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 Bell refers to Charles Bell, A Portrait of a Dalai Lama: The Life and Times of the Great Thirteenth(London: Wisdom Publications, 1987).

Dhondup refers to K. Dhondup, The Water-bird and Other Years: A History of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama and After(New Delhi: Rangwang Publishers, 1986).

Gelder refers to Gelder and Gelder, The Timely Rain: Travels in New Tibet(London: Hutchinson, 1964).

Goetz refers to John Goetz, ‘On the Outs with the Dalai Lama’, NOW Magazine (Toronto, Canada) Vol. 17, No. 21, 22-28 January 1998.

Goldstein (1) refers to Melvyn C. Goldstein, The Snow Lion and the Dragon – China, Tibet and the Dalai Lama(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997).

Goldstein (2) refers to Melvyn C. Goldstein, A History of Modern Tibet Volume 1: 1913-1951 The Demise of the Lamaist State(Berkeley, Los Angeles & London: University of California, 1989).

Grunfeld refers to Tom A. Grunfeld, The Making of Modern Tibet (New York & London: M.E. Sharpe 1996).

 Kundeling Rinpoche refers to Kundeling Rinpoche, Interview with Gen Kelsang Tharchin, New York & Washington, May 1998, (unpublished). Lazarrefers to Edward Lazar (ed.), Tibet, the Issue is Independence (Parallax Press/Full Circle, 1998).

 Norbu refers to Jamyang Norbu, refers to Jamyang Norbu, 2004(New York: High Asia Press, 2004)

 Powers refers to John Powers, Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism, (New York: Snow Lion Publications, 2007).

Shakabpa refers to Tsepon W. D. Shakabpa, Tibet: A Political History (New York: Potala Publications, 1984).

 Swiss TV refers to Beat Regli, ‘Dalai Lama: Discord in Exile’, 10 vor 10, (DRS Swiss Television), January 1998.

Yamaguchi refers to Zuiho Yamaguchi, The Sovereign Power of the Fifth Dalai Lama: sPrul sku gZims-khang-gong-ma and the Removal of Governor Norbu, Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko (The Oriental Library) No.55, (Tokyo: The Tokyo Bunko, 1995).

References and notes:

 1. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche (tr. David Molk), Music Delighting an Ocean of Protectors, [http://dorjeshugden.com/wp/?page_id=52].

2. Fifth Dalai Lama, in Tibetan: ’Jam.mgön rgyal.wa’i bsten.srung rdo.rje shugs.lden kyi ’phrin.bchol bhjoks.bsdus, published by Sera Mey Monastery, p14; English translation (unattributed.), Prayer by the 5th Dalai Lama to Gyelchen Dorje Shugden, [ http:// dorjeshugden.com/wp/?page_id=341, 21 September 2009]. For another English translation (unattributed.), see Fifth Dalai Lama, Propitiation of Shugden by the Great Fifth Dalai Lama, [www. shugdensociety.info/Bernis2EN.html, 21 September 2009].

3. [http://dorjeshugden.com/wp/?p=220] See also Trinley Kalsang, [http://www.dorjeshugdenhistory.org/trode-khangsar. html].

4. Fourteenth Dalai Lama, in Tibetan: ’Jam mgon rgyal ba’i bstan srung rgyal chen rdo rje shugs ldan rtsal la ’phrin las bcol ba ’gag med rdo rje sgra dbyangs bzhugs so; English translation, Melody of the Unceasing Vajra: A Propitiation of Mighty Gyalchen Dorje Shugden, Protector of Conqueror Manjushri Tsongkhapa’s Teachings, (tr. Western Shugden Society). For another and complete English translation, see www.dorjeshugden.com/Prayers/Melody of the Unceasing Vajra by the 14th Dalai Lama.

5. Anonymous, Ocean of Truth Explained(in Tibetan: gtam drang bden rgya mtsho). The author worked for the Tibetan government and concealed his identity. The other sources of personal testimony referred to in this chapter have requested that their identities be withheld, to protect their own lives and the lives of their friends and relatives.

6. ‘Boy chosen by Dalai Lama as reincarnation of spiritual leader turns back on Buddhist order’, [http://www.guardian.co.uk/ world/2009/may/31/dalailama-osel-hita-torres, 31 May 2009].

