You Die; I Die - Part 1 - 50 Poems for Soul Stirring Love by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Take me away this very moment O! Almighty Lord; vanquishing every part of my body into countless bits of; frigidly threadbare ash,

But not without her magically celestial smiles; keeping me immortally happy; even after sadistically ghastly and rotten death .


Take me away this very moment O! Almighty Lord; pulverizing every holistic bone in my persona; topathetically insidious and infinitesimal; squelched mosquito curry,

But not without her immaculately Omnipotent voice; which insatiably propelled me to fantasize beyond realms of bountifully eternal eternity; even after morbidly remorseful and tyrannical death .


Take me away this very moment O! Almighty Lord; brutally smashing the poignantly intricate arenas of my countenance; against the chain of satanically blood coated rocks,

But not without her ravishingly satiny grace; which made me feel like the most blessedly blissful man alive; even after dolorously vindictive and lecherous

death .


Take me away this very moment O! Almighty Lord; pugnaciously decimating each iota of my blood and vein; into obsolete wisps of devastated chowder,

But not without her ardently silken shadow; which made me gloriously assimilate the fathomless treasures on this radiantly unfathomable Universe; even after

abominably abhorrent and viciously battering death .


Take me away this very moment O! Almighty Lord; heinously deluging even the non-existent parts of my demeanor; with a dungeon of ludicrously crippling darkness,

But not without her seductively majestic stride; which made me perennially yearn for languishing in the arms of flaming passion; even after torturously appalling and gory death .


Take me away this very moment O! Almighty Lord;  barbarically exploding my robust body; into unsurpassable corpses of unprecedented suffering,

But not without her gorgeously priceless scent; which made me like an irrefutable prince of ubiquitous philanthropism; even after sardonically penalizing and cursed death .


Take me away this very moment O! Almighty Lord; lambasting every pore of my skin; with infinite swords of venomously deadly scorpion,

But not without her rustically timeless tradition; which made me handsomely cling to my humanitarian rudiments for times immemorial; even after atrociously bitter and debilitating death .


Take me away this very moment O! Almighty Lord; maliciously blending every bit of my ecstatic jubilation; with inconspicuously perilous ghosts wandering freely in the island of hell,

But not without her puffs of vibrantly spell binding breath; which made me feel as if I was reborn a countless times in order to uninhibitedly love; even after disastrously prurient and cold blooded death .


And take me away this very moment O! Almighty Lord; snapping the fangs of my precious existence; without the tiniest of insinuation; horrifically donating my

flesh thereafter to the unsurpassable fleet of diabolical devils,

But not without her unassailably passionate heartbeats; which made me feel perpetually bouncing and wholesomely dedicated to the cause of spawning

gregariously new life; even after mockingly mortifying and absolute death .