unto thee by K J Tesar - HTML preview

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The Wonder of Resolve


Where does your strength come from?

Your endless depths of courage,

A flare forever lighting your way.

Life interrupts with life’s needless millstones,

But you carry the load, you hold firm.

The determination in you

A thing of wonder to behold.


Pushed down, but never flattened,

Weighed on heavily, but never crushed,

You return with yet more resolve.

To buckle not even to be considered.

With the right path slowly unwinding,

Coming into view.


You bide your time,

Your fortitude keeps you grounded.

Most of your life, almost a fight,

A constant struggle, renewed and renewed.

The ill fortunes of fate

Blew harsh winds onto your path.


With no choice or blame

Barricades were set in your way,

With each obstacle taking a toll,

Trying to break you down.

Life’s battle has made you more intent,

The harsh winds blowing

Serve only to strengthen your belief,


To face life’s inflictions head on,

To look them in the eye.

You will be the one to win,

Sturdy might will not be denied.

You walk undaunted towards the next trial,

Stronger, only ever stronger.