Sinking of a Nation by BG BRITTON - HTML preview

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After spending two years with Commercial & Industrial Computer Services, a Deloitte

& Touche subsidiary company specialising in computer software systems for the South

African municipal and local government market, I suffered a stroke and was placed

on permanent disability pension.

I had been appalled by the decline in morality and business ethics, which I experienced

on my travels around South Africa in the Local Government environment. So, once

confined under my disability conditions, I began writing the book ‘Stepping Stones’

which was published in South Africa in 2010 and later in America in 2014.

My concern was for the future of South Africa as a country, given the atrocious level

of education evident in the young people encountered in my far-flung travels.

My writing started about the time Jacob Zuma took over the leadership of the ANC

from Thabo Mbeki. Ten years later I have written some fifty published articles and

nine books, all with the decline of South Africa under the ANC, as a backdrop.

This tenth publication ‘Sinking of a Nation’ includes all the articles written over those

ten years and as such presents an historical chronology of the decline of our beloved

nation from darling of the democratic world, to pariah and tenth most potent threat

to world peace.

Rated now as economic junk, the most disparate nation on earth and a slime bath of

kleptocracy, greed and corruption, the last ten years under Jacob Zuma and the

captured ANC will go down as South Africa’s most disgraceful decade in history.

As a result, my children, brought up to play in any multi-racial team, have been left

sitting on the bench, while the side chosen loses match after match. These children,

have, of necessity, sought to play for another side where their skills can be of best

benefit to themselves and their young families.

The Communist dogma in the ANC Bill of Rights, so revered, is outdated and not

workable in modern society and presents no solution to the level of disparity in South

Africa. Nelson Mandela would be appalled at the current South African democracy.

The African National Congress and the desperate citizens of this tormented country

require an honest Messiah.

