If I Had a Country by John Glover - HTML preview

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U.S. Liberals (Progressives) would have you believe that Capitalism is evil. (They have taught this to the children of the U.S. for centuries). That Capitalism is the cause of all of the U.S.'s problems. That Capitalism was the cause of bank failures, housing failures, or any other failure the U.S. may have or will face. Their comrades in the media have been only too happy to help them tell this lie.

The facts are, Liberalism has brought the U.S. to its knees. The U.S. has liberalized its banks, Fannie and Freddie, Wall Street, and most of its colleges and universities (where their CEO's come from).

YES, Liberalism has failed the U.S. BIG TIME. Where was the Government oversight over the banks, wall street, Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. With Democrat's like Senator Chris Dodd and Barney Frank in charge of oversight, there was NONE because these two liberals and many more were too busy accepting HUGE campaign contributions and sweetheart deals from the very entities they were assigned to oversee.

The whole financial mess the U.S. is in now was caused by liberals. They have liberalized lending, they have liberalized spending. Liberalism not Capitalism is the enemy of the people.

Liberals in the present U.S. administration have created “Crony Capitalism” and pretend it is real Capitalism. No it is not! Real Capitalism is not about Government picking winners and losers. Real Capitalism is about Government getting out of the way of job creators. Real Capitalism is not about kick-backs to a political party. For all of you that have been brain washed into believing Capitalism is evil, just look around. Get your head out of your ass. Real Capitalism has given you the highest standard of living in the world. Look at your home, appliances, tv's, cell phones, I-pads,  computers, cars, trucks, vans, boats, roads, cable tv, hospitals, buildings, clothes, food, sport arenas, clubs, airports, and so so many other things. Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty in the U.S. than all of the Progressive, Socialist, Marxist regimes around the world combined could ever do. If the U.S. continues down this Progressive road Real Capitalism will die there. The Republic of New America is Proud to call itself a Capitalist Country where Real Capitalism will be practiced every day.

Progressives are now in the process of liberalizing the U.S. Military with political correctness. What a shame. When soldiers at Ft. Hood are gunned down by a Muslim extremist the U.S. Government said it was only work place violence. If this is not taking liberal political correctness to the max then what is it? A liberalized military cannot defeat terrorist.

Capitalism has given the U.S. abundance (for now).  Liberalism will give the U.S. Cuba! (soon)

What is Crony Capitalism? Crony capitalism is a term describing an economy in which success in business depends on close relationships between business people and government officials. It may be exhibited by favoritism in the distribution of legal permits, government grants, special tax breaks or other forms of graft. Crony capitalism arises when political crony-ism spills over into the business world. Self-serving friendships, family and political ties between businessmen and the government influence the economy and society to the extent that it corrupts public service, economic and political ideals.