Golden Sayings of Periyar by Thanthai Periyar - HTML preview

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Congress Party




The Labourer:

Thiru Kural, the Book on ethics by Thiru Val uvar:

Dravidar Kazhagam






The Historic Background!


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The Muslims may be seen to perform many somersaultsin politics. But no Muslim would say that he is not a Dravidian by nationality.

* * *

You may ask me “Won’t you ever care for posts and power?” Of course I wil , but not now.

That time wil come. What is that time? It is that time, when we wil be able to say that there are no Brahmins in the country. When we come to that position, we may worry about the posts and power. Until such time we wil not at al think of these posts and power. We wil simply consider them as what we have spit on the ground. We are aware of what these posts are. They have made many dishonest. They have made many unreliable.

* * *

As things stand today no real public worker or social worker would even think of peeping at the Legislative Assembly. Those who are not worried about the country or people, are styling themselves as politicians. They are alone going around the Assembly for mere selfish gains.

They are only seeking posts and power. They are playing the second fiddle to the tunes of those in power. Sincere and true social worker wil never approve of the present political arena.

* * *

How can we consider the people wise who voted for and elected the persons who have used their posts for personal gains?

* * *

If we are not able to get good people to occupy posts, it must be that the voters are unintel igent or it must be that intel igent people have no voting rights.

* * *

We (the Dravidian citizens of Tamil Nadu) say that our politics and industries should not be dominated by North Indians. We say, it is on account of this evil, that we find degeneration.

Why should the nationalists cross swords with us for tel ing this? Can any intel igent man say that there is no North Indian domination? Is it for this that we demanded freedom and independence? Is it to make the Northerners masters of the Tamil land and ourselves (the Dravidians) as mere slaves that we did so many things?

* * *

What do we say after al ? The sons of the soil are in the grips of poverty. At the same time we seem the North Indians leading a happy life in multi storeyed buildings. How could we tolerate this? Our business and industries are in the hands of others. That is why we say that we must be free to control our mat ers and not al ow the North to dominate our economics and politics.

* * *

We have no clothes to cover our body. We have no shelter. We have no schools to learn.

We have no safety for living. Sec. 144, thefts, murders, robbery are very common. How are we to accept this as Swaraj (Self Government)? The Swaraj we wish to see is dif erent. We want a Swaraj wherein there wil be no ‘Sudra’, where there wil be no exploitation of any kind. Is it this Swaraj we demand?

* * *

Academic degrees, posts, and earnings may last for one generation only. What wil become the fate of your Tamilan people in the next generation?

* * *

Those who are prepared to lose their self-respect, honour and dignity find it convenient to shield themselves under the cloak of Indian nationalism.

* * *

The people who love fame, money, posts are like the deadly disease, tuberculosis. They are against the interests of the society.

* * *

There is no proof to state that India was at anytime free form communalism.

* * *

What we need today are plans and schemes to make the people of the country honest and unselfish. Hatred to none and love for al is what is needed today.

* * *

Those who have gained a dominant position in politics by keeping the people in ignorance could never be deemed to have any connection with wisdom.

* * *

We cal ourselves a secular state. It is merely to hoodwink the outside world. ‘Homam’

(Flame Worship), Pooja and Aradana are performed even to float a newly built ship into the sea. Even the time and day of Swaraj (Independent Government) were chosen only after considering the good and bad time astrological y.

* * *

I sometimes feel agitated and wish that I should meet the end of Gandhi (who was shot dead by a fanatic Brahmin). My feeling is that our people might realise their honour and self-respect at least after me.

* * *

If the country is to gain true freedom, there must be revolutionary changes in our religion, government and authority. Without that, merely criticizing politics wil not solve the problem.

Merely indulging in the blind attacks wil not take us to the goal.

* * *

Taking into consideration the present status of the people, democracy is a mere farce. Why?

Because 90 percent of the people are il iterates. Democracy today wil not do any good.

* * *

Today ten and a half crores of rupees are al ot ed for education. The education system is so careful y chalked out that only the sons of the wel to do people are alone able to derive the benefit of education. The sons of the poor and the vil agers who pay the taxes are not able to share the benefit.

* * *

We are talking aloud of Swaraj? Is the Swaraj to you the Tamilians or for the North Indians?

Is it for you or for the capitalist? Is it Swaraj for you or for the black marketeer? Is it for the labourer or for those who suck his blood?

* * *

What is Swaraj? One should have enough to eat, dress and live in Swaraj. Do you find it in our society today? Then, where is Swaraj?

* * *

What respect do the ministers have here? They are to simply dance to the tune of the masters at Delhi. Who respects their posts? Even their own conscience wil not respect them.

* * *

The Government states that it is against communalism. If it is real y so, wil they pass a law stating that anyone wearing a caste mark on his forehead wil be imprisoned for two years?

Would they come forward to bring an enactment stating that anyone wearing a sacred thread (Poonul) wil be imprisoned for life?

* * *

Are not these two symbols the root cause for the communalism? If the government is real y for put ing down communalism, should it not give a scissor to every policeman to cut the

‘poonul’or the tuft representing castes and communities? Today the government permits the wearing of ‘poonul’. It al ows ‘mantras’ (hymns) to be chanted, vows to be performed. It declares holiday for the birth of Krishna and others. What is al this? Are we to presume that this government is purely a pro-Brahmin communal Government?

* * *

Are there holidays for the birthday celebration of Tiruval uvar, Kapil ar, and Avvai (the great Tamil Poets and Poetess)? In what respects are they inferior to Raman, Krishnan and others? Is this not insulting us? Is this not a chal enge to our self-respect?


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Let us analyse, who the high caste and low caste people are. He who does no work, he who lives out of the toil of others is the highest caste. He who strives hard and bestows the gains to others, and struggles hard without shelter, cloth or gruel like a mere beast of burden is cal ed the low caste.

* * *

He who has faith in god and religion can never hope to gain freedom. * * *

When once a man dies, he has no connection with this world or with anything elsewhere.

* * *

There can be no life or soul outside and unconnected with the various sense organs and parts of the body.

* * *

What is the meaning of heaven and salvation as is interpreted by religious books? One should be free from worries and sorrows. That is the true meaning. It is not that one should go to some other world and quietly take rest on a velvet cushion.

* * *

People talk about the ‘Dharma Rajyam’, ‘Rama Rajyam’ and ‘Sathiya Keerthi Rajyam!’ Evil deeds, injustice, difficulties, poverty and slavery, we see in our days, were also present in the past. This is what a deep study of the ‘Puranas’ (Mythologies) reveals.

