If I Had a Country by John Glover - HTML preview

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Our Constitution

The laws of the Republic of New America (RNA) will be based on the original U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, plus John's laws (After all it's my Country). The before mentioned documents will be used to form a new Constitution that offers equal Liberty and Justice for all. The Constitution of the RNA will not be a living breathing document as the Progressives has now made the U.S. Constitution. They know anything that lives and breathes can be aborted (killed). To change the Constitution of the RNA will require an 80% vote by the Representatives of the people. Our Constitution will be written by the elected Representatives of the RNA upon its founding, thus it is not available for publication in this book.

"Hold on , my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world."

~Daniel Webster


The RNA will consist of a Federal Government led by five leaders (no president). I don't believe one person should be so powerful that he can veto the will of the people's representatives, bypass congress with executive orders and circumvent the constitution and laws at will. The 5 equal leaders of the RNA will carry out the Duties of the Federal Government and vote on bills passed by the House of Representatives concerning the Nation. The majority decision will be acted into law.

The selection of the 5 leaders will be the duty of the State Representatives. This will be done by vote after debate and discussion in the House of Representatives at the Federal Capital. The 5 leaders will come from the body of State Representatives. In other words they will be selecting 5 of their peers. Each leader must come from a different state. The selected leaders will take an oath to the RNA to be fair and impartial to the whole nation. In other words no red states, no blue states, just equal treatment for all of the people of the RNA. Each State that lost a State Representative to leadership will replace said Representative.

The selecting of the State Representatives will be done by the Statesmen of each state. Each state will select 5 Representatives to serve that State at the Federal Capital. These Representatives will make laws that will be sent to the Leaders for approval. The 5 State Representatives will come from the Body of Statesmen at the State Capital. In other words they will select 5 of their peers. The five Statesmen chosen as State Representatives will be replaced by a vote of the people from the County each came from.

The selection of Statesmen will be done by the people of each State. Each county in each State will elect one (1) Statesman to serve at its State Capital. As an example if a State in the RNA has 25 counties that State will have 25 Statesmen at it's Capital. It is the duty of each statesman to represent the people of his or her county.

I set the Government in the RNA up this way so that the people who serve, from the Statesmen to the Leaders have all been vetted by the people locally. As an example, no one can become a Leader without first becoming a Statesman and this Statesman is chosen by the people who know him or her best, the people of the County he or she lives in. This makes for better government because the people are electing neighbors they know, not voting for strangers many miles away. This should make for a more moral government also. This is a true Representative Republic, what the U.S. was supposed to be.

Any Leader can be removed by a 60% vote of the House of Representatives. Any State Representative can be removed by a 60% vote of the Statesmen of that State. Any Statesman can be removed by a petition of 60% of the people of the County that Statesman was elected from.

You may have noticed that I have no Senate. Why do you need one? This is just another branch of government that makes Government more complicated and expensive. I know this deviates from the U.S. Constitution but I told you in the beginning my country's constitution will be a modified version of the U.S. Constitution. My wish (just as most of our founding fathers) is to make government smaller but still functional. Remember: Less Government Is Best Government!

Duties of the 5 Leaders

The Leaders are responsible to see that the Duties of the Federal Government are followed at all times by working closely with the House of Representatives. They (by majority) will sign laws/budgets presented to them by the House of Representatives. A law/budget with a 70% or greater approval from the House of Representatives cannot be vetoed. Under no circumstance are they allowed to make law (executive orders), only the House of Representatives can make National law. The term for leaders will be 5 years.

Duties of the Federal Government

In the RNA (unlike in the U.S.) most of the powers to govern will resides with the States. Power to the Federal Government is limited but very important. Here they are: The Federal Government will be responsible for protection of the Nation by providing a very strong Military. The Federal Government will be responsible for holding the Nation together by facilitating negotiations between the States that have disagreements. The Federal Government will be responsible for the operation of the Prisons (one in each State). The Federal Government will be responsible for the forensic lab (secure storage of DNA, etc.). The Federal Government will be responsible for emergency relief coordination with the affected States and their local governments. The Federal Government will assure that emergency supplies and equipment will be moved into the affected areas using the military as needed. When asked for assistance in looting or riot control from the States, they are obligated to comply with military help. The Federal Government will save tax revenue back for all emergencies (NDRF) National Disaster Relief Fund. Other duties can be assigned to the Federal Government by the State Representatives (House of Representatives) with a 60% vote. (A friendly warning to the House of Representatives, don't relinquish so much power that you become irrelevant). You are the people's house, don't let the people down, do your job.

Federal Capital set-up

The Federal Capital (Liberty City) will be in the center of a traffic Circle. All Government buildings will be built inside of this circle.

No one can take residence inside of this circle. This is a must. If someone were allowed to live inside the Liberty City city limits that person would get out of paying all Flat taxes except Federal (only 5%).

Duties of the State Representatives (House of Representatives)

The State Representatives (SR) first duty is to write a fair, just and moral Constitution for the RNA using the original U.S. Constitution, and The Declaration of Independence. The SR duties are to make laws in accordance to the new Constitution but only law needed to better the Nation and its People (NO BS LAW). They are responsible in determining which governmental departments are absolutely needed. No BS departments allowed. They are to select leaders to run these departments. They will also Select 9 Federal Judges (Supreme Court in the U.S.).

