India Reunited by Shiva - HTML preview

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"I foretell you a glorious future for Bharata


where it will become the greatest nation on earth

Surpassing all the other nations that are evil and


My avatar as Kalki Harihara will be a splendour

for the world to behold


Bharat Maata is the whole earth

It is not just the current map that you see

divided and forgotten

it shall rise again

and all the other nations will worship it

and will try becoming part of it

and i will allow it then

So do what you have to

Make Bharata Maata great again

Let it not be divided

Let not the arabs and their bastards try to

reconquer it

For in Arabia we were worshipped too

Until it was abruptly stopped out of pure


For we are indeed great Vishnu

Shiva Brahma and other gods"

Naya Veda