If I Had a Country by John Glover - HTML preview

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All legitimate businesses will be welcomed in the Republic of New America. There will be no *taxes on businesses.

Businesses in the RNA will hire only citizens of the RNA and pay them a very good wage. They can afford to do this because they will not be taxed or **unionized. Citizens of the RNA will be encouraged to buy from these businesses. This makes a win win for both. These businesses will be getting a very educated and motivated work force because our citizens have pledged to live by our creed and our schools will be second to none. Businesses in the RNA will be held responsible if damage is done to the environment.

* There will be an import fee of 5%. This fee will only apply to businesses in the RNA that import goods. This fee will be paid to the Federal Government each month.

** There will be no need for unions, though they are not outlawed. The State government, where the business is located, will represent the employees if a dispute should arise. The employee will also have a right to a court hearing if need be, plus the employee can elevate the case to the Federal Court if necessary.