You Die; I Die - Part 1 - 50 Poems for Soul Stirring Love by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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She might be disastrously penurious; treacherously begging with her bizarrely mutilated palms on the solitary streets,

But the whites of her impeccably Godly eyes; harbored such vibrantly unending compassion for my diminutive persona; that was never ever  witnessed on this

gigantic earth before .


She might be tyrannically deprived; haplessly slithering on ruthlessly cold ground without even the most inconspicuous stroke of wonderful fortune,

But the contours of her magnanimously bountiful lips; harbored such ebullient jubilation for my resiliently advancing footsteps; that was never ever witnessed on

this fathomless earth before .


She might be horrendously maimed; gruesomely victimized by unscrupulously torturous elements of the acrimoniously conventional society,

But the resplendent festoon of her seductively enamoring eyelashes; harbored such irrefutably unshakable empathy for my wavering soul; that was never ever witnessed on this boundless earth before .


She might be appallingly blinded since the very first cry of her birth; pathetically tip-toeing at every juncture of life; at times horrifically staggering to coalesce with threadbare mud,

But the miraculously unflinching chords of her voice; harbored such impregnable conviction for my unconventionally righteous deeds; that was never ever

witnessed on this limitless earth before .


She might be disdainfully timid; a merely insipid caricature of mercurially minuscule bones; as she sadly stuttered at even the most inconspicuous draught of wind,

But the Omnisciently immaculate streams of blood in her body; harbored such affection for even the most evanescent of my shadow; that was never ever witnessed

on this gargantuan earth before .


She might be more blacker than abominably sooty charcoal in complexion; with every quarter of the turgidly lambasting society; spitting on her in sardonic nonchalance,

But the invincibly pristine aura circumventing every part of her demeanor; harbored such astronomical respect for my deserted countenance; that was never ever witnessed on this mesmerizing earth before .


She might be as deaf as a stone; with the world outside unstoppably abusing her; as they knew she would still continue to stoically smile at their demonish faces,

But the intricately sensuous conglomerate of veins in her sacrosanct visage; harbored such poignancy for my resurgently galloping stride; that was never ever

witnessed on this relentless earth before .

She might be rustically indigenous and simplistic; with even the most capricious iota of glamour being unsurpassable miles away from her rudimentary persona,

But the unassailable fireballs of perpetual breath in her nostrils; harbored such indefatigable support for each of my philanthropic mission; that was never ever

witnessed on this Herculean earth before .


And yes ; she might be existing in a tumbledown shack of frigid seaweed; right since the moment she emanated her very first breath; during the course of being

uncouthly whipped by the inclement planet outside; and till the last instant that she bid the earth a final goodbye,

But the glorious river of unconquerable beats in her heart; harbored such immortal love for my life and beyond; that was never ever witnessed on this eclectic

earth before .