You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 9 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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In less than a single fraction of a second; she would come to you from even the most unconquerable epitome of the Herculean and invincibly towering mountain,


In less than a single flicker of your eye; she would come to you from even the most remotest rock bottom of the unfathomably undulating and unimaginably deep sea,


In less than a single yawn of your mouth; she would come to you from even the most obsolete corner of the fathomlessly mighty and impregnably pristine clouds,


In less than a single whisper of your voice; she would come to you from even the most sequestered hole infinite feet beneath lackadaisically dead and treacherously obdurate soil,


O! Yes; if your love was true from the innermost core of your heart; then irrespective of where she was; irrespective of the mightiest of barricade separating the both of you; she would immortally be yours and only yours; in less than an inconspicuous instant,


But if there was even an infinitesimal whimper of betrayal maligning your soul; then keep frenetically searching for her like a maimed dog; but you won’t find the tiniest insinuation of her reflection; for your life beyond an infinite more lifetimes .


1 . 


In less than a single blush of your cheeks; she would come to you from even the most egregiously silencing and endlessly asphyxiating coffins of ghastly death,


In less than a single flutter of your little finger; she would come to you from even the most treacherously blackened and wholesomely deadened fabric of the ghoulish night,


In less than a single tap of your foot; she would come to you from even the most farthest corner of the limitlessly iridescent and majestically pearly Moon,


In less than a single unfurling of your lips; she would come to you from even the most blazingly indomitable and intransigently fuming inferno’s, 


O! Yes; if your love was true from the innermost core of your heart; then irrespective of where she was; irrespective of the most acrimonious apocalypses separating the both of you; she would immortally be yours and only yours; in less than an infidel instant,


But if there was even an infinitesimal whimper of betrayal maligning your soul; then keep dogmatically searching for her like a wounded vulture; but you won’t find the tiniest insinuation of her reflection; for your life beyond an infinite more lifetimes .


2 .


In less than a single radiation of your brain; she would come to you from even the most unbelievably disappearing and evanescently inane mists of nothingness,


In less than a single snore of your sleep; she would come to you from even the most menacingly unsparing and cold-bloodedly squelching jaws of the indiscriminately massacring lion,


In less than a single desire of your soul; she would come to you from even the most aridly charred corner of the unsurpassably sweltering and boundless desert,


In less than a single swish of your palms; she would come to you from even the most unimaginably resplendent and endlessly fructifying corridors of perpetually priceless paradise, 


O! Yes; if your love was true from the innermost core of your heart; then irrespective of where she was; irrespective of the most tyrannically turgid boundaries chaining you; she would immortally be yours and only yours; in less than an inconspicuous instant,


But if there was even an infinitesimal whimper of betrayal maligning your soul; then keep rapaciously searching for her like a worthless skeleton; but you won’t find the tiniest insinuation of her reflection; for your life beyond an infinite more lifetimes .


3 .


In less than a single nod of your head; she would come to you from even the most unfathomably stretched ends of inexplicably bizarre and surreally titillating imagination,


In less than a single juggling of your fists; she would come to you from even the most inconceivably inexplicable and abstrusely imperceptible places between heaven and hell,


In less than a single beat of your heart; she would come to you from even the most profoundly incarcerating and impossibly unconquerable wells of solitude,


In less than a single breath of your nostrils; she would come to you from even the most intangibly ethereal and voluptuously tantalizing cringes of the enamoring rainbow, 


O! Yes; if your love was true from the innermost core of your heart; then irrespective of where she was; irrespective of the most gorily invidious battlefield between the both of you; she would immortally be yours and only yours; in less than an inconspicuous instant,


But if there was even an infinitesimal whimper of betrayal maligning your soul; then keep baselessly searching for her like a needle in the endless haystack; but you won’t find the tiniest insinuation of her reflection; for your life beyond an infinite more lifetimes