You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 9 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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There were an infinite places on this colossal earth where you could place the uninhibited smile; but it looked the most celestially nicest; only on the periphery of the philanthropically robust lips,


There were an infinite places on this gigantic earth where you could place the brilliant light; but it looked the most invincibly nicest; only on the Omnipotent persona of

the blazingly unparalleled Sun,


There were an infinite places on this fathomless earth where you could place the newborn infant; but it looked the most impeccably nicest; only in the lap

of unconquerably divine mother,


There were an infinite places on this limitless earth where you could place the pristine dewdrop; but it looked the most spellbindingly nicest; only on the tantalizingly burgeoning blade of the voluptuously whispering grass,


There were an infinite places on this boundless earth where you could place the boisterous bee; but she looked the most immaculately nicest; only in the majestically compassionate and catacombed hive,


There were an infinite places on this unceasing earth where you could place the ravishing clouds; but they looked the most seductively nicest; only on the belly

of the endlessly bestowing sky,


There were an infinite places on this tireless earth where you could place the inimitably priceless diamond; but it looked the most regally nicest; only in the necklace of the timelessly effulgent queen,


There were an infinite places on this unsurpassable earth where you could place the brilliant peak; but it looked the most unassailably nicest; only on the indomitably thundering mountain,


There were an infinite places on this resplendent earth where you could place the poignant pinch of salt; but it looked the most triumphantly nicest; only on the magnetic swirl of the intrepidly undulating wave,


There were an infinite places on this palatial earth where you could place the exhilarating wind; but it looked the most ebulliently nicest; only on the jacket

of the enthrallingly chocolate brown lungs,


There were an infinite places on this uninterrupted earth where you could place the humanitarian blood; but it looked the most blessedly nicest; only in the unfathomably intriguing labyrinth of quintessential veins,


There were an infinite places on this undefeated earth where you could place the idol of synergistic truth; but it looked the most charismatically nicest; only in the realms of the unflinchingly righteous and peerless conscience,


There were an infinite places on this benign earth where you could place the granule of sand; but it looked the most handsomely nicest; only in the cradle of

the astronomically glistening desert,


There were an infinite places on this perpetual earth where you could place unadulterated curd; but it looked the most Omnisciently nicest; only in the

symbiotically truthful palms of the euphorically frolicking child,


There were an infinite places on this fecund earth where you could place the uncontrollably reverberating lion; but it looked the most unshakably nicest; only

in the arms of the inscrutably bountiful and unrestrictedly mellifluous forest,


There were an infinite places on this rhapsodic earth where you could place never-dying patriotism; but it looked the most insurmountably nicest; only on the chest of the perennially loyal and fearless soldier,


There were an infinite places on this consecrated earth where you could place the flirtatious twinkle; but it looked the most unquestionably nicest; only on the persona of the enchantingly vibrant star,


There were an infinite places on this harmonious earth where you could place the pearls of wisdom; but they looked the most sacredly nicest; only on the harbingers of wonderfully united humanity,


There were an infinite places on this mysterious earth where you could place inevitable re-incarnation; but it looked the most eternally nicest; only on the

holistic substance of the miraculously ameliorating soul,


There were an infinite places on this sparkling earth where you could place the Spartan stone; but it looked the most marvelously nicest; only on the bed of

the merrily bubbling brook,


There were an infinite places on this Herculean earth where you could place the lines of the destiny; but they looked the most meaningfully nicest; only on the intrinsic folds of the unabashedly satiny palm,


There were an infinite places on this redolent earth where you could place the iridescently wondrous feathers; but they looked the most fruitfully nicest; only on the skeleton of the unequivocally soaring bird,


On the contrary there were more than an infinite places on this unbelievable earth where you could place the breeze of eternal love; and it still looked the most immortally nicest; wherever you placed it; for whatever duration you placed it; for whomsoever you placed it; if only you placed it from the innermost realms of  your truthfully passionate heart .