Me and my friend President Obama by Peiman Ghasemi - HTML preview

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Chapter 6

One of the most beneficially changes in the history of wireless communications which scientists reached in the 21st century is about applying mechanics in physics (instead of the past secret electrical technology) to reach the ability of transmitting voice near the ear of people which decreased the rate of cancer and caused that spies be able to hide their real identity more easily for those who learned how to use this recent technology. (Lt.Peiman Ghasemi)

Russian military advancements are a little more complex and complicated in comparison with the other countries, for example one of their organizations who are using Aeroflot aerospace technology to extract the pattern of the brain. At first I had a little complaints about this with them but I forgave them. During one of their last forced communications with me she gave me a message, that: I also attacked the men who terror women. I also attacked the mullahs. I also bothered you (and some other ones). I also selected Russian army to work for, but I also found out this is not good (violated and useless).

Russian Security Agency also during their forced communication with me, when (because of some relations and US secret activities about Islamists which because of respecting to my medal and respecting to a better security for our people, I only described a little.) during that moment of time I was getting biological torture to death (a few times before of that, I asked the other people is death painful?), It was Russians who regarding to my questions told:

I forgave you, because of calling the Central Intelligence Agency you caused lots of problems for your self and dropped your self from the top to the floor by your head, while you was a child you liked to go to America and become an astronaut when you are dieing while its not up to me but you think about what I told you now, but if the others have not killed you, then when children of the children of your children are living (long later), our homeland and maybe even your homeland going to fall but I let you to stay alive, probably UK and France wont fall, even if we fall “BUT YOU DIVE”.

Then they (Russians) increased their cooperation with Israeli government instead of mullahs but some of these mullahs ordered the terror of some people such as Ms. Saba Haftbaradaran60 who they shoot a bullet to her chest and dropped her on the ground to die! These peoples was some kind of refugees inside of the Ashraf Camp in Iraq. Like many other countries and organizations, they couldn’t stand against them, because of these three powerful mullahs and the supporter country is somehow powerful also.


Victims of the Ashraf Camp

Likewise what I remember, many years before of the accidents what I have wrote about them, inside of the Chapter 3, CIA women in Public Affairs (and maybe even women in the White House and the other related intelligence headquarters) when I liked to reach my self to US Army in Iraq, when I was so young, they told me: “Just I Rock.” They tried to accept me to work as an agent. It’s interesting that I tell you, it was not a long time that I had watched the Mission Impossible the movie I saw a woman inserted a virus to her body to transfer it to another place. Who cares about what happened to me? What about stoning the civil women? who cares! etc. (even I don’t have a wise family).

 I remember it was exactly when I was adding (liking) Christians pages in Facebook that one of the Iranian Christians who didn’t knew about what is politics, but always talked about politics and he liked politics, saw me in an Internet coffee, he recommended me to go to one of the churches where he went usually, the name of the Church is IPCA, if you take a bus from kizilay what its destination is Chidem (Çiğdem) then it would pass the church. Its three famous permanent staffs names (nicknames) are Mr. Armen, Ms. Khanomjan and Mr. Aghajan during this years when I’m living there.

Once when during the night I was reading the holy bible I prayed and asked my lord to help me to achieve my goals and reach the victory and a few month later CIA and president Obama accepted me and they gave me honor (While I was in Turkey).

It’s related to when I was under torture through some kind of classified methods, and one of SIS (MI6) spies who I described in “Chapter 4” was dieing. And it was only a few month after when CIA told me, they submitted my identities to give me an E-561 medal of honor later officially. When CIA decided to give me this medal in Turkey they told me: “Pick”, they tried to find-out what going to happen if I work for them, later they accepted me officially, then they accepted me as a secret agent, they told me we caused lots of problems for you, we going to heir you and we going to strengthen you, you love me but you need some encouragements.62

Thats why I dedicated this book to this agent she saved me. Don’t forget to see the pictures of the future of the Mars and US future plans about the earth inside of the next pages!

During the final parts of this book, I like to tell you, when Americans voted to Barack Obama they selected a president who likes to listen to every kinds of ideologies who is against violations, he is black and he is tired of racial activities, he knows many languages (and even a little he knows Persian) his vice-president Joe Bidden knows many languages, and talk with me very fluently and he is so kind and there is no difference for him about, what is your country, your race, etc. Hilary Clinton is so kind and also she is a women who respect to peace and she don’t likes violations, currently a great group of politician are in office and it’s very good for American people if they respect to their current chance what they gained nowadays!

