termite countless kilometers beneath soil .


I didn’t want to know how I was going to die; whether a battlefield of hostile vultures would pluck my heart out; or whether the roof would suddenly collapse on my

skull; metamorphosing me into an inconspicuous fly,

But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to place me in the immortal feet of my beloved; just as I was about to relinquish my last breath; and bond

with wisps of worthlessly non-existent oblivion .


I didn’t want to know how I was going to die; whether a violently cataclysmic sea would drown me; or whether the horde of cold-blooded wolves would make a curry

out of me; for their nocturnal delights,

But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to place me in the immortal feet of my beloved; just as I was about to relinquish my last breath; and forever sink into the trajectories of imprisoning nothingness .


I didn’t want to know how I was going to die; whether a bullet would explode the most intricate arenas of my brain; or whether the ominously satanic witches would

sacrifice me like white mice,

But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to place me in the immortal feet of my beloved; just as I was about to relinquish my last breath; and leave for my expedition of irrevocably ultimate disaster .


I didn’t want to know how I was going to die; whether a shock would treacherously electrocute each ingredient of my body and blood; or whether the mountain of lethal scorpions would pierce my innocuous flesh; like barbaric chicken fry,

But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to place me in the immortal feet of my beloved; just as I was about to relinquish my last breath; and disparagingly disappear without leaving; even a single trace of mine .


And I didn’t want to know how I was going to die; whether the land of mesmerizing heaven sent its harbingers to take me; or whether uncouthly lecherous hell descended on every step that I tread by,

But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to place me in the immortal feet of my beloved; just as I was about to relinquish my last breath; and sleep like ghost in my grave; with no medicine able to open my dead eyes .