Me and my friend President Obama by Peiman Ghasemi - HTML preview

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Not only is the declassification of secret information of military and technological advancements to the public prohibited in New World Order, but also declassification of the secret history is a great problem for those who want to write a nonfiction and valuable book like this.

Here it is, what you don’t know! Where you loved to be and what you loved to learn! Your brain likes to learn something new, it is hungry to devour that kind of knowledge that is not like the ready-to-serve products that a mass marketing company would have you ingest! The Wall Street walnut, the wan and wine wandering walrus waltzing wants wanton war warble!

I remember that it was many month ago when I informed the US President that I like to write a book. I had written to him that the subject of my book would be relating to the latest US Presidential Election but because of the many accidents that have happened since sending these messages, and also because I received a vast variety of new information, only a very limited part of this book now is about the 2013 US Presidential Election.

I have been all around hell, all around the Globe. I have stayed in Russia, places so cold that your very bones inside of you shriek, so deep inside of its underground city, where you ask yourself “How is it possible for satellites with their warheads to track me here?” I have traveled to the Philippines with its beautiful and tasty confectioneries and its girls, inside the Manila bars and clubs. And then the Middle East, years ago, in the dark and fearful deserts along the Esfahan-Tehran highways in Iran. I recall the sensation of that cold dusty air in my lungs, but I as my thoughts drift back to those hours, I begin experiencing a different feeling in that hard and cold situation, the animal farm nearby, and me, on the run. It’s about 2 AM and I am in my car. Damn it’s so dark. From the side of the highway I hear something like a scream but I tell myself it’s no problem, it’s only a nightmare, a hallucination caused by the environmental situation of the ecosystem of my current geographical location. My mother is praying for her son to come back home soon. But I left her alone. And here, inside my car, I have only a knife and my secret documents here in my briefcase.

Right now 15/02/2014 I’m in Turkey. Today when I decided to write a brief memo about a few years of my 12 years cooperation with The White House and The Central Intelligence Agency and many years of cooperation with Human Rights Watch (HRW) and IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies); a few political leaders of England and France, agents of NSA (The National Security Agency, who didn’t let me to submit any information before) and CIA agents and Mossad and Shin Bet (Shabak) and USSS (The United States Secret Service) and Microsoft and DOJ (The United States Department of Justice) communicated with me about what am I started to write now? While Dell and Intel company had some unidentified and covert communications with me and for sure they and also the National Institutes of Health (NIH) also acted behind the scene (Dell, from when I sent a fax to Princeton University many years ago while for sure they affect the politics and the events what happens on the Earth) but writing this book was not such an important complaint for them which causes that they find me again and ask me about what I am started to write now, however I had a contact from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) about what I am started to write now!

This is the first book what I am writing as one of the Secret Agents of The Central Intelligence Agency and as the honorary decision maker of President Barack Obama1 (see the footnote).

For sure to maintain security and safety we must keep international secret information so I don’t have the permission of leaking very top-secret information what not only going to threaten US security and also going to weaken our homeland but causes that I lose my security and safety, get torture and some hidden hands attack me. However, you will learn about lots of secret information through reading this book. You will learn more about some parts of my life and also some parts of president Obama’s life, for those people whom heard my name but they like to gain more knowledge about me and also about what happened recently in Iran, Israel, England, Turkey, France, Russia, and the relations and the affections of their policy on the American’s policy and the relations and the affections of the American’s policy on their policy and also on their diplomacy; a limited but a concise part of our private communications. In Chapter 1 (and also in Chapter 3) I started to write about violations against humanity. In Chapter 2 I going to describe the activities of some of the enemies of the US president (also, I going to describe you more about the recent/modern medications, about when somebody gets infected by HIV then what he must do to heal his self from the viruses, using anti retro-viral drugs, and also I will describe you about what is Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehabilitation (CPR)). In Chapter 3 you going to learn more about secret history and secret technologies, you will see some secret and classified pictures of underground naval bases and also you going to learn more about what happened to me. Chapter 4 is about espionage at most. Chapter 5 is about Communications Security and on-line (Internet) privacy and also it contains the notes of president Barack Obama and Chapter 6 is about what will happen in future, Russians advancements (Aeroflot aerospace technology, etc.) and not only about US military and technological future plans but also about international technological plans such as permanent human colony on Mars what you and your children going to see in future soon, many future plans what you haven’t seen somewhere else but maybe during the next few month some other authors use inside of their book for public, later. There are some parts of the secret history what remained untold forever because of I didn’t receive any kind of supports (such as political support) by the people who were living during the current century!

Few month ago while I was a UN Refugee in Turkey2 but I got sold so I was under attack and I got sleep deprived (as one of the methods of torture) for a few weeks every nights. One of the main causes of these kind of tortures on me was only because of that I informed The White House: “I like to write a book”. Some people think one political leader of a country, alone, can maintain the ideal security for them but not only they are wrong but also every people who work for any political leader or any agency in a group, the group competitors attack him, sue them against each other, destroy their relations, then even if you don’t have any complaint with these competitors they attack you.

CIA agents of the Public Affairs of The Central

Intelligence Agency, like: dear agent Shannon and my lovely friend agent Nienie Dare decided to give a foreword for this book but because of the similarity of their foreword with the contents of my book and while for public it was so hard to understand so I decided not to write what they gave me about this book but it was a foreword to describe their love to me while they liked to say: We caused lots of problems in your life, also. We are not that much cold and you are aware of that. Here in Public Affairs mistakes melting down the planet of people who are not aware. You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. He had his life threatened for completing this book so that he would dedicate lots of information to you.

CIA told me3 if I write a good book so they (probably) going to submit my name in The CIA World Fact Book 2035. It’s interesting that I tell you, as an intelligence cooperator even when me or my friends are under attack (or harassment, while I hadn’t any satellite support, I got annoyed by them, etc. What are not unclassifiable to the people of the current decades) while everyday it’s like a habit for many private and governmental companies what I had communication with them before that they attack the other one, but I rarely attack the opponents diplomacy. While I have everyday communication with some security agencies and they track me and they look inside of my private life but I personally think I am that teenager student still, who must respect to some limits what is a part of public life and public culture.

