If I Had a Country by John Glover - HTML preview

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No country can provide free health care for its citizens when 66% of its citizens (in the U.S.) practice one or more of these: Smokes, Booze, Drugs, Reckless Activities, Obesity or Self Abuse. This is why government run health care will not work. Those really in need of quality health care will not get it because the 66% mentioned above will absorb all of the (funds) money available.

Everywhere this, government health care, has been tried the quality of care goes down or the government eventually goes bankrupt. Just too many high risk people (mostly their fault) needing care for any government to absorb the cost.

The solution is to buy your own health insurance according to your habits. Liberals will say, this is not fair; it will be too expensive for some people. I say change your habits. Why should the citizens of the RNA be responsible for another person's habits or insurance?

I realize this is not a perfect solution but if there is competition among insurance companies, doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and hospitals and with the citizen able to buy from any legal company offering health insurance, all of this should make the cost less. There is no easy solution because some people just will not buy health insurance. They may have the money to practice all of the habits listed above plus afford cell phones, tattoos, video games, concert tickets, etc. but not health insurance. At minimum these people could afford Catastrophic Healthcare Insurance. It is very reasonable.

What is Catastrophic Insurance?

These types of plans are designed by health insurance companies to capture business at the low end of the market. In many cases, customers are unable to afford the full cost of regular health care with appointments, full pharmacy coverage, clinic visits, etc. All they can afford is serious emergency care for immediate health situations such as heart attacks, car accidents, wounds and trauma, and similar events.

If a citizen of the RNA doesn't have health insurance and ends up needing medical care the RNA will pay for it (Christian thing to do) but this person or his or her family will be responsible to reimburse the people of the RNA. Free health care might be offered by Religious Groups, Civic Groups and/or Charities.

Social Security and Retirement

It is the responsibility of each citizen of the Republic of New America to save for his or her retirement. There will be no Social Security or Welfare. The citizens of the RNA do not owe you a living. All citizens will be strongly encouraged to voluntarily place at least 20% of his or her income into some type of savings/retirement account of his or her choice. Your money will grow super-fast because unlike in the U.S., in the RNA your savings will not be taxed. Retire when you can afford to do so. It is your responsibility to make sure you have enough funds saved to not run out before life runs out. If you run out of funds, then go back to work. Don't ask the government to save you using the taxpayer’s hard earned money.

I realize that sometime people encounter financial troubles not of their own making. When this happens use your savings, if you have no savings, your church or family should be your next line of defense until you get back on your feet. Government should be your last resource. A Government that raises you…owns you.


In the U.S. Welfare has increased 70% since the 1950's (the domino effect). The more people on welfare the less responsible society becomes. The reason for this is that people on welfare don't have to compete or take responsibility to survive. Individuals not on welfare have to educate themselves over and over just to stay ahead of the competition. They have to think. They have to work. They learn to save and invest. This sounds unappealing to those on welfare but these welfare people will never know self-reliance, self-pride, self-respect, responsibility, and the truth that those who know and practice these things are a blessing to themselves, their country and society.

In the U.S. it is the non-welfare people who are being taxed to death to keep welfare alive. I believe that 70% of those on U.S. welfare could work if they had to. In the RNA they will work or leave. It is not only unfair but unpatriotic to force those who work to pay for those who sit around doing nothing productive.

Because of the effects of the abusive welfare program in the U.S. there will be No welfare allowed in the Republic of New America. Everyone is expected to work. With technology there is always something one can learn to do to make a living. For the small percentage of those who may really need help (welfare) getting by, family and the church should provide for these good people. This is what being a Christian nation is all about. In a Christian nation no one should fall through the cracks. Government is not your GOD!

I thought I should stop and add some of my favorite quotes here so the readers of this book may fully understand where I am coming from.

Some quotes by Dr. Adrian Pierce Rogers

You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the industrious out of it.

You don't multiply wealth by dividing it.

