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Poet Kali.Poongunran


Who is the leader who said that the power to continue or giving up the agitation against toddy shop was in the hands of E.V.R’s wife and sister?


Who is the leader who said that both Periyar and ‘Viduthalai’

were his lovable enemies?


Periyar had detailed negotiations regarding the division of the country and social religious matters in 1940 in Bombay.

Who are those who participated in those negotiations?


Who is the person who introduced Periyar in a Conference in Calcutta that he was his mentor in atheism and he was the one who worked along with Lenin in Russia and who was a great rationalist?


Whom did Periyar select as the successor of his movement?


Who is the leader who was introduced as “Complete Thamizhan” by Periyar and who was responsible for the educational revolution in Tamil Nadu?


Who wrote the biography of Periyar “Th amizhar Th



Who was appointed as the leader of the first anti Hindi agitation in 1938 by Periyar?


Who is the Chief Minister who dedicated the Government of Tamil Nadu to Periyar?

Image 31

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10) Who is the person who off ered to give up his profession of lawyer, in obedience to Periyar’s request in order to shoulder the responsibilities of the movement?

11) How was the appearance of Periyar when he toured Russia?

12) Who

was the lady who took charge of Kudi Arasu when Periyar was touring the West?

13) Who

was the person who was very helpful to purchase the land in Chennai Vepery a property which is called Periyar Th idal?

14) Who gave the title ‘Vaikom Hero’ to Periyar?

15) Who


the poet who wrote the poetic forms of Periyar’s principles and who united himself in Dravidar Kazhagam?

16) Who was the leader introduced to Periyar on the May Day in 1932, when he was touring Russia?

17) An Economist said to Gandhi “Th e spiritual leader for my self

respect principles is Periyar” Who is he?

18) Who is the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu who gave a legal status to Tamil Script reform?

19) “Naickar

(Periyar) is the greatest revolutionary leader in Tamil Nadu; we request that we pay homage to his picture in the morning, noon and evening.” Who said this?

20) Who was the fi rst leader of the Self Respect Movement started by Periyar?

21) Who said “the Daily Viduthalai” is the information board for the houses of all the Tamils”?

22) Who


the Chief Minister who told Periyar that he was occupying the chair which should have been occupied by Periyar?

23) A State Prime Minister accepted Periyar’s demand that the knowledge of Sanskrit as a requisite should be abolished and issued an order to this eff ect. Who is he?

24) Who are the foreign leaders who participated in the Buddha Conference convened by Periyar in 1954?

Image 32

170 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers 25) A leader said, “Th

e inspiration for the agitation for the rights of the untouchables to drink water from the tank in Magath was the Vaikon struggle carried out by Periyar”. Who is this leader?

26) Who


the Prime Minister who mentioned the name of Periyar without forgetting, when Mandal Commission recommendations were implemented in Parliament?

27) A Justice party leader, presided over the Justice Party Conference, which was to be presided over by Periyar, as he was in jail for his anti-Hindi agitation. He also garlanded the portrait of Periyar, with the garland that was off ered to him.

Who is this?

28) Who termed Periyar as the Rousseau of Tamil Nadu?

29) Who is the writer who convincingly exposed in the ‘Kudi Arasu’ the wretchedness of the Veda Sasthra, purana and mythologies?

30) Who


the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, belonging to the Justice party, who accepted Periyar’s proposal for the Employment plan and supported it?

31) Who is the person who came to Periyar’s residence in Erode and persuaded him to join the Congress organization?

32) Which event does this picture indicate?

Image 33

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33) What is indicated in this picture?

34) Which city and which place does this picture show?

35) Who is the Comrade who assisted Periyar in draft ing Erode Plan of equality?

36) Who was the personal secretary of Periyar for the last fi ft een years of Periyar’s life?

37) Who is the artiste who said that it was only the green cover

‘Kudi Arasu’ of Periyar was his mentor?

Image 35

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172 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers 38) Describe the photo.

39) Who did Periyar recommend that his name should be given to a person in every house?

40) Who is the Srilankan leader who met Periyar?

41) Who is the Tamil scholar who said that Periyar would help even his enemy if he was a non-Brahmin?

42) Who was the lady who was the publisher of ‘Kudi Arasu’?

43) Describe the photo

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44) Who


the Dravidar Kazhagam fl ag as per the direction of Periyar?

45) Who was described the Black Shirt hero?

46) He was a very ardent disciple of Periyar; he was the Sivaganga Taluk Board President; herresolved that his hand would never issue an appointment order to any Brahmin. Who is this leader of Justice Party?

47) Give the details of this event participated by Periyar.

48) Who accompanied Periyar in his tour of the West?

49) Who


the President of India who participated in the Birthday celebrations of Periyar?

50) Who is the leader who met Periyar to learn from him his expertise on family welfare?

51) Who is the Chief Minister who arranged for the burial of Periyar with State honours?

Image 38

174 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers 52) Give the details of this photo

53) Who


the Chief Minister who took strong measures to implement Social Justice of Periyar, and who was responsible for eff ecting the Amendment of the Constitution?

54) In whose name Periyar dedicated a Hall?

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Sunday Observer Balasubramaniam, D.A.V. Nathan, Mohamed Ali Jinnah, Dr. Ambedkar

Image 42

Image 43

Image 44

176 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers (4)

M.N. Roy





Image 45

Image 46

Image 47

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Sami Chidhambaranar


C. D. Nayagam


C.N. Annadurai

Image 48

Image 49

Image 50

178 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers (10)

Dr. K.Veeramani


Periyar in coat and

turban at Moscow


E.V.R. Nagammai

Image 51

Image 52

Image 53

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iru Vi.kalyanasundaram


Poet Bharathi Dhasan

Image 54

Image 55

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180 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers (16)






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W.P.A.Soundara Pandiyan


Kundrakudi Adigalar

Image 60

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Image 62

182 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers (22)

Omandur Ramasamy Reddiar


P. Ramaray Ningar (Panagal King)


Dr. Mallarasekara Raj Boj

Image 63

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Image 65

Image 66

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Viswanatha Pratap Singh

(V.P. Singh)


Sir A.T. Panneerselvam


Dr.A.Ramasamy Mudaliar

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184 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers 29)

Sami. Kaivalyam


Rao Swetha Chalapathy

Ramakrishna Range Rao (Bobbili king)


Jayaprakash Narayan

Image 70

Image 71

Image 72

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e event of Periyar being given rupee coins equal to his weight in Th

anjavur on 03-11-1957


Periyar in front of the statue of Socretes of Athens in Greece (1932)



e street in which Periyar agitated against untouchability in Vaikom

Image 73

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186 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers (35)

Ma. Singaravelar


Poet K.Imyavaramban


Kalaivanar N.S.Krishnan

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e last public address made by Periyar in Madras. Th e

Malaysian Dravidar Kazhagam President Thiruchudar K.R.Ramasamy is speaking, from the van. (19.12.1973) (39)

S.Muthiah Mudaliar



Image 79

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Image 82

188 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers (41)

Maraimalai Adigal


S.R.Kannammal, sister of Periyar.



e house of

Periyar where he was born


Erode Shanmuga Velayutham

Image 83

Image 84

Image 85

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Pattukottai K.V.Azhagiri


Sivagangai S. Ramachandran



anthai Periyar, Dr. Ambedkar and Maniammai in the World Buddhist Conference in Rangoon in 05-02-1954

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190 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers (48)

S. Ramanathan


Giani Zail Singh


Dr. Chandrasekar,


e Central Minister

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Image 90

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Kalaignar M.Karunanidhi



e family of Periyar - Periyar, his mother, brother Krishnasamy, Sister in law Renganayaki, Ramasamy, brother-in-law, S.R.Kannammal his sister, Ammayee his niece and E.V.K.Sampath, his nephew.