It’s a few parts of the secret history from the 2005 to 2014:

Microsoft decided to give some networking facilities to Iran, while they also preferred to describe to Iranian civil people about that the regime of their own country wants to decrease the freedom of their access to Internet also they tried to brighten the public opinions about the Iranian regime’s money works with some other countries while we was talking with each other. Some of the poor African children received some kind of free laptops as a gift from Mr. Bill Gates and the Microsoft company to use them for study! Because of that Bill Gates is a genius brains of the United States so usually the local companies of the United States respect him but there was a few times that I heard about that they want to make a chaotic situation for him and weaken his authorities during these recent years.

2012: Red Cross, Red Crescent and IFRC decided to increase their support about Asia for a while but they made a balance, later, after a few years.

2005-2014: US actions against Mr. Bradley Manning and Mr. Julian Assange caused that Britain decreased its diplomatic support of America.

2012-2013: Demonstrations in Turkey caused a few death and some causalities about Turkish citizens.

2013-2014:Israel and Iran decided to make a better diplomacy.

2012-2013: Bashar Hafez al-Assad decided to leak something against military satellite advancements of some powerful countries.

GOP (last month of 2013 until first month of 2014)

US government shared some secrets to warn federal agents about the after-effects of the shut down, the agents must be careful about any anarchical activities and about not to let poor families act against the security of each other in violated areas and locations, the federal government asked the agents to be very serious about our import and export plans and our economy.

Inside of The White House email you see: Hey everyone --

It's not exactly a secret that Washington hasn't worked as well as it should. Between the constant gridlock and partisanship, most people just tune this town out. That was especially true this year when the government literally shut down.

Yet, even in spite of all that, thanks to the grit of the American people, this country continues to move forward. After the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, folks are getting back to work and the economy is getting stronger.

And late this year, Washington took a cue -- and managed to make some progress itself.

While it's too early to declare a new era of bipartisanship, what we've seen recently is that Washington is capable of getting things done when it wants to. And there's an opportunity next year for this town to do its job and make real progress.

Here are just a couple areas where there's been progress made recently -- check them out, and then take a look at our full 2013 year-in-review.

For the first time in years, both parties in Congress came together and passed a budget. This budget doesn't include everything that everyone wanted -- but our economy will grow a little faster, be a little fairer for middle- class families, and create more jobs because of it.

Our businesses created 2 million jobs in 2013. That's more than 8 million private-sector jobs in just over 45 months.

The economy is growing. Just last week we learned that, over the summer, our economy grew at 4.1% -- its strongest pace in almost two years.

We've cut the deficit in half since 2009. That's four years of the fastest deficit reduction since the end of World War II -- and it means we're improving our nation's long-term fiscal position while strengthening our economy. We produce more oil in the U.S. than we import from abroad. Thanks to an all-of-the-above strategy, we're reducing our reliance on foreign oil -- and that means lower energy costs for consumers.

The American auto industry is thriving. Last month, the auto industry added more than fifteen thousand jobs. And just a few weeks ago, the United States sold its final stake in General Motors.

Americans are getting better health coverage. Since October 1st, more than 1 million Americans have selected new health insurance plans through the federal and state marketplaces. And millions more are getting better health care thanks to increased protections and benefits.

There's a little less gridlock in Congress. Leaders in Congress took action so that executive and judicial nominees (except to the Supreme Court) can be confirmed with a simple majority vote. Now we're filling critical vacancies, and the government will work better for Americans because of it.

So while the politics in Washington can be frustrating and change takes time, that's no excuse for inaction. In the New Year, we need to help American businesses continue creating jobs, make sure Americans are ready for those jobs, and make sure those jobs offer the wages and benefits that give families a fair shot at financial security.

We also need to look out for those who are searching for a job. Congress needs to extend unemployment insurance, something we'll be making a priority when members come back to work.

There's a lot of unfinished business, but there are also things we can build on. If you saw some things in this list that you think more people should know about, then pass them on.

Thanks, and happy holidays. Dan Pfeiffer

Senior Advisor

The White House.

President Obama Explains the Shutdown:

Yesterday, eight days into the Republican government shutdown, President Obama spoke from the White House about the need for Republicans in Congress to stop threatening another recession just to sabotage Obamacare, stop demanding ransom just for doing their jobs, and just vote to reopen the government. He talked about the toll this shutdown is already taking on our country and the economy, and warned against the dire consequences of a default if Congress doesn’t act to prevent an economic shutdown. Keeping the government running and paying the nation’s bills aren’t bargaining chips or a matter of negotiation – they’re a fundamental part of Congress’s job. Here’s how the President put it yesterday:

"If you're in negotiations around buying somebody's house, you don't get to say, 'Well, let's talk about the price I'm going to pay, and if you don't give the price then I'm going to burn down your house.' That's not how negotiations work.... In the same way, members of Congress -- and the House Republicans in particular -- don't get to demand ransom in exchange for doing their jobs. And two of their very basic jobs are passing a budget and making sure that America is paying its bills."

