It is S.A.D.: The Leftist Brain Exposed by Rooster Bradford - HTML preview

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―Who ever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons.‖

General Douglas MacArthur ILLOGICAL CONSISTENCIES In this Chapter, we will explore the oddities of the Leftist/Conservative differences as demonstrated in Chapter 2

3. The point is, if you read chapter 2, you had to learn, that not only do Conservatives and Leftists think very differently, but that the leftist is not consistent. Conservatives are consistent.

Conservatives support law and order, and want equal protection.

Their conclusions are more in conformity with reality.

Conservatives want a way of life which recognizes the weakness of man/women and sets up guide posts to prevent serious damage and conflict. Leftists do not see this, and they even deceive themselves into believing that mommy will always be there with a blanket.

Let me try to put a face on the Leftist‘s approach. I have identified the following categories of Illogical consistencies from Chapter 2 and 3.

1- Selective disregard of laws.

2- Subterfuge to disobey certain laws.

3- Using law to destroy.

4- Using money they do not have.

5- Using law to buy votes and power 6- Stealing by law.

7- Use of coercion to obtain goals.

8- Denial of debate 9- Denial of other icons.

10- Use of reckless methods.

11- Lack of Humor 12- Self Deception In the above we find that a Leftist denies reality.

In the following we see they have impossible dreams.

1- They believe they can eliminate Religion.

2- They believe they can eliminate debate.

3- They believe they can take from some and give to others without causing damage.

4- They believe people will work hard without rewards.

5- They believe in other impossible dreams, such as the elimination of discrimination; the making a problem better by changing its name. (Drunk Driving to Driving under the influence.); spending more than they have, and trying to obtain conformity. These are fictions.

Impossible dreams, in the human world.

The following observations of Leftist behavior are bizarre to say the least. Their diminished humor and lack of humility is a poser. Their belief that humans can be turned into robots to function on command, is from a Hollywood sound studio. Bizarre is a kind word.

Most Glaring: To many, the Leftist positions on life are totally illogical and inconsistent.

On one hand they can oppose capital punishment of a despicable human being even after that person had a fair trial and a dearth of appeals. On the other hand, they can allow, the death of a fetus (Child hidden by a Mothers skin) without a trial, without law, and with no right of appeal. Keep in mind I am not religious so this observation is without that bias.

The Leftist can demand full Civil court room procedure for a foreigner who has or has tried to kill our people, and yet will support a foreign government in the killing of its citizens, (Communist countries) without the slightest human rights cry being uttered.

The Leftist can cry all day long about the guilt of 150 year old slavery in this country, and yet support countries that allow it, and worse indulge in a form of slavery in governmental dependence. Talk to Star Parker, a lady who crawled to freedom from welfare slavery, and you will know what I am talking about.

Her book is aptly named, ―Uncle Sam‘s Plantation‖. Worse yet, full on Socialism and Communism necessarily takes away individual freedom… (aka Slavery) The only difference is that most of the slaves will not pick cotton. The Leftist brain does not even see similarities here.

The Leftist position on the destruction of traditional marriage is queer. Keep in mind humans tend to pair up for child production and a better life. It became Holy Matrimony when Religions got involved. Religions sanctified it and so it has been for nearly a 1,000

years. Today Leftist brain supports the gay and lesbian community to destroy the tradition and create a whole new concept. They fail to see the risks of destroying 1000s of years of tradition in support of a family. All Gays and Lesbians can agree that ―Marriage‖

is not going to make them straight and it is not going to allow them to procreate with each other. The Conservative ones will also agree it will diminish the historical significance of Marriage as we have known it. You cannot disagree with me. To prove my point let‘s put it to the test. Let‘s pass a law that henceforth all gay and lesbian unions shall be called Marriage and all straight unions will be called Matrimony. If it is witnessed in a Church then it is Holy Matrimony. See how long the Leftist will let that lay. Somehow the Leftist sees no problem calling a peach an apple, or seeing Mica for Gold. No matter how hard they try a straight is not going to be gay and the odds are a gay is not going to be straight.

Pass all the laws or get all the soap opera judges to say so, and it will always not be so.

The logicaless (new word) of Guns. Leftist refuse to obey the existing law set out clearly in the Constitution. They try mightily to take it away by stealth. Conservatives support the law.

With life style you see a different approach. The Leftist attempt to create law to change ones free choice. If Pot is unlawful they will not only war against the law they will purposefully disobey it. Of course they have the right to undo a law or make a new one, but they know they will fail, so again it is subterfuge to get their way. These characteristics appear in most spoiled people. Pot dispensaries for medicinal purposes are part of their costume.

Free sex. It is an attempt to destroy existing law which set up barriers for harmful behavior, and again they use subterfuge. Passing out condoms to children, is listed to prevent venereal spread, but really is to destroy celibacy. Maybe you missed the Washington D.C. episode, but it stands out as a great example of Leftist logic. The schools there found out that students were complaining that the free Condoms were not big enough and did not last under stress. Their solution was to have Trojan Company produce bigger ones that would last longer.

