You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 9 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Train your mind in such a way; that whenever it fantasized; it was only a river of altruistically ameliorating goodness; effulgently basking in the amazingly panoramic colors of living kind,


Train your hands in such a way; that whenever they rose; it was only for invincibly defending every fraternity of humanity; and even after they sunk an infinite feet beneath their morbid graves,


Train your lips in such a way; that whenever they handsomely stretched; it was only for disseminating a wave of eternally fructifying happiness; in every dolorously usurped ingredient of the tyrannized atmosphere,


Train your feet in such a way; that whenever they traversed; it was only for pulverizing even the most infinitesimal trace of parasitic diabolism; with the

scepter of blazingly unparalleled righteousness,


Train your stomach in such a way; that whenever it growled; it was only for consuming  the propitiously plentiful fruits of everlastingly proliferating mother

nature; without shedding a droplet of cannibalistically macabre blood,


Train your eyes in such a way; that whenever they opened; it was only for sighting God’s incredulously eclectic beauty of creation; gregariously empathizing with every symbiotically breathing living being; celestially alike,


Train your fingers in such a way; that whenever they wrote; it was only the message or irrefutably unconquerable truth; the message of priceless togetherness which touched the hearts of one and all alike,


Train your tongue in such a way; that whenever it unfurled; it was only for singing in holistic synergy with the countless tunes of the timelessly blessing atmosphere; mollifying even the most traumatized of agony with unbelievably ecstatic melody,


Train your shoulders in such a way; that whenever they hoisted; it was only for mitigating boundless devastated urchins from the corpses of hedonistic slavery; to the paradise of compassionately unceasing oneness,


Train your conscience in such a way; that whenever it whispered; it was only for immortalizing the heaven of truth; without the tiniest innuendo of devilishly

decrepit guilt,


Train your eyelashes in such a way; that whenever they winked; it was only for cavorting with their innocuously pristine counterparts; in perfect tandem

with the vivaciously shimmering rays of the Omnipotently orange Sun,


Train your shadow in such a way; that whenever it wafted; it was only for providing unsurpassably bounteous reprieve to the drearily lambasted traveler; for magically restoring the equanimity of lugubriously estranged mankind,


Train your eyebrows in such a way; that whenever they danced; it was only for profoundly enlightening several besieged with gorily cancerous disease; amuse

the tawdrily fretting corridors of monotony to the most unprecedented limits,


Train your ears in such a way; that whenever they sprang; it was only for imbibing the tunes of brilliantly victorious unity; synergistically assimilating every speck of coalescing consanguinity on this earth around,


Train your bones in such a way; that whenever they itched; it was only for endlessly preserving the majestically unfathomable treasures of Lord’s creation; for bonding into a mountain of insuperably philanthropic friendship,


Train your soul in such a way; that whenever it yearned; it was only for being insurmountably magnetized by the exhilaration of sacrosanct existence; culminating into a wind of eternal freshness even after veritable death,


Train your throat in such a way; that whenever it wailed; it was only for beautifully slurping the mists of tantalizing sensuousness; which would keep it magnificently young even as its burial in the dastardly grave,


Train your nostrils in such a way; that whenever they exhaled; it was only for perpetuating a sky of unflinchingly patriotic camaraderie; in every speck of

ghastily barren space on this lecherously deteriorating globe,


But leave the emollient beats of your passionate heart perpetually free; for if you trained them they would learn to manipulate and cheat; while freedom would

allow them to spread love; love and only immortal love; as fathomlessly as the Creator had created them to be