* * *

Protagonists of every religion say that their religion is the oldest. They say that their religion is merely thousands of years old. They say that their doctrines were expounded in this world by their own gods long ago. Yet they do not keep quiet from preaching. They are afraid that their religion wil fade out, if regular propaganda is not made. That fear is there with al religions.

* * *

It is money and propaganda that give life to religions. This is no divinity or super qualities that keeps the torch of religion bright and burning.

* * *

Religious heads as Gurujis (Teachers), Karthas (Creators) and Pracharaks (Propagandists), venture to behave like religionists. For, ,they imitate other religionists. To earn recognition, they copy the ways of religionists.

* * *

The bedrock of religion is blind belief. Science has no bearing to religions. So also rationalism is different from religion. Al religionists say that no one should suspect or question anything. This has given courage even to the idiot to say anything he pleases in the name of religion. Absurdities are having an eternal hold in the name of religion and god.

* * *

We do not see so many religions, so many religious differences, and so much conversions anywhere in the world as we see in India. What is the reason? Indians are so il iterate, so subordinated that they are easily exploited by the religionists.

* * *

In the matter of determining one god, one world above, salvation, hel , soul and that soul reaching heaven, or hel , there is no uniformity amongst al religions. There are many differences and controversies amongst religions in these mat ers.

* * *

There is no religion that is prepared to prove the existence of god. There is no ‘Veda’ that is acceptable to al the people. There is no ‘Veda’ that can be strictly adhered to by people honourably.

Man has intel igence. Man gains knowledge by experience. With his powers to use his sense organs he learns many things. Religion, which does not conform to any of these, is unwanted to the world.

* * *

Out of those who profess to have knowledge of Tamil, 90% of them are religious minded.

They see god in the Tamil language. They surrender their knowledge to religion. They look at the Tamil language with a religious eye.

* * *

The scholars in foreign countries do not mix up religion with language. They do not mingle their religion, with their language.

* * *

Progress is varying from place to place and from time to time. Even changes are not even.

Both of these are related to the wisdom prevalent. It is not something like what religionists see. It is not based on mere foresight as religious Pundits (shcolars) say.

* * *

However fanatical a religious minded person be, he does not resent changes. He does not give up the benefits of scientific progress. No one has so far gone to wilderness, rejecting progress and changes as unacceptable to god and religion.

* * *

In the matter of habits, classifications, divisions and differences, there is a striking contrast between the Aryans and the Dravidians (Tamils). At the same time there is not even an hundredth part dif erence between a Tamilian and a Muslim.

* * *

The prevalent evils in the Hindu Aryan religion cannot be seen in Islam even to a lit le extent.

* * *

Almost al the religions are said to be for the creation of a good society in the world. But it is only in the Hindu-Vedic-Aryan religion that we find difference. This religion is not for unity or cordiality.

* * *

The Brahmins made us Sudras (Sons of prostitutes or concubines) with the help of Sastras (Hindu dogmas) and Puranas (Mythologies). We have accepted the Hindu religion. We have dug tanks, built temples, donated wealth. But who is enjoying? Brahmins only are enjoying.

* * *

The Brahmins conspired to make us Sudras eternal y. With the result, we are made as slaves by the Aryan religion. To safeguard their position they have created temples and gods.

* * *

Either religion should be destroyed or we should get rid of the religion. It is for us to get ourselves rid of the religion. It is not a big thing. We need not tread the path of violence. We need no guns. It is not anything like taking a purgative ! Out of the religion, which the Aryans have imposed, we should give up al those things that are absurd, vulgar and unbelievable.

We should accept a new religion that is acceptable to the mankind.

* * *

The wealthy people, the educated people, the merchants, the priestly class are being benefited by casteism, religion, dogmas, and god. They do not undergo any trouble on account of these. They gain a higher status by al these.

* * *

We cannot say that our religion or Veda or gods are of very recent origin. * * *

What is Saivism? No one can say that it is a distinct separate religion. It cannot be construed that it is the religion of the Tamils. It is also Brahmanic in content and character.

* * *

It is ‘Kanda Puranam, Siva Maha Puranam and other puranas which bring in relationship between Siva and Saivism. If you separate these Puranas, Siva wil have nothing to do with Saivism.’

* * *

If you reject Vedas, yagas (fire-worship), and the gods which were created to save these and also reject the puranas foisted by Aryans, there wil be no connection whatsoever for Thevaram (Prayer verses adoring God Siva) and Tamil religion.

* * *

If we are to deeply consider what these religions Vaisnavism and Saivism are, we wil come to the conclusion that they are, nothing but mere contrivances to uphold the privileges of the Brahmins and their domination. These make the people unconsciously submit to Brahmin monopoly and domination.

* * *

If Hinduism, its art and rituals are to be strictly implemented you wil find the Brahmins as very high and superior and the Dravidians degraded to the status of Sudras (Sons of prostitutes) or panchamas (the Untouchables).

* * *

Even those who are placed high by the doctrine of Varnasrama dharma (Dogma of Casteism) do not seem to respect it nowadays. That is the real truth.

There are ample evidences to substantiate the fact that this country of India has been ruined by the caste system.

* * *

There is no proof to say that there was self-respect amongst any of the Tamil kings. It cannot be proved that any Tamil King had the curiosity to ask as to why he should be cal ed a Sudra.

* * *

We, the Dravidians are the early inhabitants of this country. We come of the old ruling class.

To day we are subjected to the status of the fourth caste. Why? Our forefathers, ancestors and our kings who behaved in a disgraceful manner are responsible for the present humiliated position we enjoy.

* * *

Who are these heads of mut s? The wealth they enjoy belongs to the Dravidians. As givers of al these, we have the right to command them to behave properly, to render proper accounts and to serve the people useful y. They were made heads of mutts to function with responsibility.

* * *

How could anyone say that it is not right to demand account from those who idly lead their lives. It is our right to ask them. Those who enjoy their life with the money of others have no right to demur or object, when asked to render account for the wealth entrusted to them.

* * *

While al men are born as equals, to say that Brahmins alone are the highest and al others are low as Pariah (the Untouchables) or Panchama is sheer nonsense. It is roguish to say so. It is a big hoax played on us.

* * *

A religion should be for fostering love. It should induce one to be helpful to others. It should make everyone respect truth. A religion that is characteristic of al these qualities is needed for the world. A true religion wil have no other important work.

* * *

A few characterless people and so-cal ed big people in the society and the so-cal ed big newspapers are making the people fools by their religious propaganda.

* * *

The Dravidians never had any idea of the word “Matham”(religion). However for legal recognition we have got to cal ourselves ‘rationalists’.

* * *

Remember that it is religion and politics that led to the murder of Gandhi. Unless they are changed, there is no security for the life of man.

