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Further in a press statement dated 17 October 2012 released by SUARAM :






“…Investigations so far have provided sufficient evidence to point our fingers at Malaysian officials in the judicial inquiry…”

Joseph Breham, French lawyer

SUARAM has been placed under the microscope of no less than 6 government agencies in recent months, and investigated for various allegations of wrongdoings. Leaders and key staff of SUARAM have been repeatedly summoned to the Companies Commissions and investigated by the police under S112 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

While these agencies have worked overzealously to look for non- existing faults, SUARAM continues to be the target of incessant attacks by GONGOs and pro-government groups alike, mercilessly demonized and tried in the mainstream media for numerous alleged wrongdoings; chief of which are our wide links with foreign interests, being recipients of Soros and other sources of foreign funding as well as registering ourselves as a company instead of a society.

The Barisan Nasional administration has gone into overdrive to discredit SUARAM and delegitimizing us in the eyes of the Malaysian public.

As has always been the case, our heavily skewed mainstream media, has almost never published our right of reply, and we suffer from the barrage of unsubstantiated reports published by them. For a relatively small human rights organization, which has existed for more than 23 years, such disproportionate attacks and bullying reflects the mindset of an insecure and desperate administration, hell bent on silencing critical voices in the lead up to the General Elections.

The last week however has seen the attacks on SUARAM shift from our various alleged wrongdoings, to something more specific : THE SCORPENE CASE. So the real reasons for harassment and intimidation have finally surfaced. SUARAM is being punished and vilified for its role as a whistleblower in the Scorpene case. Instead of investigating the complaints, SUARAM is being investigated instead.

And what better way than to have former French Head of Prosecution, Yves Charpenel who was in town for a conference, to say that there was “no trial” in France.

For ease of reference, Mr Charpenel's statements are reproduced in the following:-

“…The media in Malaysia should be able to distinguish between rumours and facts, and between investigations and a trial…”

“…I am aware about all the fuss kicked up by certain media (organisations) in Malaysia over this but what I can say is that this is nothing more than a trial by the media…”

“…A trial is a trial with all the rules. Investigation is another thing…”

We wish to categorically clarify our position in the following:-

1. It is a fact that the investigations on the Scorpene scandal has commenced. It is not a rumour;

2. All previous statements issued by SUARAM have used the term ”judicial inquiry” and “criminal investigations” interchangeably;

3. At no material time has SUARAM used the term “trial” in SUARAM's statements to the public;

4. A trial is different from an investigation;

5. The investigation on the Scorpene scandal is being conducted in Paris and by no way conducted by the media in Malaysia let alone tried by the media in Malaysia;

6. In all of statements in the past, we have maintained very clearly that the complaint filed by SUARAM at the end of 2009, had led French prosecutors to find sufficient prima facie evidence to allow the inquiry to move into the open courts for a deepened investigation;

7. A judicial inquiry had commenced on 16 March 2012, and SUARAM was made a civil party to the case;

8. The inquiry is being heard at the Tribunal de Grande Instance;

9. Two judges were appointed <