 7. ‘Osel’s awakening, a kid against his destiny’, Babylon Magazine, [http://www.magazinebabylon.com/BabylonMagazine5.pdf].

8. ‘Hypocrite Dalai Lama, Report from India’, The Tibetan Situation Today, (Western Shugden Society, London, 2008) [http://www.westernshugdensociety.org/files/tibetan_situation. pdf]

 9. Tony Clifton, ‘Cult Mystery’, Newsweek, 28 April 1997.

10. [http://www.westernshugdensociety.org/en/reports/ open-letter-from-western-shugdensociety/].

 11. Phuntsog Wangyal, ‘The Influence of Religion on Tibetan Politics’, The Tibet Journal, ed., Tsering, Vol.1, July-Sept 1975, 78-86.

12. Ibid.

13. ‘Nechung – The State Oracle of Tibet’, The Government of Tibet in Exile Official Website, [http://www.tibet.com, 23 August 2008]. Although this website says that word ‘oracle’ refers to a spirit that enters a human being, an oracle normally means a human being through whom a spirit is believed to speak.

 14. Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Freedom in Exile(Great Britain, Abacus edition, 2002), 233-4.

15. Ibid. 233-4.

 16. Ibid. 235.

 17. Ibid. 236.

 18. Norbu, 290-1.

 19. Ibid. 291.

 20. Dhondup, 148.

 21. Bell, 440

 22. Ibid. 436

 23. Ibid. 436-7.

 24. Goldstein (2), 141

 25. Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark, quoted in Norbu, 290-1.

26. Norbu, 292.

 27. Tibet in Exile, [www.dorjeshugden.com/articles/TibetinExile. pdf, 29 September 2008].

28. Ibid.

 29. Goldstein (1), 108-9.

 30. Norbu, 292.

31. Helmut Gassner, ‘Dalai Lama, Dorje Shugden’, Speech to Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation, Hamburg, 26 March 1998, 3, 4 & 8, [http://www.dorjeshugden.com/articles/ HelmutGassner01.pdf & http://www.tibet-internal.com/ SpeechAtNaumannFoundation.PDF, 23 September 2009]

 32. Norbu, 293-4.

33. James Belither, ‘Chronicle of Events’, The Dalai Lama: A Report on the Dalai Lama’s Abuses of Human Rights and Religious Freedoms, (Ulverston, 1997), 40.

 34. Victor & Victoria Trimondi,Shadow of the Dalai Lama– Part II – 7. 2003, [www.iivs.de].

 35. See reference 33.

 36. John Goetz & Jochen Graebert, Panorama ARD – German TV, 20 November 1997.

 37. The Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Freedom in Exile, (Great Britain, Abacus edition, 2002), 133.

38. Dorje Tseten, ‘Tibetan Art of Divination’, The Government of Tibet in Exile website, (Tibetan Bulletin, March-April 1995), [www. tibet.com/Buddhism/Divination.html, 22 September 2009].

39. Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Talk at Sera Monastery, 1980. The Dalai Lama also mentions making decisions by using oracles, dream and divination by throwing dough-balls in A Talk Concerning Shugden Practice 13 July 1978, from An Anthology of Talks Given by His Holiness The Dalai Lama Concerning Reliance Upon the Dharma Protectors, (Dharamsala: LTWA).

 40. J. C. Deus, ‘Is the Dalai Lama a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?’, Mas Alla de la CienciaNo.103, September 1997.

 41. Grunfeld, 28.

42. Quoted in H.R.H. Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark’s chapter, Tibetan Oracles, in James F. Fisher,Himalayan Anthropology . The Indo-Tibetan Interface(The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1978), 287.