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192 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers (53)

Selvi J.Jayalalitha


Nadigavel M.R. Radha

Image 93

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What was the world yesterday? What is

the world today? What is going to be the world tomorrow? What changes would

take place as centuries go on? Only the rationalists would have an idea of all these things. It is very diffi

cult for the religious Pundits to know them. Why do I say so?

These Pundits know by rote memory of the sastras, the absurd puranic literature, and about things which do not stand the test of reasoning and thinking. Some of them having learnt all these by heart, blindly believe that all the things they learnt are quite true. But that is not the way of the rationalists.


ey take into consideration, their past experiences, the qualities of the things they have seen, the natural changes matters undergo, the origin and development of various species, the scientifi c developments, the wisdom of the great men of the world, and various other factors for personal investigation and research.


e Pundits consider the truths about the past as

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unchangeable. Th

ey are not for any change in the popular opinions of the past, whereas the rationalist is of the fi rm belief that the world is advancing towards a new change every second. Th ey seek the better

and the new. I do not mean the Pundits all over the world are the same.

So far as the Pundits here are concerned, we say that most of them are against rationalism. Th

ey are not free to think or develop their rational outlook. Th

e educational system and the examinations are unhelpful and prevent them from thinking freely. Th ey are drowned in marsh.


ey are completely sunk in the stink of Puranas. Blind beliefs and irrational thoughts have poisoned them as deadly snakes.

Our religious leaders, particularly of the Hindu religion are much worse than our Pundits. If the Pundits advise the people to go 1000 years back, these religious leaders want the people to go many thousands of years backward. Th

ey would even drive the people many

eras backward. Rationalism is unsuited to both these sections. Th ey

love only things which are inhuman, absurd and senseless. Th at is why

I say that in the new world these people envisage that the world would be only barbarous. Only those who are unthinking and blind would follow that those who regard the old as gold, could never appreciate the changes and the benefi ts thereon.

We rationalists do not totally reject the old. We have to take the good. But it is important to evince interest in seeking good and new things. Only then, we will be able to invent new things. Th e society

will not progress, unless we welcome the changes for the better.

People elsewhere in the world, were not content with the old world.


ey sought a new world of changes with advancement and progress.


ey were unbiased. Th

at is why they were able to invent wonderful things. Today people everywhere in the world are enjoying the benefi ts of their novel inventions.

So, it is only those who realise these truths, will be able to foresee what the changes would be aft er a few centuries.

- E.V. Ramasamy




A peep into the past and the opinions of great historians point out that there will be no monarchy in the years to come. Th

e precious

gold and silver will cease to be the monopoly of the privileged few. In such a world there is no need of a king or his rule. Th

ere will be no restrictions imposed

in the way in which it is done now for the life of man and the means of livelihood and peace.

Today the manual labour and the time spent for earning the livelihood is long and the time spent to enjoy the fruits of one’s labour is comparatively very short. Th

ere are plenty of food grain resources and consumer goods including the luxury variety. But we have plenty of people who are poor and starving unable to lead an average life. Th

ey have no food to

eat and no means to enjoy life. Th

ere is ample scope

for individualism and self-determination. But even in this there are only a very few people who enjoy them.


e avenues of production and the raw materials are increasing in plenty. Yet, we fi nd more people enjoy

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the minimum needs in life. Th

e indispensable essentials needed for

society are also denied to a lot of people, who are now leading a hard life in misery. We have adequate land. Yet the landless people are many. In such a world which has all adequate amenities for a happy life, we have also starvation, poverty, worries, and a life confronted with struggles.

Is there any relationship between all these and god?

Is there any relationship between all these and man?


ere are people who relate the matters in the world with god. But, we do not see any one blaming god anywhere for all these worldly evils. Can it be said that people have no ability and intelligence to overcome all these evils?

Of all the living creatures man is the most intelligent. It is man who created god, religion, philosophy and spiritualism. It is also said that extra ordinary men have actually succeeded in realising god. Some are said to have become one with god itself. I venture to ask, why even such greatmen have not found out a solution for all these follies of the world. Is it not clear that because people have not learnt to realise through their practically gained extra knowledge that these aff airs of the world have nothing to do with god, religion, spiritual direction, justice, discipline, governance etc., and that they are not able to think and judge independently?

In the west, many have started to think reasonably, because with such thoughts, they have achieved great wonders and miraculous inventions, which eventually led to the renunciation of spirituality and such self-deceptions and superstitions. Th ey have come to the

conclusion that the old world cannot survive and thus they have started concentrating on new world.

Why are we born? Why should any one struggle for food, when we have a world rich in all resources? Why should people die? Th ese

questions were once staggering the human mind. But today it is not so.

Many things are exposed correctly in the rational way nowadays. Th is

trend will one day, not only reform the society but also revolutionalise it. A time will come, when there will be no money in the form of coin. No political governance will ensure. No one need to strive hard.

198 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers Th

ere will be no job that will be deemed mean. Th ere may not be a

government vested with full power as we have now. Th ere will be no

slavery at all. Th

ere will be no need to depend on others for sustenance.

Women will not require special protection, safeguards and support.

In the world to come, it will be enough for a man to work for merely one or two hours a day to lead a happy life as that of Mahatmas (Gandhi), Zamindars, religious heads as Matathipathis and the Brahmins. Labour for merely two hours would be quite suffi cient to

enjoy all the pleasures of life. Even as an individual complains of pain in the leg, ear, nose, stomach, bone and so on, in the new world to come, the diffi

culties and drawbacks of any single individual would not be tolerated by the society. Such a society based on co-operation and unity would be in the world shaped to come.

Wars as waged now, would not take place in that world. People will not be forced to lose their lives in wars, plunders and murders.


ere will be no unemployed people, struggling hard for food and jobs. People may seek jobs only with the motive of keeping a healthy body. Rare articles, wonderful sights and scenes, worthy exhibitions, would be easily available for all people to enjoy. Th ere will be no

money lenders, private businessmen, industries and private concerns dominated by capitalists. There will be no agents, brokers and middlemen seeking profi t.


e Navy, Army and Air force would be an anachronism in the cooperative world state of the future. Warships and arms meant to destroy the population will not exist. Th e task of seeking a job for

livelihood would be very easy and within the reach of every human being. Pleasures would increase in leaps. Th e longevity of man would

go on increasing by fresh research. Whatever might be the phase of increase of the population, the eff orts and time needed to produce the necessities for life would be minimised.

To cite an illustration, there were days when it was possible to knit only 150 yarns in one minute. Today there are machines which create varieties of cloth at a speed of 45,000 yarns a minute. Similarly in the early days it would not have been possible to produce 2 or 3 cigarettes a minute. Today one machine is able to produce 2500 cigarettes a minute. Th

at too, by our mere putting the leaves on one side, we

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get the cigarettes nicely packed and ready for transport and export.

Moreover, the machine itself condemns the damaged cigarettes. So you can very well imagine what wonders the machines would do in the world to come. We fi nd the machines for newer and newer things in all our walks of life. Th

e technical knowledge is advancing fast. As such in the new world to come, it will be enough for a man to work only for two weeks, to secure the necessities needed for one full year.

You need not fear that people would be rendered lazy and idle for the rest of their time. No one need to have such a fear. Even as ways and means are found out to improve and quicken the amenities needed for life, similar steps would automatically be taken to fi nd ways and means to utilise the man power usefully throughout the year. Plans would be chalked out for utilising the leisure hours and rest time, gainfully.


ere will be no end or limitation to the wonderful advancement.


ere will be work for all the people and particularly to the intelligent, thinking progressive members of the society.


at sort of work will not be for earning wages. It will be more for recreation to the mind. Every one will be busy. No one will work with a profi t motive.


e youngsters, as they observe their elders, would naturally be prompted to do something wonderful and useful in life. Yet some people may think that there will also be lazy fellows in such a world.