* * *

Nowadays even an ordinary peon is able to fly in the air. Yet a very smal idol of god is placed in a wooden chariot weighing 200 tones and is dragged by about 2000 or 3000

people. In the name of this car festival, people are made to waste their hard earned money.

When we say this, we are dubbed as atheists. We deem it our duty to warn them that they are the real atheists, as they are spoiling the name of god.

* * *

Who are those who feel irritated at the atheist activities? They are of two categories. Those who aspire to live by religious propaganda and those who live by the religious propaganda.

These are the two sects of people, who feel agitated at the atheist activities.

Atheism can be understood by education, proper enquiry and by independent, unbiased thinking. Atheism cannot be understood by reading books saying that god said such and such a thing. Atheism cannot be understood by being a slave to the misnomers of incarnations. By probing deep into the religious literature, no one can gain a knowledge of atheism.


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We have not left the ‘god’ free. Why do you want the temples- Gopurams (towers)? Why do you want Poojas (worship)? Why do you want a wife; a concubine? Why do you want golden jewels and diamond ornaments? Why do you want food? Do you eat? Are you enjoying the Devadasis (Temple Dancing whore) who cal themselves as your wives? We have not left god? We have pestered him with a vol ey of questions. No god has so far come forward to answer. No god has come forward to protest. No god dared to at ack or punish us.

* * *

Who built the tal and the tapering towers? Who painted the gold at the top? Who set the golden roof for Nataraja? Who built the ‘mandapam’ (Hal ) with 1000 pil ars? Who worked hard to build the choultries? Has any Brahmin given a single pie as donation for any of these, temples, tanks, and charitable things? When this is the truth, why should we remain as Sudras (Sons of prostitutes)? Why should they live as high caste Brahmins without contributing anything. Why should they be al owed to dupe us. That is why, we are boldly chal enging god. God has not done any good to the people. That is why, we ask god whether he is real y a God or a mere stone. God remains tongue-tied and motionless as though he is accepting our charges. No god has gone to the court for a defamation suit against us.

* * *

If the religion says that a man should be respected as man, we wil not object. If the religion says that there is no high and low distinctions in the society, we do not protest against that religion. If the God says that no one need spend anything to worship him, we wil not oppose that god.

* * *

We find the young kids pass urine in mud and make articles as tiffin (‘iddil is’), gods and goddesses for playing. Whereas the aged people are playing the same game with stone idols they say this is god, this is god’s wife, this is marriage, this is the saree for god, this is the jewel for God and so on. It is al merely to deprive the poor innocent people of their money. That is why, we are against the stone idol that gives a living only to the priestly class, the Brahmins.

* * *

You find the wise world worshipping one god without shape. You find them not wasting money for the worship. They simply pray. But what about you? Why should you alone knock your head against the stone idol of Hindu religion.

* * *

There can be no objection to a God that endeavours to make the high and the low in the society live as equals.

* * *

The Brahmins are making you fools in the name of God. He makes you have faith in superstitions. He leads a very comfortable life condemning you as untouchable. He bargains with you to of er prayers to god on your behalf. I strongly condemn this brokerage business and warn you not to believe such Brahmins any more.

* * *

There is evidence to prove to the orthodox Hindus that some of the gods have taken Muslim girls as their life-partners. There are gods, which loved girls of the untouchable community and married them.

* * *

However much the Brahmins may come forward to bargain in the mat er of castes, so long as Krishna and Gita are there, there is not going to be an end to the castes.

* * *

Without first of al determining as to what god is, everyday controversies are going on about god in the world.

* * *

Do you know why the Chera, Chola, Pandiya and the Nayak kings were ruined? It is because they spent the money of the people for building the temples, tanks, mandapams, gopurams and the temple wal s etc.

* * *

God must be the embodiment of al good qualities. God needs no shape. It cannot exist physical y.

* * *

God has no shape nor can it exhibit any quality. Why is it said to be so? It is to prevent the rogues from giving various shapes to the god. It is on account of the fear that god wil lose its value.

* * *

Without any knowledge of god’s existence, his quality, actions and power, Brahmins have made al gods a laughing stock, just to get on with their bel ies ful y fil ed easily.

* * *

We should prevent god coming on human beings for some time and the actions of the socal ed Hindu devotees. We should also put an end to the practice of cal ing on gods to come on devotees. Atleast to some extent, we should make our gods acceptable to the decent and the intel igent people.

* * *

There is no Brahmin or Sudra (Bakward Caste) or Pariah (the Untouchables) in England. In Russia you do not have Varnasrama (Casteism) dharma or fate. In America, people are not born in the face of the Brahma or at the feet of Brahma. In Germany gods do not eat. In Turkey gods do not marry. In France gods have not a crown (‘Kireedam’) worth 12 lakhs.

The people in these countries are intel igent and wise. They are not prepared to lose their self-respect. They are bent on safeguarding their interests and that of their country. Why should we alone have barbarious gods and religious fanaticism.

* * *

It is a great fraudulent act to at ribute powers to a mass of cowdung. It is very absurd to attribute godly powers to the same. Similarly to say that a piece of stone is the embodiment of god with al powers to do anything and everything is a big hox.

* * *

We should not imagine a god with a definite shape or form. We can accept only things which are honest, disciplined and scientifical y tested and proved as truths.

* * *

The country has lost its decency and status just because we are in the habit of praising the stone gods or idols. Men are also imbibing beastly qualities.

* * *

stroy the god that cal s you a Sudra (Son of prostitute or concubine). Destroy the ‘puranas (Mythologies) and the ‘ithihasas’ (epics) which give strength to Hindu god. Pray the god that is real y kind, good, and intel igible, if any.

* * *

What is Prayer? Is it breaking coconuts? Is it giving money to Brahmins? Is it in festivals? Is it fal ing at the feet of the Brahmins? Is it building temples? No, it lies in our good behaviour.

We should behave as intel igent people. That is the essence of Prayer.


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Once upon a time, we, the Dravidians were cal ed as Tamils. Today the word Tamil is used to denote the Tamil Language. Natural y even those who have Aryan culture and civilisation cal themselves as Tamils, just because they speak Tamil. Not only that, they further want to impose their Aryan civilisation on us. I say that we are today cal ed as Sudras because of our association with them.

* * *

We are not worried about the blood. We are worried about the culture and civilisation. We want a society without differences. We do not want to segregate anyone because of the prevalent discriminations in the society.

* * *

The Muslims in South India are al Dravidians. Historians and research scholars are of the same view. Why even the Muslims accept it unhesitatingly.

