Each ear on this gigantically colossal Universe; was bonded by the beautifully vespered essence; of ingratiatingly alluring sound,
Each nose on this marvelously fantastic Universe; was bonded by a overwhelmingly poignant whirlpool; of enamoringly evoking scent,
Each eye on this fathomlessly mystical Universe; was bonded by a fabulously emphatic ocean; of everlasting empathy,
Each lip on this astronomically mystical Universe; was bonded by a voluptuously mesmerizing battlefield; of tantalizing smile,
Each stomach on this incomprehensibly eclectic Universe; was bonded by insatiably augmenting pangs; of frenziedly ecstatic hunger,
Each palm on this fantastically gorgeous Universe; was bonded by an inexplicably vibrant flurry of; profusely poignant destiny lines,
Each bone on this invincibly boundless Universe; was bonded by a formidably integral mountain; of incredulously resilient strength,
Each skin on this bountifully endowing Universe; was bonded by a enthrallingly ebullient meadow; of vacillatingly glorious color,
Each finger on this ravishingly seductive Universe; was bonded by an intransigently amicable platform; of philanthropic friendship,
Each mind on this wonderfully serene Universe; was bonded by an unrelentingly rhapsodic blanket; of euphorically flaming fantasy,
Each blood on this eternally harmonious Universe; was bonded by the irrefutably ubiquitous religion; of marvelously benign humanity,
Each shadow on this vivaciously resplendent Universe; was bonded by an enchanting spell; of inexorably unending enigma,
Each throat on this celestially endowing Universe; was bonded by a blissfully divine wave; of effusively ardent sound,
Each lung on this insurmountably sacred Universe; was bonded by an indispensably exuberant cloud; of passionately embracing wind,
Each eyelid on this stupendously tingling Universe; was bonded by a unbelievably flirtatious radiance; of innocuous charm and frolic,
Each armpit on this unsurpassably intrepid Universe; was bonded by a perseveringly golden avalanche; of seductively sizzling sweat,
Each nostril on this compassionately united Universe; was bonded by a fervent cloudburst; of inevitably vital breath,
Each conscience on this vociferously blazing Universe; was bonded by an irrevocable whiff; of perpetual righteousness,
Each voice on this perennially spawning Universe; was bonded by an exhilarating inferno; of inscrutably eluding enthrallment,
And each heart on this astoundingly Godly Universe; was bonded by immortally unconquerable threads; of ecstatically proliferating love .