You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 9 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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There was no greater slave of your piquantly mesmerizing eyes; than my impoverished eyeballs; unrelentingly seeking your poignantly charismatic and

compassionate stares,


There was no greater slave of your voluptuously seductive lips; than the contours of my fervently anticipating face; ardently desiring to witness you blossom into an unfathomable festoon of everlasting smiles; all day and morbid night,


There was no greater slave of your ravishingly silken hair; than the eclectically cogitating periphery of my scalp; incorrigibly wanting to possess your sensuously

magical swish; for times and decades immemorial,


There was no greater slave of your ingratiatingly titillating footsteps; than my every growing bohemian footprints; intractably waiting to be perpetually blessed by your majestically spell binding countenance,


There was no greater slave of your stupendously magnificent voice; than my overwhelmingly parched mouth; intransigently slavering till realms beyond the

eternal heavens; for your exotically marvelous melody,


There was no greater slave of your beautifully pristine fingers; than my insatiably penurious palms; irrevocably yearning to clasp them royal softness forever; and for infinite more births yet to come,


There was no greater slave of your tantalizingly enamoring belly; than my tumultuously starved stomach; irretrievably desiring to be brushed by your ravishingly enthralling fire; in the heart of the resplendent night,


There was no greater slave of your impeccably irrefutable honesty; than my manipulatively besieged conscience; unequivocally waiting for your ideals of

philanthropic humanity; to invincibly enshroud it from all sides,


There was no greater slave of your regally aristocratic neck; than my swelteringly dying throat; profoundly waiting to be turbulently smooched by the same; even as hell rained viciously from the fathomless sky,


There was no greater slave of your immaculately rhapsodic ears; than my uncontrollably trembling teeth; relentlessly longing to harmoniously nibble

your lobes; under the waterfalls of untamed excitement,


There was no greater slave of your poignantly scarlet blood; than my despairingly bereaved veins; incessantly wanting to upreme with your principles of mankind; your ideals of simplistically symbiotic existence,


There was no greater slave of your marvelously golden sweat; than my hungrily groping armpits; indefatigably anticipating your fountain of fragrant perseverance;

to bless its languid contours,


There was no greater slave of your vibrantly ebullient shadow; than my frantically trembling silhouette; timelessly waiting to wholesomely blend with your entrenchment of divinely sparkling righteousness,


There was no greater slave of your boisterously charming vibrancy; than my desolately wandering soul; incorrigibly yearning to profusely assimilate its impregnable fortitude; to unflinchingly confront even the most horrendous of impediment that came my way,


There was no greater slave of your profoundly mesmerizing blushing; than my turbulently bubbling cheeks; unsurpassably longing to be kissed for marathon fortnights on the trot; with the twinkling moon romantically dipping upon the kingly evening,


There was no greater slave of your astoundingly exhilarating versatility; than my restlessly drifting waves of excitement; unstoppably wishing to be passionately embedded by your priceless dexterity; on every path that I tread,


There was no greater slave of your unconquerably ecstatic magnetism; than my monotonously drubbing survival; endlessly longing for your integrally glorious shades of your uninhibited amiability,


There was no greater slave of your vivaciously vivid breath; than my hopelessly orphaned nostrils; tirelessly wanting to be unassailably encapsulated by its Omnipotent aura; to unitedly metamorphose the complexion of this disdainfully dithering planet,


And there was no greater slave of your immortally Omnipresent love; than my uxoriously throbbing heart; perennially yearning to bond with your formidable

reservoir of humanitarian relationship; perennially longing to unite as a single spirit with your humbly benign countenance .