Critical South Africa Debates by Bryan Britton - HTML preview

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By 1800 World Population had reached one billion people for the first time. This had increased to 2.3 billion by 1950. The statistic exploded to 7.0 billion by 2011 and projections for 2050 anticipate an increase to 9.3 billion people. Further projections of World Population to the year 2100 are in some cases as high as 15.8 billion.


We have seen one billion people in the first eighteen hundred years since the birth of Christ and astoundingly we anticipate an additional fourteen billion eight hundred million people in the three hundred years that follow.

The years 1950 through 2050 are an exponential progression of mans’ irrational and irresponsible decision making since the Great War.

This appalling and catastrophic state of affairs is sad testimony to mans’ innate fallibility, absolute nativity and delinquent concern for the planet. While projections for the more developed nations are relatively flat, ninety seven percent of this anticipated increase will be experienced in less developed nations.

Most disturbingly 49% of that increment will be experienced in Africa.

And at the foot of that tragic Continent is the fifty fourth country to be de-colonized – South Africa.