* * *

The Christians here are not the descendents of those in Jerusalem. People who were once cal ed Raman, Krishnan, Subban, Kathavarayan, are today styling themselves as Joseph, John, Samuel. Based on nationality they are not dif erent from us. This is what the researchers also say.

The society is encouraging the immoral traffic by approving the widowhood.

* * *

By helping the poor, we must be able to remove their poverty. By extending help to one here and one there in the form of providing food wil not remove poverty.

* * *

Hindu religion and castes were introduced to estabish the principle of servant and master.

* * *

Even those who keep their wives locked up in the house, general y permit their wives to attend religious festivals outside. They see their wife crushed in the crowd. But they do not mind it. They tolerate it in the name of religious festivals.

* * *

If we are to reveal and expose the behavior of the gods of Brahmins, our mouth, hands, and paper would produce a nasty smel . If the educated high caste people are to tolerate it and live with the evils, what is to become of the other Non-Brahmins who form 90 percent of the population.

* * *

Why should there be high caste and low caste in the country of India, which is said to have gained independence. Can any one say that things could

go on only when there is high caste in the country. Can it be argued that the high caste Brahmins alone are people with sterling character.

* * *

If god is the root cause for our degradation destroy that god. If it is religion destroy it. If it is Manu Darma, Gita, or any other Mythology (Purana), burn them to ashes. If it is temple, tank, or festival, boycot them. Final y if it is our politics, come forward to declare it openly.

* * *

The word ‘Sudra’ which means ‘Son of prostitute’ should not find a place even in the history hereafter. We wil not al ow it to find a place in the dictionary or encyclopedia.

* * *

Our country would be considered to have gained independence only when the vil agers are completely rid of god, religion, castes, and blind beliefs.

South India is quite different form the North in many respects. It is a distinct and separate State of Dravidian race.

* * *

Our life, culture and civilisation are quite different from the North. * * *

Man is equal to man. There should not be exploitation. One should help the other. No one should harm anybody. General y there should be no room for grievance or complaint from anybody. Every one should live and let others to live, with a national spirit.

* * *

Dravidanadu (Madras Presidency) is not inferior to any other province in Hindustan. This is an historic fact. Our merits are already established. After al the North Indians are far behind us in education, civilisation, and wisdom. Why should we be slaves, particularly to the fanatic, communal minded people?


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We have no belief in violence. We know that a Brahmin would run away when a riot breaks out. He wil some how take to his heels. He wil not be caught. So far as we are concerned, we have not taken up the path of violence, with the hope of reaching heaven or receiving god’s blessings.

* * *

No movement that believes in violence wil be able to achieve its goal in a violent manner.

Non-violent means is the only royal road to gain success.

* * *

When we say and point out that the poor people have no food or clothes, repression is let loose immediately. We need a movement to resist. That is what our movement is doing.

* * *

If we are truthful and hard working even if we are a minority, we wil be able to do greater service to the people. Even a political party with mass support wil not be able to do so much.

* * *

There should be no intermediaries between the agriculturist and the public. Similarly there should be no brokers between the working class and the public. That is the policy of the Self-respect Movement.

* * *

What is the ideal of the Self-respect Movement. The Self-respect

Movement wil find out the organisations, which stand in the way of progress. It wil combat the forces, which work against the socialism. It wil counteract al religious reactionary forces.

It resists those who break the law and order. The Self-respect Movement wil work for peace and progress. It wil crush the reactionaries.

* * *

To carve out a socialist society, to do good to the common man and the depressed classes the Self-respect Movement was started. Today the Movement shoulders a further responsibility, to establish peace and contentment among al sections of the society.

* * *

It is the duty of every living person to go on doing things throughout his life. That is the ideal of the Self-respect Movement.

* * *

With the help of rationalism, a Self-respecter wil decide whether a thing is good or bad. It is not the words of the God, mahatmas (Super souls), rishis (sages) or puranas (mythologies), which help him in the pursuit of truths.

* * *

A Self-respecter wil not worry about anything except his duty and responsibility.

* * *

We have no objection to Sankarachri of HIndu Mutt presiding over our conference, because he wil have to first understand our rationalist policies, ideals and schemes before he consents to preside.

* * *

We need not be unnecessarily afraid of our movement and principles being eclipsed by others’ propaganda. No one as the Brahmin Sankarchrayas and their preaching wil eclipse our movement.

* * *

However much we suf er, we do not think of force. We plead for justice. We place our faith in arguments and convincing others, for establishing the truth. Even if we fail in our attempt we wil go on trying again and again.

We understand how much we are inferior to other nations of the world in the matter of freedom, wisdom, and self-respect. When we realise how lethargic we were, neither god nor religion wil be al owed to obstruct our progress.

* * *

If the people and the country are to prosper, education, scientific knowledge, technology, and discipline should be improved a lot.

* * *

Al these thirty years the movement has been for giving prime importance to knowledge.

* * *

If anyone should venture to say, “This is what great people said this is what god said; I am repeating only what al God and great people said,” I would only consider him as the foremost anti-social element.

* * *

Our progressive views have taken deep roots in the country. Let us forget the pet y political differences and unite together for atleast a period of five years and take up social reform.

Brahminism and foreign domination would automatical y go away.

* * *

Don’t believe those who carry on false propaganda attributing powers to the stony idol. Such people can never be deemed to be religious. Youngsters should come forward to expose fraudulent and blind beliefs.

* * *

The country and the people are now in a position to carry on my ideals one by one.

Revolution of the mind and the change of times wil no longer permit the old game of defrauding the public.

The Dravidian movement wil be active and alive til the complete eradication of the Brahminism. Til that time whatever atrocity, repression, conspiracy, betrayal might be let loose on us by our enemies or government, we have the confidence that the ultimate success wil be certainly ours.

* * *

We are not accustomed to conspire secretly. Our movement is not an unlawful body. We have no belief in violence. Yet I do not understand why our meetings are banned. How are we to tolerate, if even the humble attempts we make to eradicate the evils heaped on us are put down like this.

* * *

We have greater interest than the government in maintaining law and order in the country.

* * *

The more and more we are made to shed blood, the greater wil be the reaction. We wil make the government and the rulers regain self-respect gradual y.

* * *

I am depicted as anti-Brahmin by the vested press. But I am not real y an enemy of any Brahmin personal y. The only fact is that I am dead against the Brahminism. I never said that the Brahmins should be destroyed. I only say that the Brahminism should be destroyed. No Brahmin seems to understand clearly what say.

* * *

The Brahmin should not degrade us. He should not exploit us. He should not think that he is empowered to enjoy anything at our cost.

* * *

There should be no castes. None should cal himself as high or low because of birth. This is what we demand. How is it wrong on our part to say so?

