You Die; I Die - Part 1 - 50 Poems for Soul Stirring Love by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I might appear to be a diminutive mosquito; but mind you I could stand taller than the colossal mountain; defend myself against the mightiest of attacks; if anyone tried to hurt her in her blissful way,


I might appear to be an inconspicuous blade of creased grass; but mind you I could gain proportions befitting the diabolical dinosaur; if anyone sighted her with

licentious desire,


I might appear to be an infinitesimally squashed mushroom; but mind you I had the unfathomable capacity to become the entire forest deluged with acerbic thorns; if anyone tried to plot heinously evil behind her immaculate back,


I might appear to be a non-existent speck of dirt; but mind you I could rise menacingly and more towering than the blue skies; if anyone tried to perilously

barge in while she was celestially asleep,


I might appear to be a droplet of blotted gutter water lying dilapidated in a remotely obsolete heap; but mind you I had the tenacity to become more tumultuous

than the rampantly swirling oceans; if anyone tried to dangerously ogle at her; even within boundless kilometers of her sacrosanct vicinity,


I might appear to be a harmlessly distorted chunk of plain glass being ruthlessly kicked on the desolate streets; but mind you I had the overwhelming capacity

to become more mammoth than the impregnable fortress; if anyone tried to pummel her to the ground with his fists,


I might appear to be just a disdainfully neglected rusty iron nail; but mind you I could become the entire battlefield inundated with pugnaciously hostile arrows; if anyone tried to vindictively embed his unruly nails into her voluptuously dainty skin,


I might appear to be just an insipid follicle of hair waiting miserably on the ground to blend with miserably shivering dust; but mind you I possessed the prowess to metamorphose into all tigers of the jungle; savagely trying to rip apart entities into infinite fragments; if anyone tried to perniciously mess up with her sacred life,


I might appear to be a profusely crinkled petal of the flower being blown further and further every instant with each draught of exuberant wind; but mind you I had the capacity to become the viciously circulating cyclone of the deserts; if anyone tried to

forcefully blow his satanic breath down her mesmerizing nape,


I might appear to be a torn rag of cloth being mercilessly thrashed every day on the washing floor; but mind you I had the capacity to become a demon with

barbarically bloodshot eyes; if anyone tried to hamper her divinely progress; refrain her from boisterously surging forward in life,


I might appear to be a shattered shell; seeming to be mystically lost amongst the unsurpassable blanket of sands sprawled on the shores; but mind you I had the

capacity to become a belligerent battlefield of crabs; ready to stab lethal amounts of poison with my tentacles; if anyone tried to shout murderously loud into her intricately tinkling ears,


I might appear to be an frigidly rotting matchstick without flames; but mind you I had the capacity to become a blazing conflagration soaring astronomically

high to blend with the clouds; if anyone tried to surreptitiously aim a bullet at her from behind the sleazy bushes,


I might appear to be an invisible blob of miserly paint adhering to the ghost walls; but mind you I had the capacity to become the incomprehensibly long python; raring to pulverize succulent prey into bits of bashed mincemeat; if anyone tried to cast a spell

of detrimental voodoo upon her impeccably charismatic grace,


I might appear to be staggering wisps of smoke coalescing every unfurling second with open space; but mind you I had the capacity to become the meadow

embodied with countless gleaming knives; if anyone tried to touch her without her prior consent,


I might appear to be a strand of pathetically broken web; but mind you I had the capacity to become a fathomlessly deep dungeon replete with stinging

scorpions; if anyone tried to intentionally trespass her in her irrefutably heavenly path,


I might appear to be a dismally flickering beam of frivolous light; disappearing in meek submission after daylight; but mind you I had the capacity to become

the entire godown stuffed with venomous gas; ready to explode and char individuals to ethereal ash; if anyone ventured to forcefully invade into her dwelling after midnight,


I might appear to be a soiled banana skin waiting for my time to be dumped into the deplorable dustbin; but mind you I had the capacity to transform into a treacherously malicious gorge; insidiously devouring all who came into my swirl; if anyone tried to slap her rubicund flesh,


I might appear to be a deflated tyre tube gasping like a new born infant for tons of fresh air; but mind you I had the capacity to become a fleet of menacingly

moving maniacal trains; squelching even the most smallest particle that came my way; if anyone tried to dictate his spurious set of terms upon her spell binding  countenance,


And I might appear to be just a worthless molecule; awaiting to get brutally trampled as pedestrians walked gently on the lanes; but mind you I had the capacity to become all the united strength of this Universe in one go; bury living beings with ruthlessly

proliferating ease well beneath their coffins; if anyone tried to steal her from me; even perceived the faintest to make her anything other than mine .