You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 8 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I might be just a minuscule speck of dust loitering aimlessly under the fathomless belt of sky; shivering inexplicably every now and again,

But I was definitely not one of those; who got devoured pathetically with the tiniest draught of electric wind .


I might be just a grizzly haired rat; poking my nose pertinently at every smudge of cheese; playing hide and seek with my scornful master; every now and again,

But I was definitely not one of those; who got ruthlessly got trapped within the diabolical mousetrap; surreptitiously laid at every corner to besiege me .


I might be just a cube of insipidly frigid ice; cold-bloodedly reacting to all the tumultuous heat enshrouding me; every now and again,

But I was definitely not one of those; who melted into horrendously tame submission; as the Sun shone a trifle more than it usual self .


I might be just an obdurately infinitesimal stone; uncouthly bereft of the slightest of emotion; gruesomely stumbling in life; every now and again,

But I was definitely not one of those; who got satanically kicked beyond the realms of obsolete oblivion; even before the infant could raise its nimble foot .


I might be just a diminutively stray droplet of water; reflecting the profound staleness in the lecherously corrupt atmosphere; every now and again,

But I was definitely not one of those; who got evaporated into baseless wisps of ridiculous nothingness; as the season of sweltering summer; overtook the cold winds in the sky .


I might be just a rotten fruit; swishing capriciously with the viciously swirling breeze; every now and again,

But I was definitely not one of those; who got devilishly pulverized; even as the giant transgressed boundless kilometers away from my body .


I might be just an insurmountably torn cloth; dissipating into a countless fragments as people walked; every now and again,

But I was definitely not one of those; who got ripped apart into tyrannical extinction; as the menacing pigs rampaged to appease their murderous gluttony .


I might be just a tiny alphabet inscribed gently on shimmering sands; disgruntling my shape horrifically as the waves struck the shores; every now and again,

But I was definitely not one of those; who blew past the corridors of deplorably stinking hell; each time the dictator exhaled his light breath .


And I might be just a profoundly devastated beat; vacillating between the tenterhooks of life and death; every now and again,

But I was definitely not one of those; who got swiped in entirely from the trajectory of this planet; witnessing the girl of my dreams slip from my heart; to bond with the boy whom I considered an irascible pest .