I do not think so. Even granting that a few would remain idle and lazy, they would not be a burden on that society. Th e progress of the

society will be aff ected least on account of them. If any one should persist in remaining idle, it will be bad for himself and not for the society. In fact in the world to come, everyone would feel ashamed of remaining idle or lazy. Th

ere will be a race for seizing an opportunity to do something useful. Th

ere will be more work and there will be no dearth of hands for any work.

No one will be accused of not doing any work.

You may ask whether there will be men to do mean and nasty work.

What we consider as mean and nasty would not be considered so in the world to come. For example scavenging, sweeping, washing plates and utensils will be done with the aid of the machines. Manual eff ort will decrease. Man might have to learn the technique of operating the

200 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers machines. Man need not carry heavy loads on his head or drag and pull heavy things. Nothing would be deemed dishonourable. Poets, artists, penmen, sculptors would be competing to create a new world.

Rightmen will do the right jobs and earn a name and fame.


ere will be no men without character and dignity. As all means to personal profi t is extinct, no one would stoop to bad behaviour.


ere will be no people to connive at an immoral act. Such conditions world prevail making everyone highly ethical, civilised and sensible. If there is high and low, privileged and unprivileged there may be cause for disgust, hatred and when such things are absent there will be no scope for immorality. No one need to steal anything in the new world.


ose who reside on the banks of River Ganges, need not steal the water of Ganges! Th

ey will take only as much as they actually require.


ey will not keep the water secretly for use in the future. When one has plenty of what he needs he will never think of stealing. Similarly there will be no need to utter lies and falsehoods, because there can be no gain. Drinks will not harm anyone. Th ere will be no need to

think of murder. Gambling and betting may be for a timepass and no one will be fi nancially ruined by them.

There will be no prostitution for cash or for kind. In a self-respecting society no one can dominate the other. No one would yield to the other for any favour. Th

e society will have very advanced views on sex and life. Only by the knitting of the hearts there can be lovely life. Moreover people will have clear and advanced views. Th ey will

mind their health. Everyone would have self-respect. Both males and females will deem it unwanted and unconnected to seek love by force.


ere will be no subordination of women. Males will not dominate.


ere will be no need to use force. As such there will be no prostitution.


ere may be need for taking steps to cure the mentally disordered people. Even that may be resorted to only when such people are a nuisance to others. Th

ere will be no necessity to impose any restriction on both the sexes, as everyone would be fully conscious of the defects and merits.

Means of transport would mostly be in the air and at a great speed.

Wireless communicative devices pocketable in shirts (mobile phone) would be provided for all. Radio might be in the hats of everyone

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Equipments, enabling the despatch of images through mail would be in enormous usage. Convenience in conversation could be possible, face to face through such mailing meehanism (Skype). One will be able to contact instantly any one anywhere. Education could be imparted easily far and wide. Nutritive food needed for a full week might be made available in a small capsule.


e human life longivity of 100 years may be doubled or even more.


ere may not be any necessity for a potent male and female perform intercourse, for begetting a child. Even as strong and sturdy bulls are specially brought up to improve the cattle, men with sound and healthy body may be specially induced to part with their semen scientifi cally and by injection methods the extracted male semen might be let into the uterus of the female.


at will be the way to create new children with sound body and sound mind. Birth of a child would be diff erent, having nothing to do with the intercourse of the couple. Th e population would be easily

controlled with the willing cooperation of all people.

There will be many changes in the articles we now use. For example the weight of the present-day automobiles would be reduced considerably. Petrol consumption would be reduced. Nay, cars may run out of electricity or rechargeable power. Electricity would be consumed in such a way that every one shares the benefi ts in life. It will be very useful to humanity. Such advancement will take place.

Science will advance further very rapidly and there will be more and more useful inventions.


ere will be no scope for any particular individual to exploit inventions. Today the government takes up responsibility through its departments for safeguarding the property, maintenance of law and order, justice, administration, education etc. All these methods would become obsolete and unwanted. Th

e prevailing perception about them

would become meaningless.

One would be eager to know about the idea of god in ‘ Th e World

to Come’.


e idea of god does not arise suo moto. It is a process of faith which is conveyed and preached to the youngsters by the elders. In ‘

202 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers Th

e World to Come ’, the people who speak about god and the betrayers would vanish. Even if glimpses of god prevails, it would disappear in due course. Man thinks about god out of sheer necessity. If the intricacies involved in every issue are known, if human needs are satisfi ed with due provision of the requirements without diffi culties,

no necessity would arise to anyone to think about god and its design. If a man lives in the so called heaven-like environment, no need would arise in him to think and believe in heaven which is contrary to science and research. No need for him to aspire to abode the so called heaven.

When there is no room for the rising of need, it tolls the death knell of god. Th

at is the peak of intellectual supremacy. Th ere is no space

for god in the spread of science and development.

If man is able to realise himself, he needs no god. If man deems this world as heaven for him, he will not believe the fantastic heaven above and the hell below. If people have the awakening they will not accept anything that is irrational. Where there are no wants there god is dead! Where science triumphs there god is burried.

In common parlance, there can be a sole assumption for certainty.

What is that ? What is that illusive factor ? Yes; it is construed as ‘God’

! For the scientists ,construing thus is absurd. In practical life, how God’s deed is construed ? We compromise and consent to ourselves in the every exposure of our experience. We exhibit our ignorance which is not known to us. Th

is could be the ideal approach adoptable about the origin of the world and its historical endurance. No reasonable man would worship god even as an attribute , when the reason for certain worldly aff airs are not known.

One should gain knowledge and change himself. Th at is the order

of the world. If one does not probe the reasons, he quietly shelters himself under the tree of ignorance summoning god to his help! Such a state of aff airs would be absolutely unsuited to the world to come.

In the world to come, there will be no hell or heaven because there will be no scope to do anything evil or bad. No one will need the help of the other. Unless one becomes mad, no one will harm others. So heaven and hell will become obsolete. So the relevance of the heaven and hell will become meaningless to mankind.

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Such an ideal world would not come all on a sudden. By gradual stages such a world will defi nitely be created by those who strive hard for the change in the generations to come. In the pursuit to solve the tough problems facing society and in the yearning to make life an eternal bliss for all, a new path be perfected to reach the new world.

No one would talk “What can we do? Everything is god’s work.”

Whatever drawbacks humanity might face, people will not keep quiet.


ey will resolve to set right things. Th ere will be no talk of fate and

destiny. Every act will be based on self-determination. Whatever the evils were created by man, they would be tackled in a deft manner to make a better society.

Today the blind faith in the old customs, rituals etc., has made them unthinking and irrational. Th

ey have put a hurdle in the progress of the world. It is quite natural that the vested interests who have much to gain by these old senseless things, are opposed to the creation of a new world of happiness, peace, progress and plenty. Yet it is those who boldly combat the ignorance of the people and the selfi sh interests of the vested interests who would be able to carve out a new world. Let us join and strengthen the ranks of the creators of the new world. It is for the youths and rationalists to bestow their thoughts, energy and eff orts for the creation of a new world to come.

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204 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers

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1879 Sep-17

PERIYAR E.V. RAMASAMY was born at Erode town in Tamil Nadu State - India


A popular rich merchant; Ardent devotee of Hindu religion. (A Vaishnavite)






Sisters-Younger : KANNAMMAL;


1885 Age - 6

* He was sent to a small primary school normally run at a House - pial in those days.

1889 Age - 10

* His school career ended within 5 years.

1891 Age - 12

* He entered into his father’s trade.

1895 *


used to hear Tamil Vaishnav religious

Gurus talks on mythologies at his house, enjoying their hospitability. As a boy, he started questioning the contradictions and illusions in the fables of Hindu deities spread by the Aryan Race ie., Brahmins for subjugating Dravidian Race.

* Blossoming of rationalism and atheism slowly in the brain of this youth - Ramasamy.


* He married NAGAMMAL, aged 13.

