How You Can Help in Honduras by Lance Winslow & Dr. Nathalie Fiset - HTML preview

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Clearing House for Donated Materials

When asked to look at all the hard work that the many different groups helping in Honduras were doing, The Online Think Tank proposed that a computerized clearing house be established and perhaps run by "Austin Helps Honduras" or another neutral group. Each of the groups going on missions could post what they needed and citizens could offer to send in such items.

The clearing house could be set up on an "e-Bay" type platform, only where no money was exchanged. Volunteers with certain expertise could list their skills and resumes to be placed on a team that could do the most good. Items could be shipped to a warehouse located presumably in San Antonio or an area nearby that was donated space from a Corporate Sponsor. Perhaps, it might be located near a UPS Terminal to make it easy to collect shipments. You see, as the Online Think Tank group stated;

"Many of the items that are needed in Rural Honduras are things that you and I would commonly throw away, I know most of us would be glad to send those items if we knew they could do some good for our neighbors in the South…Corporations might be willing to donate other items for tax deductions and PR reasons as well. I certainly cannot think of a better cause, it's clearly a win-win for all concerned."

Each group going in to assist on a mission needs to survey and figure out what is needed and then get online and post it along with the location where it is needed. This will improve the supply chain and efficiency. With a supply chain in place much more will be possible at a much faster pace to assist the rural poor, their children and their future education. Perhaps a warehouse might be run in country as well or a drop off point run by the Honduras Rotary Club or Honduras Catholic Church and once the various groups arrived in Honduras, their material would be waiting for them, safe and sound.