You Die; I Die - Part 1 - 50 Poems for Soul Stirring Love by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When I wasn’t looking at her ravishingly tantalizing hair; the vivaciously marvelous strands of silk on her priceless scalp; that royally swayed with the grandiloquent breeze,

Every part of my heart; soul; and conscience; still profusely admired her sacrosanct forehead; the irrefutably indefatigable creases of determination; that euphorically sprawled all over .


When I wasn’t looking at her majestically sculptured forehead; the princely way in which it drifted with the enchantingly satiny winds,

Every part of my heart; soul; and conscience; still ecstatically admired her piquantly poignant nose; the stupendous exhilaration that she miraculously generated; with every exotic breath of hers .


When I wasn’t looking at her boisterously pristine nose; the impeccably charming embellishments of bountiful beauty; that it had inherently adorned,

Every part of my heart; soul; and conscience; still unfathomably admired her voluptuously tantalizing lips; the infernos of untamed desire that she

triggered; with just a single kiss .


When I wasn’t looking at her incredulously seductive lips; the cloud of relentless fascination that they weaved; on even the most dolorously languid winds of

the atmosphere that they caressed,

Every part of my heart; soul; and conscience; still intransigently admired her wonderfully blushing cheeks; the crimson streaks of celestial passion that

they transited into; with just a single run my groping fingers .


When I wasn’t looking at her marvelously aristocratic cheeks; the overwhelmingly scarlet tinges of innocence embedded within; that unequivocally made her the most

beautiful woman on this Universe,

Every part of my heart; soul; and conscience; still intractably admired her beautifully immaculate neck; the extraordinarily sensuous wave of imagination that

enveloped her Omniscient grace; from all sides .


When I wasn’t looking at her blissfully ingratiating neck; the magnetically queenly charisma that fabulously wafted; every time she delectably maneuvered it; to the tunes of the ebulliently cascading rain,

Every part of my heart; soul; and conscience; still uninhibitedly admired her divinely Omnipotent chest; the unflinching thunderbolts of patriotism in her nimble visage; to wholesomely free her murderously besieged motherland .


When I wasn’t looking at her handsomely exotic chest; the oceans of charismatically unending intrigue that overwhelmingly radiated; from her innocently untainted


Every part of my heart; soul; and conscience; still irrevocably admired her tantalizingly rhetoric belly; as she compassionately gyrated it till times

immemorial; under the alluringly pearly beams of resplendent moonlight .


When I wasn’t looking at her unsurpassably titillating belly; the unstoppable sparks of vibrant electricity emanating; that profoundly enlightened even the most the remorseful of morbid graves,

Every part of my heart; soul; and conscience; still incessantly admired her philanthropically heavenly palms; the unprecedented reservoir of gorgeous destiny

lines encapsulated inside; that formidably evolved every aspect of my impoverished existence .


When I wasn’t looking at her sagaciously candid palms; the fathomless sea of sparkling humanity; that they altruistically disseminated for centuries immemorial;

and every time this earth was born,

Every part of my heart; soul; and conscience; still exuberantly admired her scintillatingly Godly feet; the unshakably glittering path of humanitarian

righteousness that they spawned; on every squalid patch of earth they tread .


And when I wasn’t looking at her miraculously ubiquitous feet and any element of her demeanor at all; the astronomical benevolence that diffused magically; in every scented word that she spoke,

Every part of my heart; soul; and conscience; still immortally admired her gloriously Omnipresent reflections of unassailable love; her unconquerable fragrance of mankind; that eternally transpired the entire planet; towards a township of endless beauty; towards a world of united existence .