* He reformed his orthadox wife and sowed rationalistic views in her mind.



became the father of a female - child which expired within 5 months and thereafter he had no children.

206 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers 1904 *


undertook “renunciation” of family because of the harsh reprimand by his father.




fi rst to Vijayawada in Andhra State. Then he proceeded to Hyderabad and Kolkatta.


* He reached Kaasi (Varanasi), a noted sacred town of Hindu pilgrimage on the bank of the River Ganges. There he could not get free meals easily at choultries which exclusively fed Brahmins forbidding other Hindu castes.

* Having starved severely for some days, this handsome young man Ramasamy found no

other better way than to enter a choultry with the appearance of a Brahmin wearing a thread on his bare chest. But his moustache betrayed him. So the gate-keeper not only prevented his entry but also pushed him rudely to the street.

* At that moment, as the feast was over inside the choultry, the leaves with food left over were thrown at the street.

The unbearable burning of starvation for the past few days forced Ramasamy to compete with the street - dogs in eating the remnants of food in the leaves.

* While eating that food, the eyes of Ramasamy looked at the letters carved at the frontal wall of the building. They revealed the truth that the choultry exclusively occupied by the highest caste viz., Brahmins, had been built only by a wealthy merchant of Dravidian Race from Tamil Nadu.

* Suddenly in the mind of this young man, some questions could have sparked such as:

“Why and how the Brahmins can obstruct the Dravidians from taking meals in the choultry although the choultry was built with the money of a Dravidian Philanthropist? Why the Brahmins behaved so mercilessly and

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fanatically as to push the communities of the Dravidian race even to starvation - death by adamantly enforcing their evil casteism?”



justifi able answers came to convince the judicious thinking of Periyar on the above questions.

* The disgrace infl icted by the Brahmins at KAASI upon him without the least mercy, made a deep wound in the heart of Periyar and it infl amed intense hatred towards that Aryan race and their creation of innumerable Gods.

* Though Kaasi (Varanasi) has been acclaimed as the most “sacred town” by the Brahmins, the worst ugly scenes of immoral activities, prostitution, cheating, looting, begging crowds for alms, fl oating dead bodies on the River Ganges turned Periyar to abhor that so-called holy-town. Consequently, a re-thinking on his renunciation led him to return to his family life.

* On returning to Erode - his father delegated all his trade rights to this second son and renamed his major commercial concern under the title: “E.V. Ramasamy Naicker Mandi”


1905 onwards

* Besides being a well-known wealthy

businessman in Erode Mr. E.V.R. entered into public life by rendering social services selfl essly.

* One noteworthy instance: Once the dreadful contagious disease plague attacked Erode.

Hundreds of people died and thousands

fl ed for saving their life. But this noble man did not desert his native town like other rich merchants. He himself carried the dead bodies on his back to the cremation ground while even the close kith and kin did not touch the expired persons for last rites due to the fear of the contagion of the plague disease.

208 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers

* He commanded enormous influence over other traders in the bazaar street of Erode. He mediated and solved many disputes among the businessmen with neutrality and uprightness.



* In his youthful years he was attracted by the Tamil scholar Pandithamani Ayothidhaasar who vehemently condemned the caste -

system and Hindu religion of Brahmins with the principles of rationalism and Buddhism.

* There was a Tamil Scholar by name: PULAVAR

MARUDHAIYA PILLAI at Karur. His logical arguments and daring condemnation of Hindu religion, caste-system, deceptive myths in the epics and Vedic sasthras (Hindu Dogmas) spread by the Brahmins, had attracted

admiration of even the ordinary rural people in the areas around Erode and Karur.

His bosom - friendship played a major role in inculcating atheism fi rmly in the mind of Periyar and in moulding the latter as a probing rational thinker.

Intimacy of another Tamil Scholar Sage KAIVALYAM had also enriched the rational intuition of Periyar.

Many higher offi cials and learned persons like Engineer P.V. MANICKA NAICKER

befriended this Erode Beacon, because of his kindling progressive views.


* Unyielding to stiff protest of orthodox family members, Periyar arranged the remarriage of his sister’s daughter who became a child widow at the age of 9.


1918 *


became the Chairman of Erode Municipality

* Despite his intense hatred towards the Hindu religion and its caste - system - particularly the cruel ‘Untouchability’ exerted by the Brahmins

Compiled by: Dr. K.Veeramani 209

to supress the Dravidian race - the executive effi ciency and the unshakable honesty of E.V.R. fetched the awards of many posts in various public institutions.

* Periyar was made Honorary Magistrate by the British Government.

* He held many honorary positions like the President, the Secretary, Vice-President etc., in various public institutions numbering 29 such as - District Board, Taluk Board, Urban Bank, Religious Davasthanam (Trust), Public Library, War Recruitment Committee, Association of Agriculturists, Association of Merchants, Mahajana School Committee...


* Many essential welfare schemes were implemented effectively by him. Particularly the drinking water scheme was skilfully executed.

1918 *

While Periyar was the Chairman of Erode Municipality, friendship blossomed between himself and MR. C. RAJAGOPALACHARIYAR

(Rajaji) who later became Governor - General of India.



Rajagopalachariyar persuaded Periyar to join the National Congress party led by MR. M.K.


Resigning the Chairmanship of Erode

Municipality, Periyar enrolled himself as member of that Congress party.

1920 *


ardently participated in the Non-

Co-operation movement launched against the British rule by ‘Mahatma’ Gandhi.

On the latter’s clarion call, Periyar resigned all the 29 public positions held by him. He gave up the family trade and closed the business concern which was earning Rs. 20,000

annually (in those days) when the price of a single gold sovereign was not even Rs. 10!.

210 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers



defi ed the prohibitory order of section 144, promulgated at Erode for the fi rst time and courted arrest.

* Periyar trusted and accepted Mahatma Gandhi as his leader.

So, as a true disciple he began to execute every word of Gandhi into deed.

One such example is Khadhi yarn spun by hand with Chakra. As soon as the command of Gandhi for wearing Khadhi cloth was announced, Periyar immediately shed away all his costly foreign clothes and began to wear Khadhi. Also he forced all the members of his family, including his mother, aged 80

years to wear Khadhi dress only!

* Forsaking pomp hitherto enjoyed, Periyar implicitly enforced simplicity in every aspect of his life-journey.



* The policy of Prohibition of Liquors was fi rst conceived only at the house of Periyar. When Gandhi came to Erode and stayed at his residence, his wife Nagammal and his sister Kannammal explained unbearable agony of the wives tortured by their drunkard husbands and strongly stressed to draw a policy on prohibition of liquors. They also pleaded to launch an agitation in this regard.

* Their worthy suggestion was accepted at once by Gandhi. He announced that the Congress party men should undertake picketing in front of toddy shops throughout the country for urging the British Government to implement the policy of liquor-prohibition.

* To accomplish the command of Gandhi for upholding the policy of liquor - prohibition, Periyar had cut and uprooted more than 500 coconut - trees in his vast groves, from

Compiled by: Dr. K.Veeramani 211

which toddy was procured. Such was his commitment to prohibition


* At Erode, Periyar was leading the agitators and picketed before the toddy - shop.

He was arrested and sentenced to undergo imprisonment for one month.


* His wife Nagammal and Sister Kannammal also bravely jumped into the agitation and they led women volunteers for picketing in front of liquor-shop.

* When some Congress front-line leaders requested ‘Mahatma’ Gandhi to stop that agitation, he seriously told them that such a decision of stopping the agitation was not at the hands of himself but of two women at Erode, implying the wife and the sister of Periyar!


* Then, Periyar became the President of Tamil

- Nadu Congress Committee.

* At the provincial conference of that party held at Tiruppur, he moved a resolution which urged that all the ‘Untouchables’ of Dravidian race, should be allowed to enter the temples for worship. But the Brahmins of the Congress Committee obstructed the passing the resolution.

