You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 9 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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23. 2 HEARTS 


Just because 2 scarlet clouds clashed vehemently with each other in the firmament of fathomless sky; doesn’t inevitably apply; that torrential cloudbursts of rain would pelt down in ferocious tandem; left; right and center,


Just because 2 exotically fragrant roses kissed each other under dazzling rays of the Sun and exuberant breeze; doesn’t inevitably apply; that even the most remotest cranny of gigantically colossal Universe; was besieged with  profusely overpowering scent,


Just because 2 crimson skins poignantly intermingled with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that all disdainful discrimination round the earth; uninhibitedly mélanges with the religion of humanity,


Just because 2 virile seeds romantically juxtaposed with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that every cranny of the famished earth; would blossom into perennial prosperity and unassailable happiness,


Just because 2 undulating waves ebulliently swirled with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that unfathomable fireballs of piquant salt; ubiquitously sprinkled across all disastrously beleaguered quarters of this endless Universe,


Just because 2 fervent helmets crashed with unsurpassable ardor with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that sparks of boundless euphoria flew upon every lackadaisical corner; of the discordantly wailing graveyard,


Just because 2 frigid avalanches of ice beautifully caressed each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that ever iota of acrimoniously sweltering heat; metamorphosed into a astoundingly placated goodness,


Just because 2 philanthropic palms impregnably united in threads of profound martyrdom; doesn’t inevitably apply; that all barbaric bloodshed on this manipulatively savage planet; transforms into symbiotically glittering harmony,


Just because 2 impeccable eyes indefatigably stared at each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that tumultuous thunderbolts of insatiable compassion; are generated in every morbidly solitary corpse; of the pugnaciously stinking graveyard,


Just because 2 rhapsodic rivers amicably merged with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that all murderously fighting tribes across the planet; bountifully coalesced into strings of perpetually sparkling humanity,


Just because 2 flaming rays intractably adhered to each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that every pathetically tyrannized speck of blackness on this astronomically incomprehensible earth; would convert into spell binding light and righteousness,


Just because 2 ecstatic voices unflinchingly merged with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that even the most obliviously sordid bout of despondent silence; culminates into ardently awe inspiring and melodiously enchanting artistry,


Just because 2 resplendently shimmering pearls bounced against each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that even the most ghastliest of sinister darkness; is perennially illuminated with majestically scintillating shine,


Just because 2 intriguingly intrepid brains amalgamated with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that every stagnating curtain of disastrously vengeful gloom on this globe; fulminates into a mountain of invincible freshness,


Just because 2 colossal treasuries chivalrously mixed with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that all abominably crippling poverty in the savagely lambasted

atmosphere; culminated into a paradise of gorgeously blazing enthrallment,


Just because 2 humanitarian streams of enthusiastic blood blended with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that all horrendously racial discrimination and parasites on the globe; would incredulously foster the principles of eternal mankind,


Just because 2 volatile bits of truth rhetorically shook hands with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that even the most salaciously bereaved conscience’s on monotonously diabolical soil; blossomed into irrefutably sacrosanct islands of benevolence,


Just because 2 ingratiating pools of breath synergistically bonded with each other; doesn’t inevitably apply; that even the most devilishly diseased of organisms; perpetually continued to exist for centuries immemorial,


But Just because 2 passionately palpitating hearts immortally entrenched in the fireball of unending togetherness; it does inevitably apply; that all dastardly cowardliness on this earth comes to an abrupt end; all ominously bad is eventually decimated by the Omnipotent light of love; love and only unconquerable love .