If I Had a Country by John Glover - HTML preview

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Both the people and companies located in the RNA will at all times care for the environment. We will use common sense, not environmental wacko junk science. We all want clean air, water and soil.


To keep our land clean, the government of the RNA will offer free trash pickup and disposal. This will be done by Federal Government oversight. The Federal Government will contract this out or use prison trustees to gather this trash. The program will be known as TPR (Trash Pickup and Recycling). I am not big on the Federal Government doing anything that I feel the local government could do as well or better. In this case it makes more since to have only one branch of government perform this task because it will make recycling easier.

With free trash pick-up and disposal there will be no excuse by any citizen to trash or pollute their property or public property. It is free, so be responsible!

The Government of the RNA will recycle usable trash to pay for TPR. Here is how it will work: Plastic, metal, clean paper and cardboard will be placed in a heavy duty black trash bag. Table scraps, diapers, contaminated paper, other waste, etc. should be placed in a heavy duty white trash bag. Scrap wood, limbs, etc. will be piled in the same area as the bags. This is a small price to pay for free trash pick-up and a more beautiful Nation.

Global Warming

Now let's talk about Global Warming (AKA climate change). It's strange how the Progressives now refer to global warming as climate change. This started when emails were discovered some years ago that proved the book on global warming had been cooked. In other words, they lied. The word climate change is so broad it could mean anything the weather does. How silly and yet the citizens of the U.S. are buying it. Real climate change has been around since God created the earth. It's called: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall.

Why do the Progressives insist global warming exist?

1. It gives them power and votes. 2. It sucks tax money from the people into their buddy’s pockets in the form of green projects, phony jobs, and grants.

It is about power and money not about saving the planet. To prove this - read on...

Al Gore has made millions of dollars trading in carbon credits (something made up of thin air). Every business gets so many carbon credits assigned to them by government (Al's buddies). Now let's say company A makes clothing. Since this company doesn't pollute much, this company has excess credits. Now Al takes these credits and sell them to Company B who makes gasoline and has ran out of the credits government sold them. Since company B is evil (in Al's eyes) they should be punished. To punish them they are forced to buy the carbon credits company A did not use and Al's keeps most of the money. What a Ponzi scheme. Al takes something that doesn't belong to him, and makes a fortune off of it. People have gone to jail for crimes much much less than this. All of this baloney does nothing for the environment.

Company B is still polluting, what you pay for gas goes up because company B has to recoup the millions of dollars they paid to Al. If you live in the U.S. and fall for this junk you better hold your breath because the next thing Al and your government will be charging you for is the air you breathe. After all, Al invented it when he invented the internet

Let me tell you a true story about global warming (funny…when I was a kid they told us we were going to freeze to death). In the 14th Century all of a sudden the earth started warming. It got so warm grapes could be grown in Northern Germany, where they never grew before. People started migrating north. They grew plants, they built huts, and they had livestock. Times were good, very good for many years. Then WHAM! Mother earth said, "Enough of this, I am going to take things back to normal," so she hit the area with a gigantic freeze. Crops died, animals died, people starved and froze.

This happened in the 14th Century when there was no industries to make carbon, to harm the Ozone layer, so don't be fooled by global warming or cooling. Don't be fooled by all of the Scientist that preach this because money in the form of grants is what they are after and if they don't suck up to Progressives they will not get a penny. Most meteorologists don't agree with these scientists anyway. Remember, the global warming crowd has lied to you before (we have the emails to prove it) so don't trust them.

Because the RNA thinks it is criminal to sell carbon credits, companies in the RNA will not be selling or buying this snake oil.