Provoked by their frenzy of caste - ‘Varuna Dharma’ Periyar declared that he would burn

‘Manusmiruthi’, ‘Ramayana’, etc., because these had been utilised by the wily Brahmins, as their religious weapons to suppress the Dravidian race with evil caste and superstition.


* The Government of Justice Party headed by Raja of Panagal passed an Act in the Madras State Legislative Council to create the Hindu Religious Endowment Board to end the

exploitation of the Brahmins in Hindu temples.

212 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers Though he was a Congress leader, Periyar supported that legislation brought by the Justice Party Government, due to his sincere concern for securing social justice as well as the rights of education, employment, economy, etc., to the Dravidian race oppressed by the Hindu Aryans.


1924 *

Periyar appreciated the measures of the Justice Party Government for implementing the policy of Communal Reservation in education and employment through Government Order.


* To abolish the cruel system of ‘Untouchability’

sternly observed by the Brahmins as a mode of oppressing the Adhi-Dravidas (the lowest of the Hindu Castes) like slaves - Periyar daringly led the agitation at VAIKOM town in Kerala State defying the prohibitory law order.

* In the temple town of Vaikom, the low caste people (Ezhavas) were not allowed to walk in the streets around the temple. So that

‘Sathyagraha’ - agitation was started by local Congress party people.

* They requested Periyar to come from Tamil Nadu to take up the leadership of Sathyagraha. He led the agitation. Hence, he was arrested and sent to jail. In that case, he was sentenced twice to undergo imprisonment for six months for each term.

The Sathyagraha went on for one year.

Then the streets were thrown open to the Untouchables.

* That courageous social sacrifi ce and fi ght for the human rights, secured victory. The title of honour as ‘Hero of Vaikom’ was conferred on Periyar.

1924-Sep. 11

* He was awarded jail sentence for his earlier propagation for Khadhi cloth and for boycott of the foreign goods imported by the British Rule.

Compiled by: Dr. K.Veeramani 213

1924 *

D is cri mi n a ti o n w a s sh own b y V.V. S .

Iyer, a Brahmin in charge of the National Training School hostel called ‘Gurukulam’ at Cheranmaadhevi near Thirunelveli, between the students of Brahmin caste and the

Non- Brahmin castes, although that hostel-attached institution was funded by Tamil Nadu Congress Committee and also by Dravidian philanthropists.

V.V.S. Iyer’s caste-oriented approach in favour of the Brahmin students segregating the Dravidian students with caste-fanaticism, infuriated Periyar. Hence this Great humanist resigned the post of Secretary of Tamil Nadu Congress Committee.

* However Periyar was then elected as the President of Tamil Nadu Congress Committee.

He presided over the provincial conference of the Congress party held at Tiruvannamalai in November - 1924.

* Since 1920, he had been moving a resolution in Congress conferences demanding the

Communal Reservation in Government

jobs and education for the Non-Brahmins (Dravidians) to drive out their degradation and attain higher positions in all spheres of life on par with the dominating Brahmins. Similarly he proposed such a resolution at Tiruvannamalai Congress Conference also.

But it was defeated by the Brahmins as they plotted at the Conferences of Tirunelveli (1920), Thanjavur (1921), Tiruppur (1922) and Salem (1923).

1924 *

Speaking at a public meeting at Salem, Periyar cautioned that unless the right of communal representation for the Non-Brahmins was attained during the British Rule itself, the Brahmin supremacy could not at all be ended and the Dravidian race had to suffer under the tyranny of ‘BRAHMNOCRACY’ (The “Hindu”

214 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers Centenary Special Number: page 337). Thus he even coined that new word.

1925 - May 2:

Periyar published a Tamil Weekly under the title “KUDI ARASU” edited by himself to spread the principles of Self-Respect for the awakening of the Dravidian race against the oppression by the Brahmins with their cruel caste - system and superstition of Hindu Religion.



fi rst issue of ‘Kudi Arasu’ was released by the reputed Tamil Religious Scholar and eloquent orator by name Thiruppathiripuliyur


1925 - Nov.:

* Again at the Congress conference held at Kancheepuram under the Chairmanship of the great versatile Tamil author, editor, orator and labour leader THIRU. VI. KALYANA

SUNDARANAR, (Thiru. Vi. Ka.), the resolution was introduced demanding Communal

Reservation for 50% for the Non-brahmins by Periyar .

* As usual, the cunning Brahmins stalled its passage. That defeat enraged Periyar to such a brink of hatred as to quit the Congress Party, the hierarchy of which was completely captured and dominated by the Brahmins.

* While bidding farewell to the Congress, Periyar thunderously vowed that his only future task was to destroy that Brahmin Raj in party by all means. On his leaving the conference, a large group of front line leaders and volunteers also followed him.


1925 December

* At the same town Kancheepuram, Periyar organised shortly a parallel conference of Non-Brahmins.

In his address, Periyar declared that the difference of racial identity between the Dravidians and the Aryans (Brahmins) had

Compiled by: Dr. K.Veeramani 215

always been existing from very ancient times and its prevalence in the Congress Party also could not at all be denied. Therefore, he stressed the compelling need of the Dravidians to preserve the SELF-RESPECT

of their race, language, and culture which had been degraded by the Brahminical dominance of their caste-system and superstition of Hindu religion.

* Thus Periyar founded the SELF-RESPECT

MOVEMENT in 1925 after his exit from the Congress Party.

1926 *


participated in many Non-Brahmin

Conferences held at various places of Tamil Nadu and propagated the principles of his SELF-RESPECT Movement to kindle the

awakening of the Dravidian race for freeing themselves from the slavery enforced by Brahmins.

1927 *



the Congress leader M.K. Gandhi

at Bangalore and strongly argued that

unless the poisonous caste-system called

‘Varnashrama Dharma’ was uprooted, the eradication of the ‘Untouchability’ stubbornly practised by the Brahmins could not at all be made possible.

He also emphatically told Gandhi that before fighting for the freedom of India, three threatening evils - viz., (1) The Congress Party (Under the command of more Brahmin offi ce

- bearers), (2) Hindu religion with its caste -

system and (3) the Dominance of Brahmins in the society should be put an end to fi rst.

* When the strike of the workers of the Railway workshop at Nagappattinam broke out,

Periyar, as the supporter of labourers was arrested and sent to jail.

* With the active support of Periyar, Mr. S.

MUTHAIYA (Mudaliar), a Minister in the Dr. P.

SUBBARAYAN’S Independent Government,

216 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers implemented the Communal Reservation

scheme of the Justice Party.


* Periyar published an English magazine under the title “Revolt” on 7-11-1928.

1929 *

The fi rst provincial conference of Self-Respect Movement was organised by Periyar at

Chengalpattu in February 1929. Mr. W.P.A.

Soundara Pandian, presided over that



* Periyar introduced a new rationalist marriage system called ‘Self-Respect Marriage’.

While conducting it, all the religious rituals and uttering of ‘Mantras’ by Brahmins in Sanskrit should be forbidden. It would be enough for the new couple to garland each other and declare the wedding affi rmation in mother-tongue. The marriage should not be arranged pompously but should be very economic. These are the conditions laid down by Periyar for his reformatory wedlock system. By this new matrimonial arrangement, he has secularized the marriage. Any person irrespective of any religion could conduct the marriage by asking the bride and the bridegroom to exchange garlands and make a declaration for becoming life-partners.

* Besides this new wedding system, Periyar also encouraged inter-caste marriages and widow marriages.


* On invitation from Tamilians in Malaya Country (now Malaysia), Periyar started his voyage in a ship from Nagapattinam. He was accompanied by his wife Nagammal and

some other followers.

Dec. 20:

* At Penang harbour, rejoicing reception was accorded to Periyar and his group by more than 50,000 Malay Tamils.

Compiled by: Dr. K.Veeramani 217

Dec. 23:

* At IPOH (Malaysia), Periyar inaugurated the Tamils Conference convened by the Tamils Reformatory Sangam.

