Managing Fighting Forces: DDR in Peace Processes by Kelvin Ong - HTML preview

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Failure by mediators   to fully assess the interests and positions of negotiating parties and accurately identify the strategies and tactics conflict parties employ to avoid disarming and demobilizing their fighting forces can greatly compromise the viability of disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) programs. Providing guidance on the mediation and negotiation aspects of DDR, this toolkit lays out eight detailed stepthat mediators can take to establish appropriate linkages between DDR and other aspects of a peace process:


Prepare to engage

Assess the fighting forces

Determine a mediation approach and strategy

Lay the groundwork for DDR negotiations

Conduct and manage the negotiations

Link DDR to other aspects of the peace process

Put DDR in the peace agreement

Facilitate implementation


This volume is the ninth in the Peacemaker's Toolkit series. Each handbook addresses a facet of the work of mediating violent conflicts, including such topics as managing public information, assessing and enhancing ripeness, debriefing mediators, and talking to groups that use terror.


For more information, go to:




2301 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20037


ISBN 978-1-60127-133-4

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