You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 9 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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It was irrevocably impossible for me to capture time; as it indefatigably tick-tocked and unstoppably unfurled into profound virility,

But the pricelessly mesmerizing moments when we had first met; would forever remain in my invincible grip; for not only this birth but an  infinite  more births

even after I veritably died .


It was unsurpassably impossible for me to capture time; at it relentlessly tick-tocked and tirelessly unfurled into magical newness,

But the divinely immaculate moments when we had first flirted around pristinely enchanting foliage; would forever remain in my unassailable grip; for not only

this birth but an infinite more births even after I veritably died .


It was irretrievably impossible for me to capture time; as it intransigently tick tocked and inexhaustibly unfurled into resplendent freshness,

But the tantalizingly blissful moments when we had first stared into each other’s eyes; would forever remain in my insuperable grip; for not only this birth but an infinite more births even after I veritably died .


It was imperceptibly impossible for me to capture time; as it intractably tick-tocked and continuously unfurled into inexplicable uncanniness,

But the wonderfully magnetic moments when we had first inhaled the fragrance of our passionate sweat; would forever remain in my undaunted grip; for not only this

birth but an infinite more births even after I veritably died .


It was immutably impossible for me to capture time; as it stubbornly tick-tocked and limitlessly unfurled  into brilliantly blessing day and voluptuously star-studded night,

But the majestically vivacious moments when we had first danced in the untamed rain; would forever remain in my intrepid grip; for not only this birth but an

infinite more births even after I veritably died .


It was unbelievably impossible for me to capture time; as it punctiliously tick-tocked and beautifully unfurled into a cistern of unparalleled charisma,

But the stupendously exultating moments when we had first hidden ourselves into clandestine darkness far away from the boundaries of this tyrannically turgid society; would forever remain in my unshakable grip; for not only this birth but an infinite more births even after I veritably died.


It was unfathomably impossible for me to capture time; as it infallibly tick-tocked and unceasingly unfurled into a cloud of inimitably silken enchantment,

But the triumphantly unfettered moments when we had first uninhibitedly announced our relationship to the outside planet; would forever remain in my unbreakable

grip; for not only this birth but an infinite more births even after I veritably died .

It was insurmountably impossible for me to capture time; as it immeasurably tick-tocked and unendingly unfurled into infernos of boundlessly unhindered compassion,

But the surreally sensuous moments when we had first invincibly embraced each other; would forever remain in my peerless grip; for not only this birth but an

infinite more births even after I veritably died .


It was unprecedentedly impossible for me to capture time; as it timelessly tick-tocked and endlessly unfurled into the true spirit of magnificently effulgent existence,

But the impregnably heavenly moments when we had first interlocked our ardent breaths with each other; would forever remain in my unconquerable grip; for not only

this birth but an infinite more births even after I veritably died .


And it was unthinkably impossible for me to capture time; as it intractably tick-tocked and perennially unfurled into the benign goodness of the Omnipotent Lord’s divine,

But the immortally untainted moments when we had first fallen into the skies of Omnipresent love; would forever remain in my unalterable grip; for not only this birth but an infinite more births even after I veritably died .