* * *

We realise our responsibility to establish a good government in the future. That is why we are very much hesitant to defy law. But the government sometimes drives us to the necessity of going against our wishes. We sometimes have no other go than to defy the law, just to make the government realise its mistake.

* * *

Our Dravidian movement does not exist against the Brahmins or the Banias. If anyone thinks so, I would only pity him. Bu we wil not tolerate the ways in which the Brahminism and the

Baniaism is degrading Dravidanadu. Whatever support they may have from the government, neither myself nor my movement wil be of cowardice.

* * *

We have agitated to make al wel s thrown open to al . We have agitated against the caste discriminations in the railway restaurants and public hotels. We agitated against the evils of classifying men as high and low. For al these we have undergone difficulties and courted imprisonment. But our agitation has not failed to reap the fruits. We were not disappointed or defeated any time, in anything. Ultimate success has always been to our ideals.

* * *

When were that temples thrown open to al the castes? Is it not after our declaring “blow of the temples with the bombs, and the dynamites, if the Untouchables (Pariahs and the Chakkilis) are not al owed to enter the temple”. It is only after this that the temples were thrown open. Did we not start the agitation to erase the let ers of the caste discriminations in the railway stations with tar? Is it not after this that the separate places for the Brahmins in the railways were given up?

* * *

What is our aim? Is it to seek posts? No. Is it for mere fame? No! Is it to capture power? No!

Let the Congress itself rule. Let the aspiring congressmen enter the Legislative Assembly.

But if they act as mere slaves to the Northerners, we wil not keep quiet. We wil oppose such a government.

* * *

Our Reformation movement is a wonderful one. That is, we want improvement without seeking posts. We want to improve quality without power. We want to achieve our goal without ourselves seeking posts or power.

* * *

So far, we have not met with any failure in our agitations. Read the issue of the ‘Hindu’dated 19-1-1922, when Pandit Malaviya urged Gandhi to stop the picketing of toddy shops. Gandhi said to him that I was the person to decide it. He stated that he cannot do anything without consulting me. I was in the Congress then. This news is published in the Hindu. Take up the Vaikom Agitation, to seek the right for walking in the streets around the temple. I led the agitation and got the rights to the Untouchable people and then only I returned. I even got the right to enter the temples. I am not mentioning al these to flatter me. Mass support wil always be there for lofty ideals and I am an adept in these agitational mat ers. With my experience I reiterate that in any agitation, the ultimate success wil be for us.


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Ever since I began to understand things, that is from 1909 onwards, I have closely watched the activities of the Congress party. I say that it was bent on merely capturing power.

* * *

Gandhi is of course a great man very wel known to the world. He has led a very wonderful revolution in politics. To be short, there is none to equal him. He was peerless. True! He was real y a great man. But it is real y a pity that he was shot dead in his own country.

* * *

What an amount of plunder and loot is going on in the name of Swaraj (Self-Government). Is there any one to question it? I am the only person who is bold to ask. Is there any people anywhere, who are so irrational submit ing to the difficulties so quietly as our people here?

* * *

The Brahmins and the rich people are alone being benefited by the Congress party. It wil not do good to the common man, the poor man and the working classes. I was tel ing this for a long time. You people did not believe my words. After having seen the things now going on in the Congress rule, you people are now realising the truth.

* * *

Today the Congress party is blinking as to what to do with the unscrupulous elements they have taken into their fold.

* * *

Who sacrificed to enable the scheduled caste people to read, get jobs, enter the temples, and use the public roads and wel s? Has Congress party anytime worked for the welfare of

the scheduled castes? For what al the Justice Party and the Self Respecters have done, the Congress party wants to snatch away credit. Their talks are merely self-boasting.

* * *

When I was the President of the Tamil Nadu Congress party I brought a resolution in the conference in 1925. In that resolution I pleaded for the creation of a casteless society. My friend Rajagopalachari disal owed it. I also pleaded that communal representation should be fol owed in the various wings and spheres of the Congress. This resolution was also rejected, by Thiru Vi.Ka. (Kalyanasundaranar, a reputed Tamil scholar) in the subjects committee. Then I was asked to get the signature of 30 delegates in support of my resolution. Mr.S.Ramanathan secured 50 signatures from the delegates. Messrs. C.

Rajagopala Achariyar (Rajaji), Srinivasa Iyengar, Satyamurthi, and others raised their protest. They feared that the Congress would fade away, if my resolution was accepted.

Later the resolution was withheld by Thiru V.Ka. and Dr. P. Varadarajulu Naidu. The Brahmins were happy. Not only that, they did not even al ow me to speak in the conference.

It is only on that day that I pledged to combat the dominant forces in the Congress party. I resolved to wage a struggle for getting the Communal Representation implemented. I declared my conviction in the conference and I walked out of the Congress session. From that day onwards I have been exposing the tricks, conspiracies and the fraudulent activities of the Congress party.


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In the days when the British ruled, there were thefts in our houses. But now, in the days of Swaraj (Independence) we hear of theft in ministers’ houses and constables’ houses.

* * *

Those who were elected against the principles of democracy are seated in Delhi. The task of deciding our fate is entrusted into their hands.

* * *

A person who was most hated and rejected by the people of this provinces is given the highest post as the Governor General of India, after the attainment of Independence. What does this indicate? The democratic rights of the people in this Madras province is crushed.

* * *

What is cal ed the freedom of speech and expression disappeared long ago. Those who level legitimate charges against the government are being imprisoned. They are falsely charged as enemies of Independence.

* * *

In our country the interests of the multi mil ionires and the capitalists are quite safe. On the other hand we find the unemployed and the beggars by the side of the rich and the capitalists!

* * *

On one side we find a big section of the people segregated as the untouchables. Another section is treated as mere slaves, or Sudras, or sons of the concubines. If we cannot real y alter this, what is the use of our freedom?

* * *

It is foolish to assume power reposing faith in the support of slaves. * * *

What wil be the consequence of let ing loose al weapons of repression? If we cannot find any solution even to smal problems except resort to repression, what security there can be in the country? If the newspapers remain as mere spectators what is to become of the security of the nation?

* * *

Members of the local bodies should not be elected on party basis. Voters should consider the merits of the individual, as his honesty, sincerity, and urge for service. This should be the basis. Local bodies are not law making bodies nor do they have any right to amend. They exist only to carry out the civic responsibilities and duties bestowed on them. As such there is no need to bring in political controversies at al . It wil only create distrust and disrespect.

* * *

From the time the local bodies were converted into a cock-pit of political controversies, they have gradual y lost their status and the general interests of the people were jeopardised.