They totally ignore parental and religious control of morals. So we see their use of stealth subterfuge again and again. It is called manipulation in the world of psychology. Leftist do not want family or church to threaten their God, Jabba the Hut.

Gender preference is pretty much the same pattern as above. They cannot prevail in the halls of the legislature or at the ballot box on Gay Marriage, so they attack the California people‘s choice (Prop. 19 won by 65 %) in the Courts. They carefully, with subterfuge, select the judge. They know the Attorney General who has to defend the proposition, has a limp wrist and wa-la, they obtain a judgment that the proposition is puff and smoke.

The same limp wrist will appeal it. He is the California Attorney General. Some know him as LuLu. See how it is done. Leftist attempt to have open Gays in the military by removing regulations which forbid it. They know they could not prevail in Congress on the issue. So once again it is by twisting the law or undoing a regulation, by hide and seek pressure, not by Amendment or a voted on law.

Governmental aid is a strange one. Here the Leftist push for maximum free benefits for as many citizens as possible. They include illegal folks as if they were citizens, which is contrary to law. They use sympathy to abuse the system to the n‘th degree.

For example food stamps mostly benefit people who are not hungry and who are illegal.

The users simply use the free food to be able to spend their money on other things. A logical person knows that free stuff does not build character, strength and self-reliance.

Extending unemployment benefits does not benefit society. It benefits sloth, and dependency. So what is this effort? It is as if they are willing to steal from some to give to others. Why? The only logical thought is that they want to control all people and this is one way to do it. Give the people candy and game boys and you have them. It is buying votes, which by the way is otherwise illegal. So we have absolute disobedience of laws they do not like and the creation of laws to motivate people for their own purposes. Not pretty. Oh! do not forget all the free meals at schools. Just so you think correctly.

They are not free. Again I want you to look in a mirror. Yep, that‘s you dummy! You pay for them. Moreover the government meals take away parental control. No longer is Mom or Dad involved in lunches or coming up with the coin for a meal. Now it is the leftist God Jabba, in charge.

Enemy lists: This of course is coercion. Here the Leftist uses their muscle to silence the first amendment unless you agree with them. For the Leftist, free speech is not free if you disagree. If you do you become their enemy. General McChristal found this out, when Obama destroyed his career for speaking against the administrations way of conducting the Afghanistan war. Debate is suppressed where ever they can do that. Give them full power and the enemy list will be used to create the sound of silence. In my years of trying to debate Leftists it is clear they do not want to discuss logic, or common sense. They want their way. If I remember correctly Leftist will disobey laws they do not like, will create laws to enslave folks, and create laws to silence debate. In this same sense Political correctness is a part and parcel of silencing debate and free expression. You will be told what you can say. Leftists try to be language decider, judge, jury, and the high priest of talk-the-talk.


Religious intolerance: This is certainly a Leftists goal.

Not of all but most. A true Leftist will deny with spittle flying all over the place that he or she has a God, but they do. It is Government. We know that Communism clearly tries to stamp out religion and when it cannot, it restricts and taxes it almost into the dirt.

Confiscation of church property without compensation (Known as stealing) has been practiced in all Communist Countries. This is really like the enemy list. It is an attempt to deny debate, as well. Why? The only logical conclusion is they want to control and do not want another loyalty that might be a threat---a Church. On this point one of the complete mysteries is why the majority of people of the Jewish faith continue to support Leftists. The Jewish faith has fought yearly, no daily, against all manner of attacks to remove or restrict their religion. Why do they support Leftists who dislike and want to destroy their worship? It does not make sense.

This is simply another example of non-sense. The Leftist stance on evolution over creationism, or alien planting, is simply a part of the religious attack. Take the faith of God and replace it with the Faith in Government….. Cradle to Grave. It has always failed.

Free Enterprise‖ Leftist attacks on free enterprise have to be seen in the same light as their attacks on Religion and debate. It seems there is no logic except a desire to remove a different way, a different reward, than the ones the Leftist will hand out. It is a continued attempt to remove opposition, and obtain control. It is the spoiled child thinking. The problem with this approach is that all history tells one, it is impossible to remove opposition. It will go underground, it will side step, it will masquerade, but it will not go away. Even genocide will not work, because newborns will grow up to resist control. The point is their quest is not logical, It is something less than logic… is logicaless.

The issue of spending more than you have does not fit the above analysis. It is not breaking a law, it is not avoiding a law, and it is not so much the doing of something to entrap a person (enslavement) or gain control. This willingness to spend and tax is reckless. It is like driving a car, at high speed, into a concrete wall. The final act is painful, and deadly. Spending too much means the destruction of an economy as much as it means the destruction of your family. There is and cannot be any difference.

Economics is a law of nature. It is, as if the Leftist believes by spending a government into bankruptcy he or she can create such chaos that they can take complete control.

It is why so many Leftist blogs today want Obama to be a Dictator. Remember the ramblings of Woody Allen to the same effect. So what we have is intentional assault on opposition using as a weapon, insolvency. The assault itself is reckless because they have no assurance they will win complete control.

