You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 9 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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39. ONE DAY 


Even if it takes an infinite liftetimes; an unsurpassable decade of overwhelmingly sweltering days and mercilessly chilly nights; in between,


Even if it takes an infinite mountains; a boundless number of treacherously jagged slopes and acrimoniously deep gorges; in between,


Even if it takes an infinite thunderstorms; fathomlessly unrelenting cloud showers of

treacherously acrid blood rain; in between,


Even if it takes an infinite parasites; satanically pulverizing and indiscriminately marauding monsters; in between,


Even if it takes an infinite wars; lethally penalizing abhorrence and graveyards of salaciously excoriating prejudice; in between,


Even if it takes an infinite gutters; brutally squelching shit and unsurpassable dungeons of criminally unforgiving oppression; in between,


Even if it takes an infinite ghosts; truculently cadaverous spirits trying to gruesomely devour even the most infinitesimal trace of happiness; in between,


Even if it takes an infinite nightmares; an unfathomable graveyard of livid carcasses that jinxed every aspect of existence; in between,


Even if it takes an infinite thrashings; lecherously heinous chains of cold-blooded barbarism and remorseful manipulation; in between,


Even if it takes an infinite abuses; every element of the obnoxiously conventional society assassinating the spirit of uninhibitedly timeless compassion; in between,


Even if it takes an infinite thorns; countless beds of torturously smoldering coal venomously baying trap on every conceivable path of the Universe; in between,


Even if it takes an infinite infernos; incomprehensibly gargantuan maelstroms of gorily scorching lava; in between,


Even if it takes an infinite kicks; a diabolically proliferating populace of dissolute devils decimating every construable constituent of amiability to invisible ash; in between,


Even if it takes an infinite sacrifices; an inexplicably tyrannically coffin of cancerous disease wholesomely asphyxiating every cell of the holistic body; in between,

Even if it takes an infinite dust storms; inexorably terrorizing heat ghastily evaporating the very last trace of blissful civilization burgeoning around; in



Even if it takes an infinite tickings of the grandfather clock; a limitless number of chimes of the indefatigably sweeping long arm; in between,


Even if it takes an infinite mockeries; insurmountably condemning slang raunchily trying to drown the wave of eternal friendship; in between,


And even if it takes an infinite deaths; the depraving dungeons of hell entirely swiping holistic traces of invincible life; in between,


One day we will unite in bonds of immortally sacred marriage; One day we will everlastingly illuminate every cranny of the miserably besieged atmosphere with

the essence of our triumphantly blended breath; O! Yes One day our love will win over every superfluous idiosyncrasy of this planet; with only the Almighty Lord to bless; bless and unassailably bless .