* * *

If there is real autonomy for the local bodies, there wil be no need to col ect taxes from the people. If the local bodies take the important trades, cinema, hotels, etc., the huge profits in crores and lakhs, now amassed by the rich capitalists could be got by the local bodies. With that income they could create al facilities needed to the people. This is my firm view.

* * *

Let us ask for the particulars regarding the wealth and the profit accrued to individuals already. Let us first devise means to stop the evil. Why should we al ow any individual to amass wealth?

* * *

Before the advent of the British rule, North and South of India were independent. They insisted on keeping us together for their imperialist designs. Today they are gone. Why not the old status be restored?

* * *

If the South India is free it wil be friendly to the North. It wil make its own arrangements to defend its territory. This is how the various countries exist in the world today.

* * *

People must be made self-respecting. They should be educated and be wise. They should be rid of al blind beliefs. That wil only pave the way for a good government.

* * *

Gandhiji was murdered after get ing independence of India in six months. What a cruel and unjust thing in six months! If such a thing had happened in any other country would the event be treated in this casual way?

* * *

This government came into existence by an arrangement made between the Congress party and the British. It is not freedom that is given to al Indians. By this freedom, non-congress people are not benefit ed. They are not represented anywhere. The evils of the Casteism dogma have not disappeared.

* * *

Aryans made the Dravidians to celebrate the Deepavali festival, Rama’s birthday, Krishna’s birthday. Similarly the Northerners made the Dravidians celebrate August 15th as the Independence Day. That is al . There is no other benefit or laudable reason.

* * *

Is it right on the part of the government to impose on us a Governor who has “Sir”and other titles. He is a rich man styled as a Maharaja. His eyes

would not have seen the poor. How could he know the lives of ordinary common man. He is one who has always led a comfortable life. Is he the fit person to be the Governor for the people of Madras?

* * *

We, the Dravidians are not prepared to be slaves. We could no longer starve for gruel. We do not like to be of the low caste. We do not believe that our next birth wil be good by suffering in this birth. We want to live as good humans in this life itself.

* * *

You cannot find a man even in the mental hospital, who would denounce wisdom and the fruits of hard work in this twentieth century.

* * *

Whoever it be, however great he may be, whatever he may say, I am of the opinion that every one should think over prudently and independently in an unbiased and impartial manner.

* * *

Every man has the right to express his opinion freely. It is this right to exercise his right of expression. It is unjust to deny this right. Freedom of speech is the bedrock of democracy.


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Our language wil make our people unite under the banner of Tamilnadu and Tamil language. It wil make the Kanadigas, Andhras and the Malayalees vigilant. A time wil come for unity. This wil go on til there is an end to the North Indian domination. We wil be carving out an independent sovereign state for us.

* * *

If you remove the words of North Indian origin (Sanskrit) from Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam you wil be left with only Tamil. The Tamil spoken by the Andhras and the Malayalees are by far better than the Tamil spoken by the Brahmins. Historical y those places were in Tamilnadu.

* * *

If any Dravidian shouts ‘Long live Hindi’, if any one even thinks so, reject him as a low class person. One day he wil become wise and repent.

If the North Indian quits, the Brahmin wil remain silent. Then they wil themselves bid good-bye to castes. The foremost duty today is rooting out Hindi. Why? Because Hindi is imposed with the motive of instal ing North Indian domination.

* * *

Either Hindi should go or myself. Annadurai and our fol owers should be cleared of the track. Otherwise this ministry should go! Unless any one of these takes place there is no possibility of the ministers words becoming true. Our agitation wil not fade out. Our war wil go on til we succeed, even if it were to take one year or many years.


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Even as many plants are seen to grow without planting seeds, you wil find living beings reproduce without the need for intercourse between the male and the female.

* * *

The life of man is dif erent from that of the other living beings because the life of man is greater and superior with higher and bet er qualities.

* * *

The philosophy of life does not have much dif erence as laid down in various religions.

* * *

Any opposition not based on rationalism or science or experience wil one day or other, reveal the fraud, selfishness, lies and conspiracies.(add those in pages 358-359)


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The rich people who exploit the labourers and try to safeguard their riches and those who want to enjoy a happy life and those who crave to the God for more riches and those who are for name and fame after death and those who want to leave their wealth to their sons and grandsons are always in eternal worry. That is not so with a hard worker or a labourer.

* * *

Who are the capitalists? If they give an increase of two annas as wages they wil raise the price of articles by four annas and make the very labourers to buy at higher prices. What they give in the right hand they snatch away by the left hand.

* * *

The labour problem is always a problem of the people in the world.It is the labourer who builds everything in the world. World exists because of their labour. But it is the same labourer who undergoes worries, difficulties and sorrow.

* * *

If the labourers are to be rid of hardship and worries the capitalistic outlook should be completely eradicated.

* * *

What is the basic aim of the labour agitation? It is to prevent the lazy people, who do not work, enjoying life, and to help the downtrodden, hard working classes regain a legitimate decent life.

* * *

In our country any one joining any organisation first calculates his profit views whether it would fetch any fame and then becomes a member. The feeling that one should serve the society and do good to the world is not to be seen.

* * *

In our country when we happen to meet somebody we want to know what post he holds and then give him the due respect. But in Russia it is not so. When one meets the other they want to know first what social service one is doing.


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People are talking high of Thiruval uvar. But in practice they do not respect his teachings.

They act against him and dis regard him.

* * *

Thiruval uvar has not mentioned a single word about God in his 1330 couplets. He has simply taken a few outstanding qualities attributed to god for the purpose of explaining. Even in that, he has abstained from describing god in a definite form. When such is the greatness of Kural, it cannot be said that Kural is not useful to make the people tread the right path.

* * *

With the purpose of clearly exposing the differences between the Aryan and the Tamil culture, civilisation, conduct and creed Thirukural was written. I am of that firm view.

* * *

When you are asked to say what religion you belong, say “Val uvar Religion”. When asked by anyone, say that you fol ow the path of righteousness. No reactionary would stand before you as Kural is irrefutable.

* * *

Kural is a rare book that is above caste, religion, God and superstition. It is the embodiment of high qualities and love.

* * *

Val uvar who is hailed by the educated and uneducated lays stress on good conduct only.

He has praised the Dravidians as the people of very high character.

The only remedy for al Aryan il s is the Kural. Many poets have already expressed the same view. Kural exposes the Aryan traits and foolishness. So, fol ow Kural in your life and gain more and more wisdom.

* * *

When Dravidanadu was a victim to Aryan deceit, Thirukural was writ en by a great Dravidian Thiruval uvar to free the Dravidians.

* * *

Thirukural is acceptable to science, wisdom, and reason.

