unto thee by K J Tesar - HTML preview

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Living in the Eternal


The last of the old crowd has gone,

Their smiling faces departed with her,

Leaving a desolate place in our hearts

A void,

Never to be replenished.

Always was their time spent well,

With never a moment wasted,

Or thrown away on life's superfluous.

Year by year, one by one, they left us

Alone here now, where memories flourish,

Growing evermore with each of their passings.

Their final days always a difficult thing

To watch, and to endure.

With hallways now empty

and quiet,


Their voices still ring clear in our thoughts.

We feel their warmth in our hearts,

We hold their spirits deep within.

Their joyous assembly in the eternal

Would be a great thing to behold,

A celebration of immense delight,

and wonder.


One chapter ends, and the unending begins,

Their bodies now young and strong,

Free from the constraints, and weight of age.

We will see them again

The old crowd,

When the time is right.

Then with hearty cry

They will receive us into their gathering,

They will surround us with good cheer,

And welcome us into their fold,

Living in the eternal.