A Snapshot Into Election History in Pakistan by James Parker - HTML preview

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The Election 2013


The coalition government lead by PPPP had to face several problems from the very first day. First, the coalition formed between PPPP and PML-N could not survive on differences on the restoration of Chief Justice Iftekhar Muhammad Chaudhary,  co- chairman of PPPP Asif Ali Zardari becoming president of Pakistan, high inflation, and price hiking in energy sector, and not implementing the court orders. However, even after restoration of Chief Justice, the coalition could not survive, but the differences enhanced further when after Shahbaz Sharif became disqualified from the office of CM of Punjab in high court‟s verdict, the then President Asif Ali Zardari imposed Governor Rule in Punjab until new Chief Minister is elected from the assembly.

Although the PPPP lead government had to face several issues regarding deteriorating economy, high inflation, energy shortfall, terrorism and corruption, however, the government also achieved some landmarks such as 7tNational Finance Commission Award, 18th constitutional amendment, successful income support program (BISP), etc. The constitution reform committee formed includes representatives from all the political groups having representation in the two houses of parliament which worked on this draft for nine months and changed 95 articles into constitutioin 2010. Under the 18th Constitutional Amendment the government has given much demanded provincial autonomy to the provinces by abolishing the Concurrent List from the constitution. First time, the National Finance Commission (NFC) Award was successfully implemented in consultation with all provinces to ensure equal distribution of financial resources.

Moreover, during this period, the PPPP leadership claimed that they PPP promoted a healthy democratic culture by shunning politics of victimisation and vendetta, and it is also largely true because after PML-N left the coalition, PML joined PPPP as junior coalition partner in federal government. Hoever, Over these years, this coalition style of government made PPPP leadership to remain preoccupied with keeping this coalition intact with politicaparties like MQM, ANP, JUI-F and PML-Q from time to time. Although PPPP leadership recounted unprecendet 2010-2011 flood and Swat militry operation as their major hurdles for not reviving economy, however, miappropriations and meritless appointments in state enterprises like  PIA, Steel Mills, Railways and OGRA proved to be act of corruption on the part of government.

Government also failed to impliment court decesions regarding NRO and other gra

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