 43. Powers, 475.

 44. Ram Rahul, Dalai Lama: The Institution(New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1995), 29.

45. Powers, 163-4; & Shakabpa, 100-3.

 46. Yamaguchi.

 47. Ibid.

 48. Shakabpa, 103.

 49. Ibid. 105.

 50. Ibid. 105.

 51. Goldstein (1), 9.

 52. Yamaguchi, 8.

 53. Powers, 168.

 54. Yamaguchi, 10.

55. Marylin M. Rhie & Robert A. F. Thurman, Wisdom and Compassion: The Sacred Art of Tibet(Tibet House/Abradale Press, 1997), 300-1

 56. Quoted in Yamaguchi, 16.

57. For details of Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen’s death see: Yamaguchi; & Kundeling Rinpoche,An Authority in Question, (unpublished thesis), 28-30; &A Talk Concerning Shugden Practice 13 July 1978, fromAn Anthology of Talks Given by His Holiness The Dalai Lama Concerning Reliance Upon the Dharma Protectors, (Dharamsala, LTWA).

 58. Kundeling Rinpoche, An Authority in Question, (unpublished thesis), 28-30.

59. Yamaguchi, 17.

 60. See reference 1.

 61. Thiswasa‘blessingempowerment’andnota‘lifeempowerment’.

62. From an unpublished transcript of oral teachings.

 63. See reference 2.

 64. Yamaguchi, 19.

 65. Ibid.

 66. Ibid. 23.

 67. Ibid. 25.

68. Elliott Sperling ‘Orientalism’ and Aspects of Violence in the Tibetan Tradition, Imagining Tibet, Thierry Dodin & Heinz Räther (eds.), (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2001), 319.

69. Ibid. 318.

 70. Shakabpa, 123.

71. Elliott Sperling ‘Orientalism’ and Aspects of Violence in the Tibetan Tradition, Imagining Tibet, Thierry Dodin & Heinz Räther (eds.), (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2001), 318

72. Cabinet of the Tibetan Government in Exile (Dharamsala), ‘Kashag’s Statement concerning Dhogyal,’ May 31st 1996, [http://www.dalailama.com/page.134.htm (accessed September 24, 2009)]

73. Shakabpa, 125.

 74. Ibid. 126.

 75. K. Dhondup, Songs of the Sixth Dalai Lama, (Dharamsala: LTWA, 1996).

 76. Shakabpa, 128 & 132.

 77. Inder L. Malik, Dalai Lamas of Tibet: Succession of Births(New Delhi: Uppal Publishing House, 1984), 29.

78. Grunfeld, 43.

 79. Shakabpa, 129.

 80. Ibid. 129.

 81. Ibid., 137-8

 82. Ibid. 141.

 83. Ibid. 140-1.

 84. Ibid. 147.

 85. Ibid. 147-50.

 86. Ibid. 152.

 87. Powers, 173.

 88. Ram Rahul, Dalai Lama: The Institution(New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House), 54.

89. Dhondup, 2-3.

 90. Bell, 70 & 72.

 91. Goldstein (2), 49-50.

 92. Goldstein (1), 27-8.

 93. Dhondup, 39.

 94. Ibid. 43.

 95. Ibid. 44.

 96. Ibid. 45-6 & 66.

 97. Ibid. 46 & Bell, 141-2.

98. Thirteenth Dalai Lama, ‘Political Testament’, quoted in Inder L. Malik, Dalai Lamas of Tibet: Succession of Births(New Delhi: Uppal Publishing House, 1984), 51.

99. Dhondup, 50.

 100. Bell, 141.

 101. Dhondup, 56, 67-9 & 75-6; & Goldstein (2), 112-20.

102. From A Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet by Sarat Chandra Das, William Woodville Rockhill, (Great Britain: Royal Geographical Society 1902), quoted in The Opening of  Tibet: An Account of  Lhasa and the Country and People of  Central Tibet and of  the Progress of  the Mission Sent There by the English Government in the Year 1903-4 by Perceval Landon (London: Doubleday Page & Co., 1905), 116. The full text of  which can be found: [http://www.archive.org/stream/openingtibetana01youngoog/openingtibetana01youngoog_djvu.txt].

103. Perceval Landon, The Opening of Tibet: An Account of Lhasa and the Country and People of Central Tibet and of the Progress of the Mission Sent There by the English Government in the Year 1903-4(London: Doubleday Page & Co., 1905), 116. (An account of this incident also appears in L. Austine Waddell, Lhasa and its Mysteries (London: Methuen & Co, 1929), 7-9, where it recounts that even the Lama’s relatives were imprisoned for life.)