It is very important that each SR spend time with his/her people, at the State level, to learn their wishes. They should also be in close contact with the Statesmen of their State. When in session these SR's should communicate with each other (brainstorm) to figure out what is working best for the people and pass legislation accordingly; since the House of Representatives alone with the 5 leaders make up the Federal Government, the House of Representatives are responsible for budgeting the Federal Government. This will be done with the Flat tax and import fees sent to the Federal Government by the People. There will be no room for Pork. Spend every penny wisely. The term for State Representatives will be 5 years.

Duties of the Statesmen

The Statesmen will elect the State Representative as spelled out above. The Statesmen will work closely with their Representatives in the House of Representatives. The Statesmen will select the State Governor and Lieutenant Governor from the body of Statesmen (their peers). The counties these two Statesmen came from will replace them, by a vote of the People. The Statesman is to represent the people who put him/her in office fairly and should hold town hall meetings often. The Statesmen will enact laws and budget funds as needed to keep the State running. The Statesmen will select State Judges. The Governor will sign laws/budgets into existence. A law/budget with a 70% or greater approval by the Statesmen cannot be vetoed. The term for the Statesmen will be 5 years.

Duties of the States

The State governments should work with each local government fairly to achieve what is best for the people of said State. It is the Responsibility of the People to see that their State is honest, moral, fair, and just. Don't get Lazy like the people of the U.S. It is my wish for each State to be the best it can be. I wish for friendly competition between the States. Competition makes a Win/Win for the people and the Nation. The State that treats its People best will have the most people thus the most tax dollars.

Duties of the Local Governments

Local Governments (Counties, Cities and Towns) should provide fire and police protection. Local officials will be chosen by the people through public elections. The local governments should work closely with their State Government to provide education for it's citizens. (Don't let the Federal Government take this from you like in the U.S.).

State set-up

I place this here just as a suggestion on how I think the State should be set-up knowing the final decision rest with the citizens. My suggestion: I think each State should be divided into counties of equal or near equal sizes. The town/city limits should touch each other or the border of neighboring states (for police and fire protection everywhere). This will also ensure that everyone pays local taxes (equal taxation). If someone lives in an area where there is no town/city limit that person must pay his/her local taxes to the nearest town/city to him/her that is in his/her State.

Government Greed

I place this here as a warning to those setting up the Governments of the Republic of New America. Whether this be Federal, State, County or City government. Government greed will destroy a Nation faster than a speeding bullet. The present administration calls many tax payers greedy because they balk at paying more taxes. It is the government who is greedy and wasteful with the tax payer's money. It's not that people in the U.S. are taxed too little, it's the fact that Government spends too much $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Here are just some things that I believe government should not do: Government should not give in to the demand by its citizen to spend more money than it is taking in. Priorities must be set so that what is needed is taken care of first, not what is wanted. Government should not be buying votes with the people’s money. Government should not spend money it doesn't have by borrowing. Government should not be investing the people's money in private businesses. Government should refrain from bailing out companies too big to fail with the people’s money. If these companies are worth saving let the private sector save them. Government should not be building, with the people’s money, apartments, shopping centers, sports venues, or anything that is the business of the private sector. If a state/city wants a new stadium let some corporation build it. No city (government) has the right to use the people’s money to serve only a small percentage of its citizens. Most citizens can't even afford tickets to one of these sporting events.

Citizens should raise funds for their pet projects by public/private contributions not Government funds. Citizens should grow up and stop this “I WANT” mentality. If you want it, go get it yourself.

Remember: A Government that gives you all you want can take all it wants (first your money, then your freedoms).


The RNA will have a strong military for self-protection only. Leave us alone and we will leave you alone. This usually doesn't work but I would like to try it in the beginning. There is always some bully wanting to UN-leash terrorism on your nation.

Our military will consist of 3 branches: Navy, Army, and Air Force. The Navy will be responsible for water patrol to a range of 200 miles off of the RNA's coast. If air support is needed the Air Force will supply it. The Army will be responsible for protecting the RNA from a land invasion. If air support is needed the Air Force will supply it. The Air Force will be responsible to work with the Army and Navy plus to protect the air space over the Nation up to 200 miles off our coast. All forces (branches) will train together as one force.

Each branch will consist of 1000 (or as needed) professional military men and women. These professionals will train all citizen soldiers, sailors, and airmen. Yes, our military will be mostly made up of civilians. This citizen military will be professionally trained and ready for call-up at a moment’s notice.

Every young citizen from the age of 19 years will belong to one of the 3 branches of service. Minimum of 3 years of service is required. Training (drills) will be 2 weekends per month and four weeks per year. More training might be required to learn some skills. Pay will be according to rank. The amount of pay per rank will be decided by the Federal Government according to the military budget.

After the three year requirement is met, the service member can remain in the military if desired, (if wanted). The best service members could be hired to replace the full time professional trainers as they retire.