As the President has made clear -- and the press has reported -- the government could be reopened, today, with the votes of reasonable Republicans and Democrats if Tea Party Republicans would allow a simple yes- or-no vote on a Senate-passed compromise bill to fund the United States government. It’s time for Congress to just vote and end this government shutdown now.

From 2005 to 2014: HRW (Human Rights Watch) decided to increase their support of weak people (black girls, girls who liked to go to school in Islamic countries where terrorisms don’t let them to do it) instead of supporting one country and instead of using their budget only for standing against dictator regimes. While I played some rules, me and HRW was sending some messages to each other about increased violations in every sides of the earth.

From 2005 to 2014: CIA learned Persian language, slowly. from when I contacted them only one of them and she only a little knew Persian, when she spoke with me in the company.

After a few assassinations in middle-east, some mullahs decided to infect the waters of America but I received many information and I shared to our agents (and something more) what caused that we stood guard against the plans of these mullahs and we saved the life of many Americans.

Google tried to keep its self company, independent, but make a better and safer international diplomacy for everybody.

2007-2009 One of the most powerful brainwashing propagandas by the regime, against the supporters of the Iranian Green Revolution.

2009-2014: Because of some radical activities of the other political leaders of Iran, Hashemi Rafsanjani decreased his supports of the regime but it caused that his power decreases also, he decided to submit his name as one of the candidates to go for Iranian presidential election (in the 2013) but political powers didn’t let him. He could loose his power after that seriously. Through brightening public opinions, he didn’t loose his power completely.

19/Oct/2013) I warned our troops about who made some relations and connections with America63 while it’s not such a good relation; 11/Nov/2013) The Yellow Dogs US-Iranian band members got killed (anyway they shouted to each other and some agents became suspected then these agents did a lot behind the scene to stop them).

12/Nov/2013) Human Rights Watch told me, we going to stop to cooperate with who causes these kind of activities!!!

BBC: Yellow Dogs shooting: US-Iranian band members killed in NY 12 November 2013 John Pilger (2013-2014)

Few days after of that I shared pictures of one of the Palestinian and one of the Israeli Child in my facebook account I talked with John Pilger, then to help my friends in Benz company for free, I shared two picture of their cars, (from outside view) one of the cars was for one series the other was from another series. John Pilger told me that I didn't look from this aspect of view. while he was a little kidding but he meant he prefers he could support Israel more than before, he meant even me for a few years (long ago) didn't do it a lot also, however its interesting for me what Israeli told me when I was kindly handshaking with one of their patriots, what Israeli told me about: we will break the hand of whom can harm the person, who gave a handshaking to me!



During the last two sessions of 2013 I nulled three terror plans (including microbial attacks or explosive or firearm attacks) to save the life of the US President (Barack Obama’s life).

I gave two schemes/plans about how to make better electromagnetic shields (Faraday Cage) to maintain natural oxygen for the personals who work there (using Black Body), and I hope to describe you more about it, later. Its not related to what I told once on a video about these kind of technologies when I was mentally depressed and when I was not aware of the realities before of the date of the publication of this book!



(Black body curves of Planck for various temperatures and comparison with classical theory of Rayleigh-Jeans)

I gave a scheme/plan about how to find some valuable materials (like gold, etc.) in the other pla , using Electromagnetic Spectroscopy, and I hope to describe you more about it, later. I don’t have a calm environmental situation to think about these theories but I think these theories are not such an important project to waste lots of your times to think about them.



US plans about the future of the globe what is achievable until 2050:

Increasing women power and freedom and security.

Increasing the knowledge of the public, slowly, about secret communication devices and secret harassment technologies to decrease the threats what our enemies cause to stop the propagandas against these technologies about the other countries, who already have access to these kind of technologies.

Helping Israel to expand their boarder, more, in comparison with the other countries, but also increasing our cooperation with Islamic countries and make a better diplomacy with them.

Some of the regime’s governors during the next few decades (before of 2050) will change and hopefully their people going to have a different situation.

More people who are living illegally in the United States going to receive US citizenship and through this method (and tax paying complement system) we going to increase US budget also.

Right now we have all of the selections about how to deal with Iran but probably it wont be an attack “to change the regime"

"directly by US government” anyway probably US military allies going to do some actions to decrease their speed about reaching WMDs.

Soon, the Iranian regime will ask people to increase usage of their internal Interanet network instead of their current Internet network.

We will make the anti HIV drugs available for people soon or late.

Companies going to distribute enhanced 3D Television with a better quality for peoples. Probably and only probably vertical flight industry going to increase it’s business about small airplanes and for individual costumers. Who have physical limits such as who are blind going to have more fun through using recent technologies.