104. Ibid. 212 & 341; & Goldstein (2), 42-3.

 105. Bell, 62-3.

 106. Ibid. 178.

107. Perceval Landon, The Opening of Tibet: An Account of Lhasa and the Country and People of Central Tibet and of the Progress of the Mission Sent There by the English Government in the Year 1903-4 (London: Doubleday Page & Co., 1905).

108. Ibid.

 109. Bell, 180.

 110. Ibid. 179.

 111. Ibid. 62.

 112. Alan Winnington, Tibet: Record of a Journey(London: Lawrence & Wisheart 1957), 98-9.

 113. Grunfeld, 24.

 114. Robert W. Ford, Wind Between the Worlds: Captured in Tibet(1957) 37.

 115. Grunfeld, 24.

116. Anna Louise Strong, When Serfs stood up in Tibet (Peking: New World Press, 1960) Chapter 8, [http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/strong-anna-louise/1959/tibet/ch08.htm].

117. Bell, 183.

 118. Bell, 197.

 119. Dhondup, 64.

 120. Ibid. 65 & Bell, 438.

 121. Dhondup, 148-9.

 122. Quoted in John Goetz & Jochen Graebert, Panorama ARD– German TV, 20 November 1997.

 123. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Heart Jewel(Ulverston: Tharpa Publications, 2009), 122.

 124. Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Union of Bliss and Emptiness(Snow Lion Publications, 1988), 26.

 125. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Heart Jewel(Ulverston: Tharpa Publications, 2009), 92.

 126. Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Freedom in Exile(Great Britain, Abacus edition, 2002), 90.

 127. Fourteenth Dalai Lama, My Land and My People(New York: Warner Books Edition, 1997), 24.

128. Goldstein (1), 45.

 129. Ibid. 45.

 130. Ibid. 44.

 131. Goldstein (2), 772.

 132. Fourteenth Dalai Lama, My Land & My People(New York: Warner Books Edition, 1997), 62.

133. Goldstein (2), 743.

 134. Grunfeld, 109.

 135. Goldstein (1), 47.

 136. Goldstein (2), 800 & 812-3.

 137. Ibid. 643-4.

 138. Goldstein (1), 52.

 139. Alan Winnington, Tibet: A Record of a Journey(Lawrence and Wisheart 1957), 132 & 135.

 140. Fourteenth Dalai Lama, ‘His Journey’, Time, 4 October 1999.

141. Quoted in Grunfeld, 119.

 142. Ibid. 141.

 143. Gelder, 210.

 144. Grunfeld, 143.

 145. Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Freedom in Exile(Great Britain, Abacus edition, 2002), 149.

146. See reference 31.

 147. Swiss TV Part 3.

148. Helmut Gassner, ‘Dalai Lama, Dorje Shugden’, Speech to Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation, Hamburg, 26 March 1999, 3, 4 & 8, [http://www.dorjeshugden.com/articles/ HelmutGassner01.pdf & http://www.tibet-internal.com/ SpeechAtNaumannFoundation.PDF, accessed 23 September 23 2009].

 149. John F. Avedon, In Exile from the Land of Snows (Wisdom Books, 1985), 269.

 150. John Roberts, ‘How the CIA Saved the Dalai Lama’, George Magazine, October 1997.

151. Grunfeld, 155.

 152. Quoted, ibid. 155-6.

 153. Gelder, 220.

 154. Grunfeld, 138-9.

 155. Ibid. 144.

 156. Ibid. 144.

 157. Fourteenth Dalai Lama, My Land & My People(New York: Warner Books Edition, 1997), 168.

158. Ibid. 167-8.

 159. Ibid. 168.

 160. Gelder, illustration facing 160.

161. Edward Lazar, ‘Independence or Accommodation?’ in The Anguish of Tibet, eds. Kelly, Bastien, Aiello, (Berkeley: Parallax Press, 1991), 306.

