High-Level Corruption, Cynthia Gabriel's Reception of Death Threats, the Enforced Disappearance & Gruesome Murder of Al by Hakimi Abdul Jabar - HTML preview

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In an article by Emma Reynolds in NEWS.COM.AU dated SEPTEMBER 22, 2015


Altantuya was taken from Baginda's home on the night of her murder. A week later, the defence analyst was detained along with the two officers later convicted of the crime, and charged with abetting the murder.

It is alleged that Altantuya was far more than just his mistress, and had assisted in a controversial submarine deal thought to have been used for kickbacks. Some claim she was pregnant with his child.

Baginda brokered Malaysia's billion-dollar purchase of two Scorpene submarines from France in 2002, and the $US125 million contract for coordinating the building of the subs went to companies reportedly set up by Baginda in his wife's name.

He claimed he didn't meet Altantuya until 2004, but receipts uncovered by a French investigation show she travelled with him to Paris, Hong Kong and Macau.

Cynthia Gabriel, director of an anti-corruption organisation in Malaysia, insists his girlfriend would have at least known about the deal. Gabriel has since received death threats.

This February, he spoke from detention to say that he had been “under orders” and “the important people with motive are still free.”

In a published article by SUARAM JB dated 11 January 2010, here :



The Submarine Scandal and the Altantuya Murder

11/01/2010 SUARAM JB


by Cynthia Gabriel


The defence ministry has spent more than one billion euros or about RM 7.3 billion of the rakyat's money for the purchase of the two submarines, which are reportedly of questionable quality. The first submarine, the KD Tuanku Abdul Rahman could not sink in tropical waters, while the second arrived more than 7 months after the scheduled date of arrival.

  • Adding intrigue and mystery to this controversial deal was the mysterious and horrifying death in 2006, by two policemen closely linked to then deputy prime minister Najib Razak. The deceased is a Mongolian national, believed to be a translator and mistress of Abdul Razak Baginda, a political analyst, also closely linked to najib.
  • C4 explosives were said to have killed her. This explosive is not easily available in the market. It is available only in the Defence ministry and normally used for demolishing buildings. Who issued the explosives to be used and why? When Altantuya was killed, Najib was still the Defence Minister.

Who is Altantuya Shaariibuu?

  • Shaariibuugiin Altantuyaa (1978 2006), is a Mongolian national, who was murdered brutally in Shah Alam Malaysia on the 19th October 2006, during the month of Ramadhan.
  • She worked as a translator for Mr. Abdul Razak Baginda, who is a well-known political analyst, a close ally to Prime Minister Najib Razak.
  • When Altantuya Shaariibuu was killed, Najib was the deputy prime minister and defense minister.
  • She was also a single mother with two young children below 10 years old.
  • Her younger son has a rare brain disease and she was trying to earn enough money to send him for a good