We going to search for new planets in far space where probably alive creatures exist there. In Europa, one of the moons of the Jupiter, likewise what I am sure about, there is not any live animal there but while I am not sure probably there could be some kind of microscopic creatures or maybe not, while scientists are not sure about that, yet!



America going to facilitate space traveling also for individuals (except of astronauts) and somehow we going to increase usage of space elevators for space traveling.


Mars One is a non-profit organization based in the Netherlands that has put forward conceptual plans to establish a permanent human colony on Mars by 2025. The private spaceflight project is led by Dutch entrepreneur Bas Lansdorp, who announced plans for the Mars One mission in May 2012.


permanent human colony on Mars



If we accept that the probability (math) of existence of the planets, where live bodies exist there, is like a graph in Chaos Theory (Continuous probability distribution is required)


When x is the diameter of the universe

(While I only mentioned them to give you an imaginable example, so don’t dull your brain while I didn’t use the General Relativity theory and we will imagine that discretions don’t exist in the graph) so for sure there are live bodies (whom some of them gained access to our recent technologies or even some of them are more technological, they are not angry with mankind so much nor decided to attack the others yet). Few days ago I wrote in my Twitter account that, while there is lots of other planets inside of infinite space, so when our people going to think about that does the other creatures need more food or a house to stay there or does they need a better environmental situation to care about their health? During the next years we going to declassify to everyone about the recent advancements of our telescopes what can show us the smallest particles in far space.

While knowledge of people in Islamic countries increases (while they wont reach a top level of advisement, what the people of the western country reached today), we going to have some kind of after- effects, like what Wikileaks did or like what violated Islamists or terrorisms doing against our homeland security (because of their brain pattern during the development, starts to look at the problems of the superpower countries because of they are poor but the others are rich and technological).

We going to have a basic and fundamental change about the terrorism groups what exist yet. At least during the next seven years, the affections and the power of (some well known) radical Islamists of Iran going to increase everywhere so more spies in Iran going to get arrested, tortured or die. So I advise you to support your powerful friends instead of attacking your radical enemies.

While nobody protected me as much as it was necessary to maintain complete security for me during writing this book (about the second edition of my work, I most note that: I decided to dedicate the second edition of this book to the US Department of Justice while (for example) I have not received an order from this department about paying my salary after many years) and even if a few and only a few cooperator agencies of mine tortured me before while I don’t remember they did (and they are not including the agency and some humans what I work for them and you have read about them here in this book until know, some agencies who I only like to mention that if one day I died they could accepted that so sharing any more information here in this book is not necessary) but to protect their security what will causes that I be able to maintain a satisfiable level of security for my self so it will causes that I be able to have these privileges to publish this work to public against terrorism regimes and while staying silent causes a better situation so if any country helped me until now and even if American agencies used one of their surveillance satellites to protect me against the other countries terrorisms, while they helped me much more than what I wrote here, it’s so beautiful and nice that me and who completed reading this book to increase his knowledge, respectfully believe in their kindness and thanks them. Who without their support nobody going to respect to our peoples life. I don’t know why we are like the robots who must shoot shoot and kill each other and save our monies, our every one dollars, inside of our bank accounts! Continuing my educations, improving US international diplomacy and seeing my mother again is what I hope! However Thanks to all of the personals in America who work hard to increase the humanity and security and freedom, who without their support nobody would respect to our peoples life.

Soon DOD (Department of Defense) must protect my life and this agency going to protect my life inside of America so if any problem happened to me while they are aware of my life threatening complaints until the last minutes of my life where ever I am so at first this department is responsible until the related problems of my US immigration hierarchical formal actions done here in Turkey. This is what I wrote inside of the previous version of the book but then US rejected my visa proposal again, I slept for nights near a bridge near the street, I slept inside of the Ashti (Aşti) terminal for a while also!

I recommend you to read the acknowledgment of this book for sure once again and then you look at the head note of Bill Gates at the introduction of this book to summarize your reading, and also I like to note: during writing this book, IFRC guide me to add some beautiful parts of my life to this book, without the support of the IFRC and Interpol(while I hadn’t enough time to exactly correct the structure of these writings while English language is not my native language and while it only took a few weeks of my life to write and complete this book and review it about it’s mistakes) but they helped me a lot to dedicate this book to the generations.

One of the most important challenges of mankind is about Reducing Uncertainty Lt.Peiman Ghasemi Humanize humanity, human nature and human rights humanly. Jesus Christ saves us.

I didn’t removed “Aware” word from The WhiteHouse key (Code) to give that “right” to the audience of my book.

By agent Peiman Ghasemi - Central Intelligence Agency and Human Rights Watch —- 06/06/2014