162. Lhasang Tsering, ‘The Issue is Independence’ in Lazar, 37.

 163. Jamyang Norbu, ‘The Heart of the Matter’ in Lazar, 32.

 164. Tashi-TobgyeJamyangling,‘TheIssueisIndependence’,inLazar,72.

 165. Goldstein (1), 88.

 166. Lhasang Tsering, quoted in Goetz.

 167. Goldstein (1), 87-8.

168. Edward Lazar, ‘Independence or Accommodation?’ in The Anguish of Tibet, eds. Kelly, Bastien, Aiello, (Berkeley: Parallax Press, 1991), 308.

169. Ibid. 307-8.

 170. Ibid. 306.

 171. Grunfeld, 141.

 172. Fourteenth Dalai Lama, My Land & My People(New York: Warner Books Edition, 1977), 85 & 87.

173. Gelder, 204-5.

 174. Grunfeld, 141.

175. James Belither, ‘A Cry for Help’, The Dalai Lama: A Report on the Dalai Lama’s Abuses of Human Rights and Religious Freedoms, (Ulverston, 1997), 10 & Norbu, 18.

176. The Times of India, Delhi, 30 May 1996.

 177. Pico Iyer, ‘The God in Exile’, Time, 22 December 1997.

178. Shirong Chen, ‘Tibet ‘‘Chinese issue’’ says Dalai: The Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, has said the Tibetan issue is a Chinese domestic problem’, 10 August 2009, [http://news.bbc. co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8194138.stm].

179. Edward Lazar, ‘Independence or Accommodation?’ in The Anguish of Tibet, eds. Kelly, Bastien, Aiello, (Berkeley: Parallax Press, 1991), 306.

 180. Melvyn C. Goldstein, The Dalai Lama’s Dilemma, Foreign Affairs, Jan-Feb. 1998.

181. Ibid.

 182. Ibid.

 183. Ibid.

 184. Goldstein (1), 90.

 185. An Appeal to the Chinese People, by the Dalai Lama, 28 March 2008 [http://www.dalailama.com/page.226.htm].

 186. BBC News, Tibet ‘Chinese Issue’ says Dalai, 10 August 2009, [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8194138.stm].

187. Dalai Lama meets with Media, March 16 2008, [http://www. dalailama.com/page.214.htm].

 188. March 10th Statement of the Dalai Lama, [http://www. dalailama.com/news.350.htm 9 March 2009].

 189. The Daily Telegraph, 15 August 1998

190. Address by the Dalai Lama to the Tibetan-Chinese Conference in Geneva, Thursday 6 August 2009 [http://www.dalailama.com/ news.411.htm].

 191. Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Jiang Yu’s Press Conference on 17 April 2008 [http://au.chinaembassy.org/eng/fyrth/t426648.htm].

192. Tina Lam, Detroit Free Press, 18 April 2008 [http://www.dalailama. com/news.239.htm, Dalai Lama speaks on Chinese Olympics].

193. Fourteenth Dalai Lama, ‘An Appeal to the Chinese People’, 28 March 2008 [http://www.dalailama.com/page.226.htm].

194. John Ray, ITV News, ‘Dalai Lama calls for Olympic Protests’, 18 January 2008, [http://www.itv.com/News/Articles/Dalai-Lamacalls-for-Olympic-protests.html].

195. ‘Dalai Lama reaffirms his support for Beijing Olympics’, 8 March 2008, [http://tibetaffairs.blogspot.com/2008/03/dalai-lamareaffirms-his-support-for.html].

196. Free Tibet, ‘Dalai Lama calls on supporters to stage peaceful protests during the Olympics’, 22 January 2008, [http://www. freetibet.org/newsmedia/dalailama-calls-supporters-stagepeaceful-protests-during-olympics].

197. BBC News, Report on protests in London [http://news.bbc. co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/7332942.stm] & Report on protests in Paris, [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7334545.stm]; Andrew Buncombe, The Independent, ‘Violence in Nepal as Tibetans protest Olympics’, 31 March 2008, [http://www. independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/violence-in-nepal-astibetans-protest-olympics-802732.html].

198. ConferencePressStatement:‘TibetConferencecomesupwitha RoadmapforPeaceinTibet’,CentralTibetanAdministrationOfficial Website[http://www.tibet.net/en/index.php?id=266&rmenuid=11].

