You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 9 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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If you dare to dream of  catapulting to the unfathomable epitome of the mountain barefoot; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of a disastrously stumbling fall,


If you dare to dream of unflinchingly conquering the most thunderously roaring waves of the tumultuously stormy sea; then be also wholesomely prepared for

every tangible and intangible likelihood of drowning to the threadbare rock bottom,


If you dare to dream of eternally radiating the essence of impregnable truth; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of more than a billion lies truculently asphyxiating you,


If you dare to dream of  indefatigably traversing fathomless kilometers on soil; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of belligerently ballistic thorns; perniciously permeating you at your every stride,


If you dare to dream of evolving a civilization of undefeatable newness every unfurling minute of your existence; then be also wholesomely prepared for every

tangible and intangible likelihood of treacherously maligned exhaustion sapping every ingredient of temerity in your brain,


If you dare to dream of unequivocally uniting the entire planet in the religion of ubiquitously  symbiotic humanity; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of indiscriminately massacring fanaticism salaciously impeding you left; right and center,


If you dare to dream of entirely dedicating every unveiling instant of your life to inexhaustibly writing spell-binding poetry; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of pragmatically explicit reality orphaning you for the remainder of your life,


If you dare to dream of merrily frolicking in majestic white lightening; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of being scorched to threadbarely inane particles of obsolete dust,


If you dare to dream of fearlessly living in the mortuary yard all alone and bare-chested; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of sadistically sardonic ghosts imperiling your progress every now and again,


If you dare to dream of royally marching on the trajectory of the blazingly Golden Sun; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible

likelihood of being unsparingly burnt to the very last bone of your nimble spine,


If you dare to dream of incessantly singing like the triumphantly mellifluous nightingale; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible

likelihood of being viciously attacked by the discordantly croaking owls and frogs,


If you dare to dream of peerlessly existing an infinite feet beneath hard ground; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of facing the onslaught of horrendously maiming blackness and indescribably ignominious gloom,


If you dare to dream of singlehandedly brandishing your sword towards victory in the unsurpassably menacing battlefield; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of flagrantly castrated defeat staring right into the

whites of your eye,


If you dare to dream of metamorphosing every bit of impoverishedly dying desert into lush green meadows of perennially unparalleled happiness; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of licentiously slippery sand sinking you down towards your grave,


If you dare to dream of sketching everything on this colossal Universe till the end of your time; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of tears of untamed agony; welling ferociously up the dormitories of your soul,


If you dare to dream of relentlessly meditating the hymns of everlasting symbiotism every cascading breath of your life; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of libidinous diabolism sporadically perpetuating your mind and soul,


If you dare to dream of being the most righteously wealthiest organism on this boundless earth; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of dastardly prejudiced corruption crucifying you to the goriest thresholds of hell,


If you dare to dream of unstoppably marching towards the peaks of invincibly benign success; then be also wholesomely prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of raunchily incarcerating sleep intermittently obfuscating your senses and eyes,


And if you dare to dream of timelessly falling in pricelessly perpetual love; then be also wholesomely  prepared for every tangible and intangible likelihood of lasciviously sodomizing betrayal; hurling you right back to the very point you had compassionately kissed and started .