You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 9 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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My eyes expressed their profoundly unending love; by culminating into an astoundingly glistening festoon of triumphant tears; as her pristinely heavenly form

unfurled from behind the sun soaked hills,


My lips expressed their profusely inexorable love; by igniting thunderstorms of unrelenting desire in her majestic body; poignantly tracing the beautifully blossoming outlines of her mellifluous skin,


My forehead expressed its unrelentingly mischievous love; by flirtatiously colliding with her nubile chin; celestially brushing against her marvelously heaving

chest; as resplendently enamoring beams of the moon took complete control,


My cheeks expressed their bountifully timeless love; by blushing a shade more incomprehensibly voluptuous crimson than the torrentially thundering clouds; at

even the most inconspicuously evanescent of her caress,


My fingers expressed their insatiably indomitable love; by tirelessly groping in rampant strokes through her sensuously ravishing hair; invincibly clasping her

sacrosanct fingers in mine; for infinite more births yet to unveil,


My belly expressed its euphorically unlimited love; by indefatigably matching the divine cadence of her silhouette step for step; reverberating as her ultimate slave in even the most ephemeral of her queenly shadow,


My shoulders expressed their unflinchingly audacious love; by perpetually sequestering her enchantingly vivacious grace in their compassionate warmth;

uplifting her innocuous visage above the realms of spell binding paradise; even as nothing but hell vomited hedonistically from blue sky,


My eyelashes expressed their tantalizingly endless love; by sporadically fluttering against her royally exuberant nose; making her feel like a new born princess; even in her times of inexplicably traumatizing distress,


My ears expressed their ecstatically perennial love; by perspicaciously assimilating even the tiniest rhythm of her glorious stride; ardently listening to her ebulliently rhapsodic laughter; even centuries unfathomable after their veritable time,


My tongue expressed its intransigently dedicated love; by assiduously suckling the sweetness of her golden sweat; punctuating rivulets of untamed felicity in her

countenance with its marvelously sensitive strokes,


My feet expressed their immutably unshakable love; by incessantly following her blissfully immaculate trails wherever she went; intermittently evoking her to

fulminate into inimitable laughter poking her with my bohemian toe,


My throat expressed its ecumenically impeccable love; by relentlessly singing praises of her eternally righteous soul; unequivocally voicing its unstinted support for her everlasting grace; even as the entire world charged her with licentiously bawdy profanity,


My chest expressed its unconquerably benign love; by unassailably guarding her stupendously aristocratic form; taking every heinously adulterated arrow that

dared come her royal away; upon its astronomically tenacious consortium of barren bones,


My palms expressed their impregnably volatile love; by altruistically borrowing all forks of flagrant difficulty from her hands; blessing even the most inconsequential aspect of her life with their quota of destined happiness,


My shadow expressed its unshakably unending love; by irrevocably entrenching her melodiously jubilant form from all sides; timelessly ensuring that even the most

fugitive jinx or spirit wanting to infiltrate her; instead becoming my devastating rhyme,


My mind expressed its fantastically unsurpassable love; by endlessly fantasizing about her enthrallingly exhilarating aura; implacably replacing every other thought in my life with the fragrance of her unblemished companionship,


My veins expressed their vehemently intractable love; by emptying even the last iota of priceless blood from their silken conglomerate; to unendingly witness her blossom into eclectically fructifying life,


My breath expressed its irretrievably unbreakable love; by boundless cascading down her vividly imperial neck; being the insurmountably undefeated elixir; whenever she wanted to uninhibitedly gallop forward in vibrant life,


And my heart expressed its immortally unparalleled love; by bountifully bonding every of its passionate beat with her essence of irrefutably undaunted truth;

indomitably coalescing with her spirit of oneness and humanity; even after the earth had disdainfully ceased to exist .