Government cannot give anything to anybody that it doesn't first take from somebody else.

Whenever somebody receives something without working for it, somebody else has to work for it without receiving.

The worst thing that can happen to a nation is for half of the people to get the idea they don't have to work because somebody else will work for them, and the other half to get the idea that it does no good to work because they don't get to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

Some quotes by Prime minister Margaret Thatcher:

“Do you know that one of the great problems of our age is that we are governed by people who care more about feelings than they do about thoughts and ideas.”

“I think we've been through a period wh ere too many people have been given to understand that if they have a problem, it's the government's job to cope with it. 'I have a problem, I'll get a grant.' 'I'm homeless, the government must house me.' They're casting their problem on society. And, you know, there is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look to themselves first. It's our duty to look after ourselves and then, also to look after our neighbor.

People have got the entitlements too much in mind, without the obligations. There's no such thing as entitlement, unless someone has first met an obligation

“Being democratic is not enough, a majority cannot turn what is wrong into right. In order to be considered truly free, countries must also have a deep love of liberty and an abiding respect for the rule of law.”

“Socialists are happy until they run out of other people's money.”

And finally this quote by Margaret Thatcher, which is no longer true in the U.S. but was true when she quoted it in the Reagan years:

“There are significant differences between the American and European version of capitalism. The American traditionally emphasizes the need for limited government, light regulations, low taxes and maximum labor-market flexibility. Its success has been shown above all in the ability to create new jobs, in which it is consistently more successful than Europe.”

Some quotes by President Ronald Reagan:

We should measure welfare's success by how many people leave welfare, not by how many are added.

Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.

Man is not free unless government is limited.

We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.

The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much.

The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.

(end of quotes)

Here is an article I wrote some time ago that I wish to share with you. It's called Liberalism Verses Conservatism. (start of article)

Liberalism Verses Conservatism by John W. Glover (copy righted July 2000)

I love this old Chinese Proverb . “Feed a man a fish and you will have to feed him for a lifetime (welfare). Teach a man to fish and he will feed himself” (freedom).

The man that you fed the fish to is totally dependent on you because he doesn't know how to fish (dumb-ed down). Whatever the reason, you control this man. You tell him, only what you think he should know, what schools he should send his children to (you pick, because you can't afford to let this man's children get too educated. If they get too educated they won't need you anymore. Plus you want to do the right thing and make sure they get a Liberal education). Worst of all you tell him how to vote, he listens because he fears he will lose his fish supply. These are the tactics that the Liberals (Progressives) have used so well for over fifty years. This is what Lyndon B. Johnson's “Great Society” was all about. It and other social programs were there (at tax payer s’ expense) to win votes. They had no other purpose. I can say this because these programs did not work, was not design to work! Billions upon Billions of tax payer dollars were spent on these programs. Just think how much better off the U.S. would be if they used that money to teach their people how to fish (make a decent living).

Now let's talk about the man who has been taught how to fish. Not only is this man not beholding to anyone, he is free to vote as he likes, to send his children to the best schools, to live in a nice home, to live in a nice neighborhood, to drive a very nice car, he sell his excess fish for a profit so he is able to do these things. This profit could be used to start a business so that others may prosper (capitalism) and live the American Dream.

The downside to all of this wealth that he earned, through hard work, is that Liberals will want to take it from him (taxes) to buy fish (votes) for those who refuse to fish (work). Well you didn't think Liberals was going to use their own money when they can spend yours. DID YOU!

(end of article)


If you haven't figured this out by now here is a warning: the Republic of New America will be a Christian Nation. Unlike in the U.S. where their President has proclaimed, "We are no longer a Christian Nation," the RNA will always be a Christian Nation welcoming all people who want to better themselves and live peacefully with others.

Our laws will be based of Judo/Christian values, laws, and traditions, so why wouldn't we be a Christian Nation? I choose Christianity because of all Religions that I know of, it is the most tolerant of others. Christians accept those of other faiths, whereas in some parts of the world if you have no faith or if your faith is not the faith favored by the population or government you are an outcast, you are discriminated against, you are placed into bondage and sometime even killed.

