You Die; I Die - Part 1 - 50 Poems for Soul Stirring Love by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When I brought her a blissfully bedazzling star; she instantaneously demanded from me the entire fathomless cosmos; perennially studded with a countless amiable stars,


When I brought her a beautifully serene leaf; she instantaneously demanded from me entire gigantic tree; ravishingly swaying with a countless enchantingly enigmatic leaves,


When I brought her an ingratiating pinch of rain-soaked mud; she instantaneously demanded from me the entire boundless  earth; bountifully blessed with countless fields of sensuously virile mud,


When I brought her an unbelievably rejuvenating droplet of froth; she instantaneously demanded from me the entire unceasing ocean; ecstatically undulating with a countless droplets of poignant froth,


When I brought her a profusely exhilarated epitome of the hillock; she instantaneously demanded from me the entire unfathomable Everest; impregnably fortified with a countless inimitable hillocks and unconquerable epitomes,


When I brought her a priceless note of soothing melody; she instantaneously demanded from me the entire ubiquitous atmosphere; burgeoning every royal instant with countless waves of stupendously ameliorating music,


When I brought her a profoundly original sketch; she instantaneously demanded from me the entire affable landscape; inherently curled with a countless Omnipotent sketches of mother nature divine,


When I brought her an unflinchingly golden ray of light; she instantaneously demanded from me the entire Omnipresent Sun; permeating every ounce of the lugubrious earth with countless rays of optimism; hope and shine,


When I brought her a whisper of undefeated sensuality; she instantaneously demanded from me the entire voluptuous night; vividly enriched with a countless flavors and shapes of enthralling sensuality,


When I brought her a granule of insuperably glistening sand; she instantaneously demanded from me the entire majestic desert; magically sizzling every sorrow under the blistering Sun; and with a countless granules of inscrutable sand,


When I brought her a spell-bindingly romantic poem; she instantaneously demanded from me the entire timeless nature; from which sprouted a countless lines of heavenly poetry-every unfurling instant of the day and magnetic night,

When I brought her a compassionately perpetual beat; she instantaneously demanded from me the entire wondrous heart; indefatigably throbbing to the pulse of a countless bonding beats,


When I brought her a puff of jubilantly thunderous cloud; she instantaneously demanded from me the entire undefeated sky; bounteously laden with a countless puffs of miraculously enamoring clouds,


When I brought her an impeccably frozen cubicle; she instantaneously demanded from me the entire pristine avalanche; adroitly intertwined with a countless frozen cubicles of intrepidly thrilling ice,


When I brought a tranquilly fantasizing dewdrop; she instantaneously demanded from me the entire untamed grassland; rejoicing in the true spirit of life at the crack of midnight; and with a countless rivulets of golden dew,


When I brought her a bewitchingly scarlet petal of rose; she instantaneously demanded from me the entire everlasting garden; where there swished a countless ebullient rose-breathless in anticipation of every stroke of the invincibly virile breeze,


When I brought her an immaculately unparalleled pearl; she instantaneously demanded from me the entire silken moon; perennially enlightening every ounce of perilous blackness with countless pearls of milky light,


When I brought her a triumphantly scintillating crown; she instantaneously demanded from me the entire infallible kingdom; the complete queenly control over countless ordinary lives and crowns,


Thus, thoroughly familiar with her insatiably greedy mentality—I in advance brought her the entire love on this endlessly fructifying Universe-- but this time I got the greatest shock of my life—as she instantaneously demanded from me only mine- and forever and ever and ever; only mine .