If I Had a Country by John Glover - HTML preview

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Why would I want my own country? Because the U.S. Government has strayed so far from the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and common sense. What they have done is criminal. Because of this I don't believe the U.S. can be saved without starting over. This book is about how I would setup a Country that I believe would more represent what the Founding Fathers wanted. What worked until the Progressives started destroying it bit by bit.

Because of the anti-American, anti-Capitalism, anti-Christian, anti-Freedom, anti-Constitution attitude of the present Progressive U.S. Government I am writing this book of what I believe is America's best hope to regain its freedom.

My country will be named the Republic of New America (RNA). Yes my country will be a Representative Republic - not a Democracy. A Republic just like America used to be before Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt got hold of it. These three Progressives (one Republican, two Democrats) ran rough shot over the Constitution our founding fathers gave us. This book is not about how these three men did this. Find an old history book (one written before liberals rewrote American History) and read this truth for yourself. My book is about a new start for the 50% of Americans that no longer have a voice in a Progressive ran country with a dishonest Progressive U.S. News Media.