There is another way to achieve their desires, but the Leftist knows they are not good in the battle field.

The fact that Leftist are not good in battle is well demonstrated in History. I have pointed this out in the war analysis, under the title ―Leftists make bad Generals and Commanders in chief‖. There are many other examples. The Spanish civil war pitted a strong communist movement vs. a strong totalitarian movement led by Franco. Franco won. The Soviet Union left Afghanistan with its tail between its legs. It can win a civil war only when it has brought the existing government to its knees and has split the opposition and bought the people with promises of lollypops in every kitchen. Divide and conquer.

Leftists and spoiled children know it well, but they are not the same.

The issue of Energy is again different, but has as its ultimate goal, control of the resources of the Country. If it was really about the environment then the issue should be population reduction and that means an all-out frontal attack on Religions.

A Leftist knows this can only happen when he or she is fully in charge......So he uses the indirect approach, curtail this industry, curtail this use, and curtail that, use money to save this or that which cannot be saved. Of course they do work on population control indirectly. It is called abortion, and a women‘s right of privacy, and governmental allowance against the desires of the people and religions. The same analysis can lay with their approach to energy. They know battery powered cars, wind machines, solar electricity are not economic. If they can bleed the country on these issues, all the better.

Deep down in the Leftists soul they desperately want control by any means. Never let a good Chaos go unattended, so said Obama‘s Left hand man, and every other Communist coming down the pike. Is wanting chaos normal? You know it is not, but it is part of their manipulation.

Global Warming is man-made, so says the Leftist. This is an emotional issue which is hard to prove or disprove, but is very effective in gaining more and more control. In fact it can be said this is a major tool to obtain global control. Of course the blind spot is that no one can control the world‘s population of Human beings and make them all jump at the same time and sing the same song. The long story of the human being is one of conflict. Not even Soma will do the trick, but the Leftist thinks so.

Anyway it is simply another tool to gain control, via guilt and emotion. If it is not slavery then Global Warming is our fault.

The issue of Humor or the reduced level of it in a Leftist is very different. This is a personality quirk which is not assumed. The Leftist is born with it in varying degrees and this is most important. It helps explain the disobedience, the subterfuge, the hiding of a real issue with guilt, emotion, racial conflict. Etc.

I do not know how you cannot reach the conclusion that something is short circuiting in the mind of the typical Leftists.

Anyone who believes a Governmental God will be benevolent is the same person who will idolize John F. Kennedy, and create Camelot around him and his family. They then will not see that JFK‘s brother Edward Kennedy was an abuser of woman and drink. How else could they not take him to task for Chappaquiddick and the lifeless body of Mary Jo Kopechne, the young lady he left to die? Leftist pretended it did not happen.

He too was put on a pedestal. They called him the Lion. They are the same ones who flocked for Moa, Fidel Castro, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and many others. They do not see the world as it really is, but as they dream it should be. They love movies and plays and any other make believe. I wish it was Fantasy Island, but it is not.

Redistribution of Wealth: Leftist need for taking from the rich to give to the Government for doling out to the poor is not done because they are clear thinking or benevolent. It is done to bring down the size of a threat to their control. When you debate with a liberal and tell them redistribution of wealth is not necessary, because it happens naturally, they look at you as if you had a large wart on your nose. Even with examples the Leftists stand in denial.

What do I mean when I say wealth redistributes itself naturally? I explained this to a liberal lady once and she looked shocked. She said she had never thought about that. I will bet, she worked her way back to sanity. Here is the deal. All wealth is held by human beings. All human beings die. Some of the wealthy humans have children. The overwhelming number of such children go no place, but instead use up the wealth of their departed wealth keeper. Some die with no children to carry the torch. Some leave a lot to charity. Charities seldom grow big.

Even they wear out because of the sappers who run them. Now this does not just happen with rich folks. It happens to us all. In your family of siblings and cousins how many were real go getters and wealth obtainers? Darn few. Take a look at the really big wealth keepers of our Country. After their death, wait 20 years and count their kids who took over the wealth. How many kept the wealth on track or increased it. Do not worry.

You only need to count to 10. Some of the names which come to mind are Stanford, Huntington, Crocker, Carnegie, Ford, Rockefeller, Mellon, bla bla bla. Although Howard Hughes took his father‘s mantel and ran with it, he crashed into a world of paranoia. He had no kids as well. Oh, yes we must not forget the Kennedy Dynasty. Old Joe, the rum runner, had a passel of kids. Only JFK was really famous. The others either died tragically or because of a brain tumor, and none of them took up the mantel of Joe the wealth keeper. Any grandkids worth a plug nickel? I do not see any. JFK did not create wealth. He used daddy‘s wealth and abused it….. that‘s all.

See I told you the Leftist cannot get their eyes off the imaginary wart. They cannot get beyond that to the truth. Truth to a Leftist is hurtful.

Finally I want to restate a Conservative belief. All humans are different and function in different ways. This will not change. We can only generalize as we try to better understand the huge canyon between a typical Leftist and a typical Conservative. Let‘s move on.

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