You Die; I Die - Part 1 - 50 Poems for Soul Stirring Love by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I might not earn even an infinitesimal penny in the entire of my lifetime; discordantly wailing on the preposterously penurious streets,


I might get ruthlessly kicked at every quarter of the acridly conventional society; for paving an irrefutably sparkling path of my very own,


I might disdainfully stumble on every step that I tread; staggering in the aisles of remorseful nothingness as I valiantly followed the path of irrefutably philanthropic righteousness,


I might not savor even the most inconspicuous of accolade throughout the tenure of my entire life; being brutally squelched into my grave by the tyrannically thwarted world,


Come what may; but I will still keep solely following the inner most tunes of my heart; forever remain a slave of its invincibly mesmerizing and timeless beats; do exactly what it says .




I might treacherously lose even the most capricious iota of my voice; torturously overpowered by the uncouth globe from all sides,


I might get unsparingly maimed for the remainder of my life; as the rampantly marauding devils; snapped the fangs of my existence even before I could emanate my

first breath,


I might spend every unfurling second of the day in gruesomely morbid darkness; as the parasites of hell invidiously gouged my eyes; for ostensibly no fault of mine,


I might find myself incarcerated behind the diabolically sordid prison bars; as all superpowers of the earth incarcerated me for not blending with corridors of spurious ostentation and manipulative malice,

Come what may; but I will still keep solely following the inner most tunes of my heart; forever remain a slave of its poignantly seductive and unconquerable

beats; do exactly what it says .


2 .


I might pathetically coalesce with ominously threadbare dust for times immemorial; dissipating into an infinite fragments as the planet outside massacred

me left; right and sensitive center,


I might disappear forever into realms of nonchalantly lackadaisical oblivion; as elements of the barbarically ostracizing society didn’t tolerate the waves of uninhibited freedom; perpetually enshrouding my soul,


I might have to devour savagely coldblooded stones for each of my meals; as the planet preferred to give even the most fetid leftovers of their food; to the dogs in

the street instead,


I might inadvertently cause anguish to all around me; as they couldn’t bear to see an organism not blending with their barrels of sleazy wine and pompously

pretentious cigar smoke,


Come what may; but I will still keep solely following the inner most tunes of my heart; forever remain a slave of its  triumphantly exhilarating and godly

beats; do exactly what it says .


3 .


I might confront  boundless wars of gory prejudice; with the entire world outside endeavoring their best to horrifically pulverize even the most non-existent

bone of my nimble spine,


I might not even get a place to sequester my scalp in the heart of freezing midnight; with every conceivable dwelling on this fathomless earth; scornfully

thrusting the door in my solitary face, 


I might find myself deeper and deeper into my coffin as the minutes unveiled; with even the most intricate of my veins truculently ripped apart by watchdogs of

the whipping society,


I might waft the last breath of my destined life; with my pockets harboring nothing else but unparalleled love; worthless dust and indescribable poverty,


Come what may; but I will still keep solely following the inner most tunes of my heart; forever remain a slave of its tantalizingly fascinating and immortal

beats; do exactly what it says .