If I Had a Country by John Glover - HTML preview

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The only *taxes you will pay in the Republic of New America is as follows: A Flat Tax of 5% to the Federal Government plus A Flat tax of 5% to the State Government plus A 5% Flat tax to the County Government plus A 5% Flat tax to the City/Town you live in or by. These taxes will be paid monthly to keep Government working. A yearly tax collection system forces Government to borrow money, waiting for its end of year tax payments. This monthly paid tax system eliminates interest on borrowed money, which comes out of the taxes collected, plus gives all government entities operating capital each month.

* There will be an import fee of 5%. This fee will only apply to businesses in the RNA that import goods. This fee will be paid to the Federal Government each month.

A fair tax system with no loop holes. This is the only taxes you will pay in the Republic of New America. This tax system cannot be changed without a 80% approval vote by the taxpayers. Here is a list of just some of the taxes you will not pay in the RNA that are collected in the U.S.

Property Tax, Accounts Receivable Tax, Building Permit Tax, CDL license Tax, Cigarette Tax, Soft Drink tax, Alcohol Tax, Corporate Income Tax, Court Fines (indirect taxes), Dog License Tax, Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA), Fishing License Tax, Food License Tax, Fuel permit tax, Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon), Hunting License Tax, Inheritance Tax Interest expense (tax on the money), Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax), IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax), Death Tax, Liquor Tax, Luxury Taxes, Marriage License Tax, Medicare Tax, Real Estate Tax, Septic Permit Tax, Service Charge Taxes, Social Security Tax, Road Usage Taxes, Sales Taxes, Recreational Vehicle Tax, Road Toll Booth Taxes, School Tax, State Unemployment Tax (SUTA), Telephone federal excise tax, Telephone federal universal service fee tax, Telephone federal, state and local surcharge taxes, Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax, Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax, Telephone state and local tax, Toll Bridge Taxes, Toll Tunnel Taxes, Trailer registration tax, Utility Taxes, Vehicle Sales Tax, Watercraft registration Tax, Well Permit Tax, Workers Compensation Tax.

In the U.S. your real tax burden, if you are among the 50% who also pay income tax, is at 50% or more.

Because the tax rate in the RNA is so low compared to the U.S. all citizens must pay their taxes on all Income (money earned or live on and/or buy things with). If people cheat some or all of the above taxes paid in the U.S. will have to be collected in the RNA. So don't cheat! Those caught cheating (tax evasion) will be prosecuted as a Cat. II criminal.

What is a Flat Tax ?

A Flat Tax is a percentage of the money earned/lived on by anyone (children included). Whether this money comes from a job, *labor, business, profits, retirement account, pension, stocks, bonds, gold, silver, mutual funds, capital gains, government, gifted, etc. Bartering is the same as collecting money thus a monetary value must be placed on the bartered item and taxes paid according to this value. Each month you must track what you earn (live on) and submit your taxes of 5% to the Federal government, 5% to the State government, 5% to the County government, and 5% to the City/Town government. Four checks each month due by the 9th of  the following month. This is your responsibility. Fail to do so will be considered tax evasion.

You may ask, "Why can't my employer just submit this tax for me". It is your responsibility to pay your own taxes, not your employer. If one employer cheats and keep the money (depending on how many employees he/she has), hundreds or even thousands of tax payer's taxes will not be collected. On the other hand, if one person cheats, only taxes owed by that one person will not be collected. By paying your own taxes, you ensure your state and local governments get their fair share.

Some may suggest, "why not send the whole 20% of my taxes to the Federal Government and have them distribute it to the State, County, and Local governments"? Bad idea: Will the Federal government distribute it fairly? (They don't in the U.S.). Will they keep more than the 5% due them (probably)? It is too tempting, once the Federal Government has their hands on the money, not to use it as leverage against the States. This takes away States Rights, the very thing the Republic of New America stands for.

* The Q&A section will explain this.

Tax Deductions

There will be no tax deductions allowed in the Republic of New America. No deductions for the rich, no deductions for the poor, no deductions for anyone. Tax deductions allow government to pick winners and losers. Government gets to allow those it supports, large tax deductions for political favors. Tax deductions are what make the U.S. tax code unfair, corruptible and complicated.

Some may say "John, what about tax deductions for charities and religious institutions". I say, there will be none. You should not be giving to these entities because of tax breaks. You should give from the heart, because it is the right thing to do.

