You Die; I Die - Part 1 - 50 Poems for Soul Stirring Love by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Benign was the rhythm of eternal mankind; Omnipotently diffusing the fragrance of unflinching solidarity; for times immemorial,


Melodious was the rhythm of the dainty waterfall; disseminating into an island of unbelievably rhapsodic froth; every unfurling instant of the day,


Omniscient was the rhythm of the flamboyantly blistering Sun; filtering a path of vibrant optimism; through the life of even the most derogatorily shivering organism alive,


Cacophonic was the rhythm of the discordantly croaking frogs; perniciously infiltrating the blissful atmosphere; with an ominous web of disparagingly

dissatisfied sounds,


Impoverished was the rhythm of the treacherously coldblooded devils; savagely massacring holistic civilizations; to spuriously satiate their tastebuds with innocuously sacred blood,


Ruthless was the rhythm of the unsparingly slicing knife; uncouthly excoriating even the most immaculate of entities; to insidiously gleam well past the heart of devilish midnight,


Ingratiating was the rhythm of the stupendously redolent flower; blossoming into a festoon of marvelously exotic scent; every unleashing minute under perennially golden sunshine,


Ubiquitous was the rhythm of gloriously altruistic humanity; unassailably bonding every human irrespective of caste; creed or worthless color; in the stream of compassionate sharing; charismatically alike,


Phlegmatic was the rhythm of the reticently pot-bellied tortoise; languidly feasting under the profoundly enchanting rays of Sun; blissfully snoozing under its obdurate shell; even in the most horrendously vicious of maelstroms,


Rebellious was the rhythm of the brutally incarcerated scorpion; venomously swirling its tail in infinite circles; to whomsoever who dared glimpse its gruesomely tyrannized form,


Enigmatic was the rhythm of the flirtatiously dancing spider; interweaving a tale of majestic artistry; criscrossing through a paradise of boundless silk and sheen,


Blazing was the rhythm of the patriotically intrepid soldier; fearlessly embarking upon a mission to relinquish even the very last iota of his breath; for the sake of his magnificently sacrosanct motherland,


Garrulous was the rhythm of the indefatigably chattering monkey; rambunctiously perpetuating tranquil carpets of the resplendent forests; with an unfathomable valley of vivacious sounds,


Shrewd was the rhythm of the manipulative tycoon; who hideously weaved a trail of artificially sardonic sweetness round all his employees; to eventually extricate the maximum of his bombastic choice,


Panoramic was the rhythm of the vividly whistling clouds; euphorically surging forward to jubilantly bask in the glory; of unprecedentedly satiny timelessness,


Impeccable was the rhythm of the freshly born child; divinely replenishing even the most sordidly shattered of hearts; with the Omnipresent mantra of vibrantly

titillating life,


Tantalizing was the rhythm of the chirpily nubile maiden; culminating into a downpour of torrentially everlasting sensuousness; on every nimble step that

she sacredly tread,


Perpetual was the rhythm of fabulously fecund breath; astoundingly spawning a township of ever-pervading newness; in each cranny of the earth that it magically



Irrefutable was the rhythm of unequivocally Godly truth; pioneering a Universe of unending prosperity; in the soul of whomsoever who unflinchingly harbored



Passionate was the rhythm of the unconquerable thundering heart; fulminating into a sky of amiable togetherness more vociferously; as the day sped into the regally iridescent night,


And immortal was the rhythm of symbiotically melanging love; existing as the most priceless flame of life; existing as the only kiss that could invincibly kick

death forever away .