199. Ibid.

200. Voice– Tibetan Woman’s Association Quarterly Newsletter, April-June 2007, Volume 2 Issue 1 [http://www.tibetanwomen. org/publications/newsletters/2007/2007.5-twa_newsletter.pdf].

201 [http://www.tibetanwomen. org/publications/newsletters/2007/2007.5-twa_newsletter.pdf]. press_conf.html]

202. Xinhua, ‘China publishes evidences of Dalai clique’s masterminding of riots’, 1 April 2008 [http://www.chinaembassy.org.nz/ eng/xw/t420234.htm].

203. Phayul, ‘Exiled Tibetans plan protest March to Tibet ahead of Beijing Olympics’, 4 January 2008 [http://www.phayul.com/news/ article.aspx?id=18982].

204. Phayul,‘TibetanPeople’sUprisingMovementtoreinvigoratethe Tibetanfreedommovement’,Wednesday,20February2008[http:// www.phayul.com/news/article.aspx?id=19302].

205. Phayul, ‘Tibetan People’s Uprising Movement declares more protests worldwide’, 22 July 2008 [http://www.phayul.com/news/ article.aspx?id=22059].

206. TYC official site [http://www.tibetanyouthcongress.org/aboutus. html]; TWA official site [http://www.tibetanwomen.org/about/]; Gu Chu Sum official site [http://www.guchusum.org/AboutUs/ WhatWeDo/tabid/86/Default.aspx], 25 September 2009.

 207. TYC official site [http://www.tibetanyouthcongress.org/aboutus. html#aims_and_objectives].

208. SominiSenguptaandHariKumar, NewYorkTimes,‘DalaiLama won’tstopTibetprotests’,16March2008[http://www.nytimes. com/2008/03/16/world/asia/16cnd-tibet.html].Thenewsconferenceitself canbeseenon:[http://www.dalailama.com/news.217. htm(22September2009)].

 209. Ibid.

210. Bill Schiller, The Toronto Star, ‘Canadians caught in Tibet Violence’, 17March2008,[http://www.thestar.com/News/World/article/346763];ChrisJohnson,TheTorontoStar,‘Ican’tjustletthisguy dieontheground’17March2008[http://www.thestar.com/News/ World/article/346769];CCTV,‘March14:TheLhasaRiots’,[http:// www.cctv.com/english/special/tibetriots/01/index.shtml].

 211. Radio France International, 2 April 2008 [http://www.rfi.fr/actucn/ articles/100/article_6734.asp (in Chinese)].

212. Isabel Hilton, The Independent(London), ‘Tibet: Desperate nation prepares to defy might of Peking’, 20 October 1997 [http:// www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-4891144.html].

 213. Fourteenth Dalai Lama, ‘An Appeal to the Chinese People’, 28 March 2008 [http://www.dalailama.com/page.226.htm].

214. Grants awarded by the NED to Tibetan groups:

 [http://www.ned.org/grants/08programs/grants-asia08.html #ChinaTibet in 2008]; [http://www.ned.org/grants/ 07programs/grants-asia07.html#ChinaTibet in 2007]; [http://www.ned.org/grants/06programs/grants-asia06.html #ChinaTibet in 2006], etc.

215. B.Raman, ‘The National Endowment for Democracy of the US’, South Asia Analysis Group, 13 April 2000 [http://www.southasiaanalysis.org/papers2/paper115.html].

216. Joel Brinkly, New York Times, ‘Iran sales linked to wide program of covert policies’, 15 February 1987 [http://www.nytimes. com/1987/02/15/world/iran-sales-linked-to-wide-program-ofcovert-policies.html].

217. David Ignatius, The Washington Post, ‘Innocence Abroad: The New World of Spyless Coups’, 22 September 1991 [http://www. highbeam.com/doc/1P2-1086157.html].

218. Kenneth Conboy and James Morrison, The CIA’s Secret War in Tibet, (University Press of Kansas, 2002); BBC Documentary, ‘The Shadow Circus: The CIA in Tibet’, 1998, [http://www. whitecranefilms.com/film/circus.html]; Jamyang Norbu, Warriors of Tibet(Wisdom Publications, 1986).