* * *

Val uvar describes God as wisdom and high qualities. He connotes God as a wise man. He has not created God as a dishonest and immoral betrayer.

* * *

He who reads the Kural wil definitely become a Self-respecter. It contains profound knowledge of politics, society , and economics.

* * *

There may be something that is unsuited to the modern times in Kural. They could be changed. Kural permits such changes.

* * *

Manu’s code is against the Sudra of Dravidian race interests. There are many proofs to il ustrate this in Kural.

* * *

Thirukural was writ en to show a good path to the people to create values in life and to develop a good order in the society.

* * *

Kural condemns the Hindu religion. It has taken the good in al the religions. It unfurls al that is right and good.

* * *

Val uvar lays stress on self-knowledge. Every one should give up idol worship if they are to fol ow Val uvar.

* * *

Christians should not think that they are superior just because they are converted to Christianity. In fact, Christianity is also a religion based on Kural. There is nothing in Kural that is against what is said in the Bible.

* * *

The Dravidar Kazhagam is adopting the Val uvar’s Kural.

* * *

Thiruval uvar’s Kural alone is enough to educate the people of our country.

* * *

We should realise that if we want to gain wisdom through a book it is only ‘Kural’that can do that. So far as I am concerned though I do not profess to have conducted vast research in

‘Kural.’ I have taken the cream out of it.

* * *

Instead of reading 100 poems of Ramayana and 200 poems of Periya purana, it is enough you read 10 couplets of Kural.


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Our eyes were opened out to an extent by the Britishers. We, the Dravidians want to get rid of the degradation imposed by Brahmins. We have undertaken a very difficult task which did not strike a Mahatma, Maharishi, Ganani, Nayanmar and Alwars. The Dravidar Kazhagam is not for any reward or title. It is for the eradication of Caste System (Varnashrama Dharma).

* * *

The Dravidar kazhagam wants to see the spread of communism by education through non-violent means.

* * *

The non-violent path might take a long time to reach the goal but it wil certainly fetch success.

* * *

If there is disorder in the society it wil only af ect us and not the Brahmins. Keep this in mind.

* * *

Unless Dravidanadu is seceded from India there can be no freedom, food or good life. This is certain. I can even bet.

* * *

The Dravidar kazhagam functions with the object of creating a socialist society.

* * *

Today the seeds of Dravidar kazhagam are spreading everywhere. Every Dravidian is infused with the Dravidar Kazhagam’s ideals.

* * *

Dravidar kazhagam is not for special recognition or fame by going to jail. We want to win recongnition for doing hard work. Imprisonment wil help only an individual. Whereas hard and sincere work wil help the society. Perhaps the individuals may have to bear the difficulties and suf erings.

* * *

If you find mythologies (puranas) staged as drama even now, we have to suspect the very birth of those who stage it.

* * *

On account of Dravidar Kazhagam many Heads of Hindu monasteries have mended themselves (matathipathis) today.

* * *

Because the people are engulfed in the darkness of ignorance, the Dravidar kazhagam mainly carries on propaganda to educate the people.

* * *

The work of the Dravidar Kazhagam is to educate the folk in al mat ers related to God and religion. We want to make the people wise with self respect.


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We demand the Vedas of Aryans to be burnt. The God that has created the Untouchables (the lowest caste) should be broken to pieces and used for laying the roads. Hinduism is a nauseating gut er and the Untouchables should embrace Islam or Christianity to lead a life with self-respect. Thousands have already converted so. What has the Congress party done then? Catching hold of a few hirelings amongst the Untouchables, it carried on anti-propaganda. What was the net result? Today the right to enter the temples is given to al including the Untouchables.

* * *

Temples are thrown open to al . But it is the Brahmins only who stil enjoy the right to ring the bel , and snatch away the coins fal ing in the plate. The lakhs of rupees spent in the name of temples is our money. Should it not be shared by our Dravidian people?

A low caste Hindu by converting himself to other religions wil not gain anything, if his status remains the same in the new religion.

* * *

It is absurd to quote religion or God or religious doctrines to render the people as lowest castes.


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Wisdom lies in thinking. The spear-head of thinking is rationalism.

* * *

No other living being harms its own class. No other living being degrades its own class. No other living being exploits its own class. But man, said to be a rational living being does al these evils.

The dif erences, hatred, enmity, degradation, poverty, wickedness etc., now prevalent in the society are due to lack of wisdom and rationalism. They are not due to God or the cruelty of time.

* * *

Capitalists control the machineries. They create difficulties to the workers. Consequently rationalism, which has to lead the way for peaceful life to al , has resulted in causing poverty and worries to the people because of dominating forces.

* * *

Belief in God has only destroyed reason in man. That is why the position of the rational human beings are today worse than animals. Humanity is sick and sorrowful.

* * *

You cannot expect any rational thought from a religious man. He is like a rocking log in water.

* * *

There is no use of simply acquiring titles or amassing wealth if one has no self-respect and scientific knowledge.

* * *

Foreigners are sending messages to the planets. We are sending rice and cereals to our dead fore-father through the Brahmins. Is it a wise deed?

* * *

I want to say a word to the Brahmins, “In the name of God, religion, sastras you have duped us. We were the ruling people. Stop this life of cheating us from this year. Give room for rationalism and humanism.

” * * *

I commenced opposing these Gods and Brahmins when I was 17 years. From that time to this day I am preaching rationalism for 53 years. Am I kil ed for that? Am I in disgrace? Not at al ! Then why do you fear? Seek wisdom.


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Self-Respect Marriages are the marriages acceptable to modern times.

* * *

The common man thinks that the marriage is like appointing one to do his work. The husband thinks so! The husband’s family thinks so. Every one thinks that a girl is coming to the family to do work. Even the girl’s family trains the girl to do the household work.

* * *

What for is a marriage? It is to unite a man and a woman to enjoy a natural life with happiness. It is to find solace after hard work. Most of the people do not realise that marriages are for sharing pleasures of the wedded life.

* * *

Marriages should culminate on account of the wishes of the couple. It is their knitting of the hearts that should lead to marriages.

* * *

We can only say that in this country an unmarried girl enjoys greater freedom than those who are tied to the wedded life.

* * *

We see morality in speeches and writings. We do not find it in practice. We are having different regulations for the males and the females. Our code of conduct is unfair to women.

Child marriage is abolished. If there is right to divorce, right for widows to remarry and if women are now given certain rights, we wil not see prostitution in the country. It wil gradual y disappear.

* * *

A male has the right to wander about as he pleases. He has the right to marry any number of girls. This practice has led to prostitution.

* * *

No politician or economist is ready to accept the real social reform schemes needed to the society.