Dec. 26:

* At Singapore, warm welcome was given to Periyar and his group. He addressed the conference organised by Malaya Indian

Congress. (Then Singapore was a province of Malaya nation under the British rule. Now it is an independent souvereign State)

* He addressed many meetings at various places like Kualalumpur, Taeiping, Malacca, Sungeipattani etc., propagating the principles of the ‘Self-Respect Movement’.

1930 Jan-16

* Periyar and his group returned from Malaya to Tamil Nadu.

* As a pioneer, Periyar published his book on ‘Family Planning’ (Birth Control) and propagated restriction of number of children.

He was the fi rst rationalist leader and author of a book in India, who stressed the prime need of Family Planning even before the Government of India implemented that


May 10, 11:

* At Erode, the Second Provincial Conference of the Self Respect Movement was convened by Periyar under the chairmanship of Mr. M.R.

Jayakar, a rationalist leader from Pune. Youth conference, Women’s conference, Prohibition of Liquor Conference, Tamil Music patronage conference were also conducted there at that time.

* He actively supported the Bill for the abolition of Devadasi system (setting apart young girls from a particular community playing musical instruments in Hindu temples as dancing girls).

Dr. Muthulakshmi (Reddy) a woman reformer brought that Bill which was passed in the Madras Legislative Council despite stout

218 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers opposition by the caste-fanatic Brahmin leaders.

1931 Dec 13

* Periyar started his Journey to Europe from Chennai harbour by ship. Mr. S. Ramanathan and Mr. Raju of Erode accompanied him.

1932 *


visited many European Countries like

Egypt, Greek, Turkey, Soviet Russia,

Germany, England (Britain), Italy, Spain, France, Portugal etc.,

* At Berlin, capital of Germany, Periyar visited several Socialist Associations and offi ces of Socialist magazines.

* In Russia (formerly Soviet Union) his stay was extended for a lengthy period of three months because he was invited to address many workers’ meetings. Being the First Nation of Karl Marx’s Communism, established by the great leader Mr. Lenin, the former Soviet Union (Russia) captivated very much the heart of Periyar.

1932 June 20

* In England (Britain) Periyar addressed a huge labourers’ public meeting with more than 50,000 people. He explained his principles on Rationalism as well as Socialism.

Nov. 11

* Returned to Erode after completing the European journey via Colombo, Capital of Ceylon (Srilanka).

1932 Dec 28-29

* In Erode at the residence of Periyar, a plan of Socialist Programme drafted by the great thinker Comrade M. SINGARAVELU was

discussed by the followers of Self-Respect Movement.

1932 *

Periyar addressed many meetings throughout Tamil Nadu, propagating the ‘Erode Plan of Socialism’.

1933 May 11:

* Mrs. E.V.R. Nagammal, the beloved wife of Periyar passed away and the burial took place the very next day.

Compiled by: Dr. K.Veeramani 219

* On 12-5-1933, he immediately left for Tiruchirappalli where he conducted an Inter-religious (Christian) Self-Respect Marriage defying the section 144 promulgated in this connection and got arrested.

Nov. 26:

* Periyar convened the conference of Self-Respect and Socialism at Erode.

1933 *



the repression by the British Rule,

‘Kudi Arasu’ - Tamil Weekly was banned.

Another magazine ‘Puratchi’ (Revolution) was published by Periyar.

1933 Dec - 30:

* Periyar and his sister Kannammal were arrested and awarded imprisonment for an editorial in ‘Kudi Arasu’ weekly.

1934 *

The reputed Socialist leader later known as ‘Lok Nayak’ JAYA PRAKASH NARAYAN met Periyar at his residence and requested him to join the Socialist Party (Founded by Jaya Prakash).

1934 *



out the Tamil weekly ‘Pagutharivu’

(Rationalism) on 12-1-1934.


* Periyar began to extend his support to the Justice Party. It started the Tamil weekly paper “Viduthalai” on 1-6-1935. Then it was entrusted to Periyar who published ‘Viduthalai’

as Tamil Daily Newspaper from 1-1-1937.

* From 13-1-1935 Periyar’s Reform of Alphabets in Tamil language was adopted in all the papers and books published by him.


* In the conference held at Kanchipuram he arranged a resolution to be passed to oppose Hindi imposition.


* Periyar published ‘Viduthalai’ as a Tamil Daily Newspaper from 1-1-1937 undertaking its ownership.

* Having become the Prime Minister of the former composite Madras Province, Mr. C.

Rajagopala Achariyar announced that Hindi would be made a compulsory subject in

school curriculum.

220 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers 1937 Dec. 26

* At Truchirappalli, ‘Tamils Conferance’ was convened. There Periyar declared that to defeat the dominance of Hindi over Tamil and Dravidian race, the only solution would be ‘A separate Souvereign State’ ie., ‘Tamil Nadu for Tamils’.


* In his book entitled as “The world to come”

Periyar visuvalised many scientifi c inventions including the possibility of the “Test Tube Baby” which is now a reality!

* Periyar opposed the introduction of compulsory Hindi in schools by Mr. C. Rajagopala

Achariyar (Rajaji) as Prime Minister of Madras Presidency who had earlier announced its introduction on 25-2-1938 but he actually introduced it on 23-4-1938. Periyar began to picket in front of the Hindu Theological School, Chennai from 4-6-1938 where Hindi was introduced as compulsory. He courted arrest and was sentenced on 6-12-1938 to undergo imprisonment for 2 years. He was lodged in the Govt. Central prison at Madras (now Chennai) and then he was transferred to the Bellary Jail (Andhra).

* While launching that agitation Periyar announced that Mr. C.N. ANNADURAI

(Former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu) would be the First General in leading the picketing against Hindi.

* On 29-12-1938 Periyar was elected President of the Justice Party even when he was in Bellary Jail (Andhra).

* The title “Periyar” was conferred on him by Tamil Nadu Women Conference

held in Madras on 13-11-1938 under the presidentship of NEELAMBIGAI AMMAIYAAR

daughter of MARAIMALAI ADIGAL, a veteran pure Tamil Scholar.

1940 *


toured North India where he met


Compiled by: Dr. K.Veeramani 221


(affectionately called as ‘Anna’), accompanied him.

* When the Congress party Ministry of Mr.

C. Rajagopala Achariar resigned Periyar was invited by MR. ARTHUR HOPE Governor of Madras to form alternative Ministry since he was elected the leader of the Justice Party.

But to concentrate fully on Social Reformation only, he rejected that enviable political offer.


* He raked up the issue of the demand for a separate Dravida Nadu to save Dravidian race and Tamil language from the dominance of Hindi and North Indian Hindu Capitalists at Thiruvarur Conference.


* On 27-8-1944 the name of the Justice Party was changed as ‘Dravidar Kazhagam’ to

signify purely as a social revolutionary movement for the emancipation of Dravidian race oppressed by Brahmins at the Provincial (special) Justice Party conference held at Salem and also not to contest elections and accept the titles given by British Govt.

1946 *


11-5-1946, the famous “Blackshirts

Conference” was held on the sands of the River Vaigai in Madurai when the conference pandal was set on fi re by Brahmin - instigated hooligans. Periyar and his followers were stranded for the whole day.

1947 Aug - 15

* When the whole of India and the world were jubilant on the attainment of Indian

“Independence” on 15-8-1947, Periyar boldly called it a ‘mourning’ day for Tamils with foresight. He called Independence of India was nothing but a ‘made over’ to Brahmins and North Indian Merchants (Baniyas) from British because the demand for separate sovereign nation to Dravidian Tamils was not fulfi lled as done in the case of Muslims’

demand for Pakistan.

222 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers 1947

* On 14-9-1947, the Dravida Nadu separation conference was held at a moffusil town, Cuddalore.