219. In 1974, the Dalai Lama claimed that: ‘The accusation of CIA aid has no truth behind it’, (Quoted in Grunfeld:) ‘Diplomacy and the Dalai Lama,’ FEER (Far Eastern Economic Review)18 March 1974, 32.

 220. Kenneth L Woodward, Newsweek, ‘A Scratch in the Teflon Lama’, May 1998 [http://www.newsweek.com/id/92429].

221. Wikipedia, Panchen Lama, 15 September 2009.

 222. Goldstein (1), 100-3.

 223. Ibid. 106

 224. Tibet Press Watch, May 1995, 13; as quoted in Goldstein (1), 106.

225. Goldstein (1), 106-9.

 226. Ibid. 108-10.

227. Dawa Norbu, Tibet: The Road Ahead(London: Rider, 1997), quoted in Imagining Tibet, eds. Thierry Dodin & Heinz Räther, 301 (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2001).

 228. Ursula Bernis, Exiled from Exile 1996-1999, [http://www. shugdensociety.info/Bernis0EN.html, October 6th 2008].

229. Grunfeld, 200-1.

 230. Tibet - Constitution, [http://www.servat.unibe.ch/icl/t100000_. html].

 231. Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Freedom in Exile(Great Britain, Abacus edition, 2002), 233-4.

232. Swiss TV, Part 2.

 233. Ibid.

 234. Ibid.

 235. Ibid.

 236. Ibid.

 237. Palden Gyal, Tibetan News, ‘Paper Tigers’, No. 22, Spring 1997.

 238. Ibid.

 239. Jamyang Norbu, Tibetan News, ‘Tibet’s Cultural Confusion’, No. 21, Autumn 1997.

240. Heather Stoddard, ‘Tibetan Publications and National Identity’, Robbie Barnett and Shirin Akiner (eds.), Resistance and Reform in Tibet, 121-56 (London: Hurst and Co.), quoted in Imagining Tibet, Thierry Dodin & Heinz Räther (eds.), 368 (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2001)

 241. Lhasang Tsering in Foreword to Illusion and Realityby Jamyang Norbu (Dharamsala: Tibetan Youth Congress, 1989), 10.

242. The Times of India, Delhi, 30 May 1996.

 243. The Dalai Lama, Tibet Foundation NewsletterNo. 22, ‘Meaningful Dialogue’, November 1997.

244. As quoted by James Belither, The Dalai Lama: A Report on the Dalai Lama’s Abuses of Human Rights and Religious Freedoms, (Ulverston, 1997), 19.

 245. Ursula Bernis, Exiled from Exile 1996-1999, [http://www. shugdensociety.info/Bernis0EN.htm, 6 October 2008].

246. Cabinet of Tibet Government in Exile – Dharamsala, ‘Kashag’s Statement concerning Dhogyal’, May 31st 1996, [http://www. dalailama.com/page.134.htm, 1 August 2008].

 247. Statement by Samdhong Rinpoche, 30 August 2009, Radio Free Asia (Tibetan Service), Washington D.C., USA. [tibetnews@rfa.org].

248. James Belither, ‘Chronicle of Events’, The Dalai Lama: A Report on the Dalai Lama’s Abuses of Human Rights and Religious Freedoms, (Ulverston, 1997).

249. C. Henry & N. Haque, ‘The Dalai Lama’s Demons’ France 24 Special Reports, 8 August 2008, [http://www.france24.com/ en/20080808-dalai-lama-demons-india-buddhism-dorjeshugden, 21 August 2008].

250. Al Jazeera, 7 October 2008 [http://www. wisdombuddhadorjeshugden.blogspot.com/2008/10/al-jazeeranews-documentary-video.html, 22 September 2009]

 251. http://www.westernshugdensociety.org/en/chronicle/ dalailama-events-events-of-2008-march-april10/

252. Video interview and transcript, 29 April 2008, [http://www. westernshugdensociety.org/en/news/kelsang-pema-responds-tocomments-by-the-dalailamas-representative-tashi-w/, 8 October 2009].

253. BBC News, ‘Protest at Dalai Lama prayer ban’, 27 May 2008, [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/nottinghamshire/7421888.stm, 22 September 2009].

254. Cabinet of Tibet Government in Ex