* * *

Vil age reform is not merely cleaning the roads, constructing schools and worshipping monsteries. It is not mere celebration of festivals.

* * *

I am accused of ruining the world. What is it I am going to gain by ruining the world? I do not understand what the Brahmin devotees actual y feel. Wil anyone carry on propaganda to ruin the world? I hope they would soon think with reason.


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It is the duty of the wise people to ascertain whether there has been any benefit to the poor or to the country by the Khadhi cloth movement. It is only an anachronism in the modern industrial and political times.

* * *

To say that one must gain a knowledge to prepare for himself what al one needs might have been right when people were wandering in forests as barbarians.

* * *

One could assess the measure of intel igence of Indians by taking into account the faiths prevailing in customs, rituals, epics like Ramayana, Baratham, and Peria Puranam. Similarly we can assess the political and economic views of the Indians by analysing the Khadhi cloth policy.

* * *

The root cause for the poverty is the existence of capitalists in the society. If there are no rich people in the society there wil be no poverty.

* * *

Money lending is a horrible profession. If we are to cal it otherwise it is lawful plundering.

* * *

If there is cooperation on right lines, and if it is strong and sound, society wil be free from worries, we can enjoy a peaceful and contented life. Cooperation wil lead to that.

* * *

As long as we give room for domination and dominators, there wil be worries and worried people. Poverty and pestilence wil live eternal y in the country.

* * *

If we can divert the wealth of the temples and the income accruing to the temples, to start new industries there wil be no beggar, no uneducated man, and no man with a low status.

There wil be a socialist society with perfect equality.

* * *

What pride is there in saying that the Britishers are gone. In their place traders like Marwadis, Gujaratis, and Banias of North India have set led down here in Tamil Nadu. They are exploiting freely. When we see the exploitation of these Northerners, we feel that we can even forget the Brahmins.

* * *

Even if the Brahmin swindles money he spends it here in Tamil Nadu. He is going to die here. But it is not the case with the North Indians. When opportunity arises he takes away gold, silver, copper and cash and goes away beyond 2000 miles with his bag and baggage.

* * *

A marwadi who sel s the eatable mixture in a smal vehicle soon becomes a big businessman, in a few years and does roaring business.


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What is there deeply rooted in Aryanism except heaven, hel and the differentiating castes?

* * *

My request to the Brahmins is this “if you are not wil ing to live with us with unity, go to hel .

Atleast keep away from putting hurdles in the path of our Dravidians unity”.

* * *

Brahmins cannot hope to claim a high and superior status forever. Times are changing. They have to come down. Then only they could survive with dignity. Otherwise they wil one day be forfeiting their high status. It wil not be by force. It wil be by just laws of the land and the people. * * *

Ever since Brahmins came here (Tamil Nadu), rarely do we find anyone asking them why Brahmins? Why Sudras? Even those who asked were hushed up. Val uvar and Kapilar too stated clearly that there were no high and low castes by birth. Brahmins could not oppose their views. They simply abstained from giving publicity to the views expressed by them.

* * *

As there was no open opposition to Aryanism from the beginning, it grew in stages and made us degraded.

* * *

When we, the Dravidians have the radios and aeroplanes in the scientifical y advanced days, why should we be slaves to the Brahmins or depend on them for anything?

* * *

The idols, the Vedas which breed ignorance, Upanishads, Manu code, Baratham and other literature which make the people foolish would be driven out of our Tamil Nadu borders.

* * *

I have not talked of anything to despise the Brahmins, just because they are born as Brahmins.

* * *

If we have a girl at home who has at ained puberty, some one should come and ask for al iance. Otherwise the girl wil have to remain a virgin only. But in a Brahmin’s house if there is a girl who has attained puberty the Brahmin wil go from door to door seeking a bridegroom. This is the difference between the Aryan and the Dravidian customs.

* * *

The leader of the Congress party is a Brahmin. The leader of the socialists is a Brahmin. The leader of the communists is a Brahmin. The leader of the Hindu Maha Sabha is a Brahmin.

The leader of R.S.S is a Brahmin. The leader of the Trade Union is a Brahmin. The President of India is a Brahmin. They are al one in the heart of hearts.

* * *

Because our ladies mostly at end Kalatshepams, (Religious discourses) they have fal en prey to the superstitions, blind beliefs, and immorality by the false and fictitious propaganda of the Brahmins.

* * *

I want the Brahmins to realise that the Dravidian people today are very much hating those who cunningly cheated them with absurdities. They are now aware of the particular

community making a living by spreading the foolishness. People have begun to hate God, religion, caste, mythologies (puranas) and so on. Those who stil believe the Brahmins should take a serious note of the changing times and start leading an awakened life.

* * *

If one is to be considered high, some one should show some just reason. Brahmin cal s himself high and superior. In what respects is he superior to others? Are there not Brahmins who are connected with al the trades in the world good and bad? Do we not see them eating al things as others?

* * *

There should be no dif erentiation amongst the people. Al should be treated as equals. On this basis the Brahmin must give up his false prestige, in the interest of the society. I say that the blind beliefs should be given up. If the newspapers “Hindu” and the “Swadesamitran”

carry on false propaganda that I am communal, I am not responsible for that.


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Note: “The Golden Sayings of Periyar” was published in Tamil in 1949. The then Congress Government banned the book. Later in 1979, the Al India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (A.I.A.D.M.K.) Government headed by Mr. M.G. Ramachandran lifted the ban on the book as fol ows:

Public (Law & Order – B) Department G.O.Ms. No.1162 Dated: the 15th June 1970.


G.O. Ms. No.692, Public (General-A) Department, Dated:


From the Inspector-General of Police, D.O. Letter No.

C 12/61728/C, dated : 4-12-1978.


In the Government Order read above, it was notified under section 19 of the Indian Press (Emergency Powers) Act.1931 (Central Act. XXII of 1931) (Since repealed) that every copy of the Tamil book entitled ‘Pon Mozhigal’ by Thiru E.V.Ramasamy Naicker., published by the

“Dravida Mani Pathippagam,“ Tiruchirapal i and printed at “Madras Ripon Press,”

Pudukkottaai and al other documents containing copies or translations of the said book in as much as it contains matter of the nature described in section 4(1) (d) and (h) of the said Act, be declared to be forfeited to the Government.

The Periyar Centenary Commit ee constituted by the Tamil Nadu Government in connection with the Periyar Centenary Celebration recommended, inter alia, that the ban on books by Periyar E.V. Ramaswamy may be lifted.

The Government, after careful consideration of the mat er in the altered circumstances since the ban order referred to above, direct that the orders issued in the Government Order read above be cancel ed with immediate ef ect.

(By order of the Governor)


Chief Secretary to Government.

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