* The Blackshirts volunteer corps was banned by the Congress Government. The 18th

Dravidar Kazhagam’s State Conference was held at Tuticorn on 8-5-1948 and 9-5-1948

under the presidentship of Periyar when many thousands of Periyar’s followers assembled, irrespective of Caste and Religion.

* Periyar and Mr. C.N. Annadurai (‘Anna’) participated in the Anti-Hindi Volunteers Conference held under the leadership of Maraimalai Adigalar (the Champion for purity of Tamil) in Chennai.

* On 30-1-1948 Mr. Mahathma Gandhi fell a victim to the bullets of assassin Nathuram Godse, a Marathi Brahmin at New Delhi at his prayer meeting. Periyar condemned the assasination at all meetings held thereafter in Tamil Nadu. He suggested that India be named as “Gandhi Nation (Nadu)”, a new religion with rationalism may be created as

“Gandhi Religion” to mark his martyrdom.

1948 Aug - 10

* The second Anti-Hindi Agitation started at Kumbakonam on 10-8-1948 on the directive of Periyar.

1948 Aug - 22

* It was decided to show Black Flags to Mr.C.Rajagopalachariar when he visited Madras on 23-8-1948 as Governor General of India. Periyar organised a Black flag demonstration and his followers were arrested and kept in the central jail at Madras (Chennai) from 22-8-1948 to 27-8-1948 and were

released on 27-8-1948.

1949 *

Periyar’s marriage with Mani Ammai was held just to guard his health as well as the Movement’s properties so that the Reformation movement would go on in future without stagnation.

Compiled by: Dr. K.Veeramani 223

1950 *


declared the Republic Day, 26-1-1950,

as a Mourning Day for Tamils to condemn the oppressive rule of North Indian Capitalist Hindi fanatics.

* On 22-01-1950 Periyar was sentenced to undergo imprisonment for the publication of his book ‘Ponmozhigal’ (Golden sayings).

* The Communal G.O. (Government Order) which was very dear to his heart was struck down as ultravires of the Constitution of India by the Madras High Court which was confi rmed by the Supreme Court. Periyar roared like a lion, toured the whole of Tamil Nadu and awoke the people to see the danger ahead.

1951 *

Sensing the formidable opposition engineered by Periyar, Constitution of India was amended for the fi rst time by the Nehru Govt. at the Centre. This was the fi rst Amendment to the Indian Constitution. Ultimately sub clause (4), was added to the Article 15 to admit of the provisions of Communal G.O. to preserve the rights and equal opportunities of Backward classes of India.

1952 *

Periyar opposed the scheme of New

Elementary education on the basis of the parents hereditary occupation, introduced by the then Chief-Minister Mr. C. Rajagopalachari (Rajaji).

* Periyar and his followers erased with tar the Hindi-name-Boards in all Railway stations all over Tamil Nadu.


* In order to condemn idolatary worship and to show to the world that there was no divine power in idols, he organised a campaign.

His followers and himself broke the idol of PILLAIYAR (Vinayaga) at public places.

* The intensity of Periyar’s opposition against the educational reform-programme of Rajaji according to which all students should learn in schools their parents’ profession was so

224 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers formidable that made Mr. C. Rajagopala Achari (Rajaji) to quit the post of Chief - Minisrer. The indignation of Dravidian Race-Members of Legislative Assembly (M.L.A.s) also added fi re to his downful. (Rajaji) to quit the post of Chief-Minister. Consequently MR. K. KAMARAJ

came to power as Chief-Minister of Tamil Nadu and he cancelled the much opposed educational reform as advocated by Periyar.

1954 *

Periyar convened the Conference on

Buddhism at Erode.

* Periyar along with his wife and some friends visited Myanmar (Burma) and Malaysia. At Mandalay (Myanmar) he attended the World Buddhist Conference where he met Mr.

Mallala Sekara, a Buddhist Scholar and Dr.

B.R. Ambedkar. He conversed with the latter for a long time and the subject of conversion to Buddhism came up for the discussion. He strongly advised Dr. B.R. Ambedkar not to leave Hinduism; because by his conversion to Buddhism he would forfeit his right to criticise Hinduism and its untouchability.

Periyar did not prefer conversion so that he could sustain the right to condemn the evils of Hindu religion.

1954 Dec

* Periyar undertook his second tour to Malaysia and propagated his rationalistic principles in many places.

1955 *

After returning to Tamil Naadu Periyar announced and fi xed a date to set fi re to the Indian National Flag in protest against the compulsory scheme of imposition of Hindi in Tamil Nadu, much against the wishes of the people.

* Periyar was arrested for his public agitation of burning the pictures of Rama - a Hindu deity at all public places, as a symbolic protest against the Aryan domination and degradation of the Dravidian leaders according to the Ramayana epic.

Compiled by: Dr. K.Veeramani 225

* The Trichi District Collector Mr. R.S. Malayappan a sympathizer of the Untouchables was given wantonly strictures in a judgement of the Madras High Court by two Brahmin Judges.

Periyar exposed this judgement since R.S.

Malayappan was an Offfi cer from a Backward community. Periyar criticised the High Court judges for their hatred towards the depressed class offi cers in a public meeting held at Trichi Town Hall Square.

1957 Jan - 18

* The historic meeting between PERIYAR

and VINOBA BHAVE, the Founder-leader

of ‘Land Donation Movement’ took place at Tiruchirappalli.

1957 April - 23

* For criticising the judgement of Madras High Court delivered by two Brahmin Judges in the case of Trichi District Collector Mr. R.S.

Malayappan, Periyar was charged with

contempt of court and when the fi nal hearing was heard (Before the judges Justice P.V.

Rajamannar and Justice A.S. Panchapakesa Iyer) he made a statement in the High

Court, explaining how Brahmins conducted themselves with racial motive in several cases and opined that it was their inborn natural

‘Dharma’ (Divine Duty) to annihilate uprising Shudras and Panchamas of Dravidian Race.

* Probably this was then the fi rst time that the judgement of High Court Judges came to be criticised publicly for which Periyar and his wife E.V.R. Maniammai were convicted.


* On 3-11-1957 at Thanjavur a big conference was held to weigh Periyar against silver coins to commemorate his birthday.

* On the same day a resolution was passed calling upon the people of Tamil Nadu to come forward to burn the excerpt of Articles in the Constitution of India on 26-11-1957

as a protest against the inclusion of Article supporting casteism. Some 10,000 people burnt the excerpts of the Constitution of India.

226 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers Only about 3000 of them were arrested and sentenced to undergo imprisonment from 6

months to 3 years Rigorous Imprisonment.

This agitation rocked the whole of Tamil Nadu and that was the fi rst time that such a big agitation against casteism was started. Some 15 to 18 persons died in and out of jail due to incarceration (A special act was passed to convict them).

1958 *

Against the caste system, another big

agitation was started by Periyar. Brahmins used to inscribe the name in their Hotel-Name-Boards as ‘Brahmin Hotel’ to spread the impression that Brahmins were superior caste. Periyar requested all his followers to erase the name ‘Brahmin’ in the Hotel Name Boards. Accordingly a compaign was started to erase the Brahmin-Name-Board in all Brahmin Hotels in Tamil Nadu. As a result of this agitation, the name ‘Brahmin’ in the hotel-name-boards disappeared.

* Periyar was arrested as a case was foisted on him by the Govt. of Tamil Nadu that he exhorted his followers to physically attack the Brahmins in his speeches delivered at Pasupathipalayam (Karur), Kulitalai and Tiruchirapalli and was sentenced to undergo imprisonment for 6 months by the District Sessions Court at Tiruchirapalli.

* Periyar and Ram Manohar Lohia, the Socialist leader of North India, met at Chennai and discussed their social and political service to the people.

1959 *



a tour of North India addressing

meetings at Kanpur, Lucknow, New Delhi and other places.


* He burnt the map of India excluding Tamil Nadu, explaining that the Central Government Raj (Rule) is a Brahmin Raj.

