You Die; I Die - Part 1 - 50 Poems for Soul Stirring Love by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Suddenly my lips blossomed into a celestial smile; overshadowing all the bizarre apprehensions that I was confronted with; just few seconds ago,


Suddenly my eyes blended with an unfathomable fountain of dreams; relinquish every iota of gruesome blindness that had uncouthly besieged me since years,


Suddenly my hair stood up in ecstatic exhilaration; almost uprooting the scalp as they danced the dance of their lives; without a trace of diminutive wind,


Suddenly my blood galloped like infinite tornado’s through my veins; massacring all signs of devastating disease that had so irrevocably enveloped each of my senses,


Suddenly my palms started to indefatigably clap; rising with the profoundly exuberant breeze; in their perennial desire to kiss the mystical cocoon of glorious clouds,


Suddenly my teeth commenced to relentlessly chatter; and my throat sung the most fabulous song of its enslaved life,


Suddenly my ears erupted out of their spell of hopeless deafness; compassionately drifted to even the most infinitesimally exotic sound lingering around,


Suddenly my stomach reverberated with insatiable pangs of hunger; resolving to remain famished till eternity; even though I consumed the most appetizing morsels of

food on this planet,


Suddenly my shadow fluttered in ebullient enthrallment; surreally stretching its realms; beyond the land of seductively gyrating fairies,


Suddenly my fingers united to write boundless lines of poetry; sketching the fathomlessly mesmerizing contours of the enigmatic gorge; even though they were

brutally paralyzed,


Suddenly my neck enchantingly wandered in all directions; frantically searching for that slim ray of unparalleled excitement,


Suddenly my feet intransigently galloped through the romantically bountiful meadows; diffusing incomprehensible spurts of enthusiastic energy; on

every step they tread,


Suddenly my cheeks blushed astoundingly to a volatile crimson; inevitably attracting even the most insipid of dead grass blades; in their splendidly rubicund swirl,


Suddenly my skin developed countless royal goose-bumps; tantalizingly experiencing and basking in the glory; of magnificently vacillating weather,


Suddenly my pulse raced like a star shooting majestically from gregarious sky; even though I sat cross-legged; in the sullen heart of my ghastly corpse,


Suddenly my mind fantasized above the corridors of the incredulously extraordinary; perceiving the most mystically grandiloquent forms of this Universe; even when despondently enshrouded with treacherously deadly tumor,


Suddenly my soul united with the Omnipresently divine; and I felt that I had attained godly heaven; for fathomless more births of mine,


Suddenly I felt my heart throb passionately for all that was philanthropically beautiful on this earth; immortally bonding its beats with the ultimate soul mate of its dreams,


And suddenly I fell in love even before I could shrug the dreariness of the previous night; perpetually embracing the beloved who added optimistic dimensions

to my impoverished life; more importantly the girl who made me feel alive beyond my destined time .