Private Property Rights

The right to own property is what made the U.S. prosper. This right is slowly being taken away. In the U.S., any government (federal, state, or local) can take a person's property by simply condemning it. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in favor of cities who wanted people's property to give this property to developers (for kick-backs, political reasons, etc). When these people refuse to sell the city condemns the property and takes it. When this happens everything on the property belongs to the taker (home, shop, crops, etc.). The legal owner is left with nothing. This is criminal, yet the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in favor of it.

For this to happen, all that has to be done is stack the court with people not beholding to the Constitution. In the RNA this will not happen because judges will not be picked by a political party. They will swear an oath to our Constitution and if they break that oath they will be prosecuted.

When government in the U.S. can't get what it wants through legislation, theft, or the courts they try other gimmicks such as using the EPA and the U.N. They will use the U.N. with its Agenda 21 project.

George H. Bush signed the U.S. up to support Agenda 21 in 1992 (maybe, part of his new world order). In 1993 Bill Clinton assigned executive order #12852 which gave it life. Read Agenda 21 and you will say "who could oppose this?" read it deeper and  you will find out that Agenda 21 is about moving humans from their property by condemning it. Here is how it works. The U.N. will deem certain properties as wetland, wild-land, and/or the homes of endangered species.

There is a Bio Diversity Map already in use in the U.S. This map shows what lands the U.N., EPA, and the U.S. Government believes should be brought back to nature and where human settlements should be allowed. If you live in a back to nature area, your land will be deemed unsuitable under ICLEI, U.N. Agenda 21 and it's Sustainability Development Program.

You may be thinking, this doesn't affect me because I live out of these areas. Wake-up! Any area can be deemed unsuitable by the EPA or U.N. All the EPA has to do is declare your land as wetland or as an endangered species area. Do you think the U.S. Supreme Court will go to bat for you, since it leans more left every day? Dream On!

Now back to why private property rights are of utmost importance to a free people. Would you work your fingers to the bone and spend every penny you have on crops, home, shop, and equipment if you were doing all of this on another man's property or Government (communal) property? No you would not! Would any person or business make such an effort, take such a risk if the property was not theirs? If the property is not yours then profit you earn off of it is not yours. Private property owners make a Nation grow. They are the job creators. Farmers work sun up till sun down because it is their property. This is why a very few farmers can feed such a large nation. Take private property rights away and you step into Communism.

Because the Government of the Republic of New America believes that with great risk should come great rewards every citizen will have the right to own property. We believe that the pride of property ownership is good for the Republic and the freedom of its people. We believe government has No right to take what belongs to the individual. Freedom and Private Property Rights are one and the same. Never let Government take either.

In the Republic of New America you will have Private Property Rights. You will be expected not to pollute the environment. Other than this, it is your property to prosper on.

"The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the law of God and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence. If ' Thou shalt not covet' and 'Thou shalt not steal' were not commandments from heaven, they must be made inviolable precepts in every society before it can be civilized and made free.

~John Adams in A Defense of the Constitution of the

United States against the Attacks of M. Turgot (1787)


Each residence will be at least 1/2 acre in size. This will be enough land for a well and mechanical septic system (require only 20 feet of lateral lines). This setup will eliminate city water and sewer service (saving the tax payers many thousands of dollars).

Electricity for each resident will be supplied by a power unit installed at least 20 feet from the home. These power units will operate off of natural gas. This can be done and they are environmentally safe. The technology to do this already exists. These will be very efficient units. Many companies will build them  which will bring the price way down. No natural gas will enter the home, only electricity. This will be safer plus it will allow for enough natural gas to run all generators in the country. Also with the right converter this same natural gas could be used in your transportation vehicle, if it is CNG fuel capable. Since the RNA collects no road or gas taxes we don't care what your transportation vehicle runs on, as long as pollution standards are met.

Just think of it, no overhead power lines (subject to storms and terrorism) no area outages, no blackouts. Everyone has his/her own power. All natural gas lines will be underground. Communication cable (cable tv, internet, phone service, etc.) could be buried with the natural gas lines. TV viewing could also be over the air digital service, so could internet and telephone (WIFI). Cell service will also be available.

Here is more good news; the technology is very close to being available to turn your well water efficiently into hydrogen gas. Hydrogen gas is very close to natural gas thus your home power unit will run off of it with some modifications. Wow, almost free electricity. Until this happens you will have to pay for the natural gas you use but you can cut the cost by using energy star appliances (your power unit will work less hard, using less natural gas). As an emergency backup, if the natural gas lines should go down, you could use a propane bottle (gas grill type or larger). This would have to be properly jetted. but would work until Natural gas is restored.

Businesses, apartments, and office building will use the same type of power units as residents (Just scaled up as needed). Those who wish to, can use solar or wind energy (at their expense).