* A protest day was observed by Periyar all over Tamil Nadu against the Supreme Court

Compiled by: Dr. K.Veeramani 227

judgement which had crippled the operation of the Tamil Nadu Land Ceiling Act which was rectifi ed by Amendment to the Constitution.

1967 *


C.N. ANNADURAI became the Chief-

Minister of Tamil Nadu, his party (DMK) having secured the majority of seats in the Tamil Nadu Assembly. He went to Tiruchirappalli and sought Periyar’s greetings, goodwill and advice.

* Periyar decided to extend his support to the D.M.K. Ministry. Mr. C.N. Annadurai declared in the State Assembly that he dedicated his

‘Ministry’ to Periyar. He also enacted the Self-Respect Marriage Act legalising all the marriages so far conducted on Self-Respect Marriage System devoid of rituals.

* Mr. C.N. Annadurai, a lieutenant of Periyar, brought a legislation renaming Madras State as Tamil Nadu State and also introducing the two language formula (Tamil and English) for Tamil Nadu, instead of the 3 language formula prescribed by the Central Govt. then. These three achievements are the mile stones of his ministry.


* As a true rationalist disciple of Periyar the Chief Minister ANNA directed to throw away the pictures of all Hindu deities from the Govt.

offi ces through a circular signed by the then Brahmin Chief Secretary.


* Periyar observed a day for “Condemnation of the exploitation of North Indian Business Magnates”.

* He was invited to address Minorities Conference at Lucknow (Capital of Utter Pradesh province).

* The Ramayana, Epic of Aryans, was burnt all over Tamil Nadu as a mark of protest against cruel treatment of Dravidians by the Aryans in the Ramayana.

1969 Feb - 3

* Chief Minister ANNA expired. Periyar plunged into profound grief and expressed that the

228 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers future of entire Tamil Nadu had become darkened due to the demise of ANNA.


* Periyar announced a Programme of agitation to enter the Sanctum Sanctorum of temples to eradicate the caste discrimination practised, according to which only Brahmins could become Archakas (Priests) and perform

worship (poojas) in Sanskrit language only instead of Tamil.

1970 *


Tamil Bi-monthly, the “Unmai” (Truth) was fi rst started at Tiruchirapalli by Periyar. First issue was released by Dr. K. Veeramani, then General Secretary of Dravidar Kazhagam.

* The UNESCO, an international branch organisation of the United Nations, conferred on Periyar a glorious title, the citation of which read as “Periyar the prophet of New Age, Socrates of South East Asia, Father of the social Reform Movement, and Arch enemy of ignorance, superstitions, meaningless customs and baseless manners” - UNESCO

27-6-1970. The award was presented by the Union Education Minister Dr. TRIGUNA SEN

under the presidentship of Chief Minister KALAINGAR M. KARUNANIDHI.

* Periyar inagurated a new forum, called the Rationalist Forum, a non-political social organisation, enlisting the Government and private Employees and also others who

subscribe to the views of “Rationalism”.

* A legislation was passed in the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly, enabling persons belonging to all castes to become Archakas (Priests) in Temples. Periyar demanded such a legislation, to abolish castes and to establish equality of persons irrespective of caste at all places.

* Periyar inaugurated the English monthly, the

“Modern Rationalist”, the need for which was keenly felt by English knowing Rationalists.

Compiled by: Dr. K.Veeramani 229

1970 Nov-1:

* Mumbai (formerly Bombay) Dravidar

Kazhagam arranged Birth-Day Celebrations for Periyar (September 17) and Anna (Sep.

15). Accompanied by EVR Mani Ammai and General Secretary of Dravidar Kazhagam Mr.

K. Veeramani, Thanthai Periyar travelled in his van from Chennai and attended the above two functions besides some more meetings in Mumbai for three days from First November, 1970.

1971 Mar:

* After the 1971 Assembly election to Tamil Nadu, the new D.M.K. Ministry was sworn in under the Chief Ministership of Kalaignar M.


* Thanthai Periyar graced that grand function.

After assuming charge of Ministership, every Minister came before Periyar and received his hearty greetings.

1971 Sep-17:

* At Erode, the home-town of Periyar, his statue was unveiled by the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Hon. Kalaignar M. Karunanidhi.

Revered Kundrakudi Adigalar Dheivasigamani presided over that function.

1971 Nov-11:

* At Salem, a splendid function was held. A throne of silver was presented to Periyar by the Public of Salem.

1972 Aug-13:

* At Cuddalore, the statue of Periyar was unveiled by the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Hon. M. Karunanidhi. The Chairman of

the Legislative Council Mr. C.P. Chitrarasu presided over the function.

1973 Sep-16,17:

* Periyar happily participated in his 95th Birth-Day Celebrations. The Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (A.D.M.K.) General

Secretary M.G. RAMACHANDRAN offered

laurels and a purse to Periyar.

1973 Sep-30:

* A huge ‘Conference of Blackshirts’ was conducted at Madurai City. The statue of Thanthai Periyar was unveiled by Tamil Nadu

230 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers Minister Naavalar Dr. V.R. NEDUNCHEZHIAN

under the Chairmanship of Minister PANRUTI S. RAMACHANDRAN.

1973 Dec. 8, 9:

* As his last agitational social service, Periyar convened the ‘Conference for Eradication of Social Degradation’ with extreme enthusiasm at Periyar Thidal, Chennai - 600 007. Many historic resolutions were then passed. On the 2nd day of that conference, Periyar made a clarion call to all Tamilians to strive hard for the abolition of casteism and social degradation imposed by Brahmins.

1973 Dec. 19:

* At Thiyagaraya Nagar, Chennai - Periyar delivered his last but immortal speech (the Swansong) like an ever memorable dying declaration.

1973 Dec. 20:

* Due to unbearable acute pain of Hernia disease - Periyar was admitted in the

Government General Hospital in Chennai.

1973 Dec. 21:

* On his wish Periyar was taken to the Christian Medical College (C.M.C.) Hospital at Vellore.

1973 Dec. 24:

* The Greatest Original Thinker and the Resolute Rationalist of the World, Periyar, breathed his last, putting billions of rationalists, Tamilians of Dravidian race and admirers all over the globe into unbearable agony with ocean of tears.



offi cial State mourning was announced by the Chief-Minister Kalaingar M. Karunanidhi and Gazette extraordinary was issued by the Govt. of Tamil Nadu.

1973 Dec. 25:

* A state funeral with police honours was arranged at Madras. His body was kept in the Rajaji Hall for the public to pay their respects when dignitaries, his followers, friends, and a host of others assembled in millions. The funeral procession started in the evening and reached the Periyar Thidal at Vepery, Chennai - 600 007 where his body was laid

Compiled by: Dr. K.Veeramani 231

to rest. Leaders like former Chief Minister Mr. K. Kamaraj and Kalaignar Karunanidhi were by the side of the body till the burial. A Govt. holiday was declared on 24-12-1973 by the State Govt of Tamil Nadu.

1974 Jan 6

: After Periyar’s death Mrs. E.V.R. Maniammai headed this Social Revolutionary Movement (Dravidar Kazhagam) and lived upto 1978.

1978 March 16

: Mrs. EVR Maniammal passed away.

1978 March 17

: T h e n M r. K . Ve e r a m a n i , w h o w a s nominated

as General Secretary by

Periyar in 1960, continued as the Secretary General of the movement and still he carries the torch.

* He has established numerous institutions as permanent Memorials to the Greatest Universal Rationalist Thinker - PERIYAR


* As an ardent disciple of that revolutionary l e a d e r i n u p h o l d i n g h i s p r i n c i p l e s , Mr. K. Veeramani, the President of Dravidar Kazhagam has founded ‘PERIYAR CENTRE’

in NEW DELHI, the capital of INDIA.

232 PERIYAR 1000 questions & answers

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