If I Had a Country by John Glover - HTML preview

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The U.S., so called Main Stream Media, in my opinion is now so corrupt that no one can oppose a candidate they support and defeat that person. The candidate they support will never be challenged by them and will receive millions of dollars in positive press for free. The opponent will be vilified with tons of lies (Liberals Lie).

This left leaning group make up 70% of the news media in the U.S. and are trusted by 55% of a zombie population, though some smarter ones are now catching on to their lies. They have been able to pick who will be president by shaping the minds of this group of zombies with lies.

Zombies: These are voters who will not do their own homework. They believe what they are told and follow blindly. They are too much into cell phones, video games, partying, pop culture, etc. to care about their country.

I don't care one iota about this so called Main Stream Media but I do care about the lies they tell. I care about how they can destroy the character of a good man or woman they don't agree with by spreading the most vicious lies and getting away with this, time and time again, without suffering any consequences at all. In the U.S. they are never held libel for intentionally destroying the life of someone they disagree with politically.

I don't want this to happen in the RNA. I want a fair, free, truthful, unbiased media, so in the RNA all media outlets will be held accountable for what is said. The media here in the RNA can be sued for slander and lies by both public and private citizens and groups.. Tell the truth or get sued!

"One of the common failings among honorable people is a failure to appreciate how thoroughly dishonorable some other people can be, and how dangerous it is to trust them".

~Thomas Sowell

 I want a media and press like Ben Franklin believed in:

Franklin's success with the Pennsylvania Gazette can be attributed in great part to Franklin's desire to examine more than one side of an issue and to publish different points of view. Franklin is one of the first American publishers to understand that freedom of the press and tolerance are part of what it is to be a newspaper editor.