So now you know up front what you are getting yourself into before becoming a citizen of the Republic of New America. All are welcomed, believers and non-believers. All will be treated equally in this Christian Nation.

"Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants.”

~William Penn founder and first Governor of Pennsylvania


If a woman is pregnant and nothing is done to stop the pregnancy won't she give birth to a child? The only answer to this question is “yes,” and since “yes” is the only correct answer, then abortion is the taking of a child's life.

Over 1.3 million babies are aborted in the U.S. each year. How can a supposedly moral nation do this? How can a nation who does this be blessed by God? The Republic of New America will not be a part of this madness.

Pregnancy is not a disease like cancer. It is a condition brought on by two consenting adults (except incest or rape). The baby should not be cut out and flushed down a toilet like a piece of cancerous meat. There is no reason in these modern times (except rape) for an unwanted pregnancy. Either person could have and should have used birth control but when both are, one or more of these things: too self-centered, too lazy, too stupid, too non caring, unwanted pregnancies will happen.

Since the RNA will be a country of personal responsibility both parents will be held responsible for a proper up-bringing of this new citizen. If the child is not wanted by either parent the child will be placed for adoption to a good loving couple (man and woman). This adoption will only cost this couple the hospital bill plus legal fees (if any). No outrageous high priced adoptions allowed in the RNA. If either of the two parents want the child, the parent not wanting the child will still be responsible for 1/2 of the expense in raising the child until 18 years of age. If the man declares he is not the father, DNA will be analyzed to find the real father. Unlike in the U.S., no citizen in the RNA will be responsible for raising another person's child. No one will be paid by the government of the RNA to have children - if you can not afford children don't have unprotected sex.

Before I go further let me make this clear I am not anti-sex. I don't care if you have sex until your eye balls pop out. Just take responsibility for the outcome.

It angers me how the man gets off Scot free. He is 1/2 responsible for the pregnancy yet society holds the woman fully responsible. This is why in the U.S. there are so many moms struggling to raise their children and no dads around or even offering financial aid. My dad always said, "Never have sex with a woman you are not willing to marry.” (AKA - shot gun weddings, where I come from). Here in the RNA (because everyone's DNA will be on file) we will find the man and the man will pay or do 9 months of hard labor. After all, the mother has to carry the baby for 9 months.

Some men may say this is harsh punishment. Let’s see how our forefathers handled this situation:

According to A Midwife's Tale, The Life of Martha Ballard Based on Her Diary 1785-1812 by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, in colonial times, if a woman got pregnant and refused to identify the father she would be asked time and time again during child birth by the midwife "who is the father". Because she was under such pain and probably pissed off at the man anyway, she would eventually tell. The midwife would pass this information to the Leader who with the other men of the village would find the man and make him pay one way or the other. Times were hard for these people and no one could afford to raise another man's child. Justice was done. Seems like our forefathers were a lot smarter than we are.

I realize that a female who is pregnant and don't want to be, must be under tremendous fear and pressure. I urge any female who doesn't want her child to have the baby and let someone who can't have children adopt it. Believe me they will love that child as their own. I know a couple who has adopted two children ( a boy and a girl). To them, they both are gifts from God.

I think it is a rotten shame that the male is not held at lease half responsible for the unwanted pregnancy, but the whole burden rest with the female. So girls if you must be sexually active, use birth control - just a little fatherly advice from John.

For those females out there who have had an abortion and feel guilt. Let it go! Let God know it won't happen again. Ask God to forgive you with a pure heart and your forgiveness is assured.

This section has been the hardest part of this book for me to write because I don't want to hurt the mother, but I do want justice and life for the baby. At one time in my life I was told by a female that what she did with her body was none of my business. True, what you do with your body is none of my business but the body inside your body wants to live. Please let it live.