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Chapter Five


Delving Deeper



Hands up anyone who has ever done something they deeply regret. I have and; the sense of guilt will be with me until I die.


Imagine if you could cut someones throat and feel no remorse, not even a tiny twinge of conscience. Absolutely no understanding that ending someone’s life violently, was a problem. Amazingly the psychopaths in control of society have NO CONSCIENCE, not even a hint of conscience. Imagine the mayhem created if we had no moral guidance.


Sadly, those in control have no ethics and no qualms about murdering us all. Not only do they have no conscience, they perversely enjoy murdering as many as they can!

It is not the power that corrupts; it is the fact that corrupted individuals seek power.


Just like authentic human character, the psychopath comes in 'shades' of psychopathy and unfortunately, they look exactly like everybody else in society. They are virtually impossible to detect when you first encounter them, there may be no way to tell them apart from ordinary people on a first meeting. They range from the violent, cannibalistic murderer, to the bank employee stealing money from your account or the surgeon operating on your sons or daughters for the power, control and financial gain they will receive.

Regardless of their level of psychopathy or their position in society, they all have one thing in common; absolutely no conscience or guilt. Nil, Nothing, Zero, Zilch, Nix, Zippo, Naught, NOTHING.


NOT ANYTHING that even resembles a conscience. Not even a teensy weensy twinge of conscience. Not even a glimmer of remorse for taking someone’s life. Just think how terrifying that little bypass is! Without conscience, they are free to do WHATEVER they want and they do: on a global scale beyond the imagination of feeling humans!


I have personally lived with a psychopath and I can assure you they are the most cunning, creepy, evil, heartless, creatures on planet earth. A predator may kill to survive: a psychopath will kill for pleasure.


Sadly, any unfortunate person who has experienced a psychopath parent as a child is doomed to a lifetime of unfulfilled potential. These people have been manipulated in the cruellest way possible, with no understanding of what they did to receive abuse. These people face a lifetime of therapy and debilitating emotional and physical disorders created from the mistreatment they received as children. It may take up to forty years before the abused person is able to realise the damage done by a psychopathic parent. Once again, for the first time in human history, people can receive professional help for the vile treatment they received as children.


The study of psychopathy is relatively recent and began in the late nineteenth century with observations by Freud and Jung. The French psychiatrist Philippe Pinel suggested, early in the 19th century, that there was a madness that didn't involve mania, depression or psychosis. He called it "manie sans délire" – insanity without delusions. He observed sufferers appeared normal on the surface, but they lacked impulse controls and were prone to outbursts of violence.


It wasn't until 1891, when the German doctor JLA Koch published his book 'Die Psychopathischen Minderwertigkeiten', that psychopathy became a word to describe people with a diabolical personality disorder. Hervey Milton Cleckley opened the floodgates in 1941 with his book 'The Mask of Sanity.'


Dr Robert Hare's intensive study of criminal psychopathy resulted in the Psychopathy Checklist (PCL) for the reliable and valid assessment of extreme Anti-Social Personality Disorders, part of which describes those commonly called psychopaths. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV; American Psychiatric Association, 1994) provides a common language and standard criteria for the classification of mental disorders and is a tool for ASPD/APD diagnosis.


Dr Hare believes the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders should list psychopathy as a unique disorder, saying psychopathy has no precise equivalent in either the DSM-IV-TR, where it is most strongly correlated with the diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder, or the ICD-10, which has a partly similar condition called dis-social personality disorder. Both organisations view the terms as similar, but only a minority of what Hare and his colleagues would diagnose as psychopaths are in institutions as violent offenders and that is a terrifying prospect.


My own research confirms Dr Hare’s observations and I firmly believe the incidence of serious ASPD behaviour is far more widespread in society than anyone could ever imagine. Through social indoctrination, large portions of the human population now accept anti-social, psychopathic behaviour as normal and that becomes a social nightmare.


After many years of intense study, Dr Hare concluded, psychopaths are far from fragile; the way they behave comes from a rock solid personality structure that is extremely resistant to outside influences. Well-meaning family ensure protection for years from the consequences of their vile behaviour. They can glide through life with minimum interference so long as they stay unpunished or undetected and with so few people recognising psychopathy even exists as an ailment around them, they easily live out their double lives.


Dr Hare describes people he calls psychopaths as intra species predators who use charm, manipulation, lies, intimidation, sex and violence to control others and to satisfy their own selfish needs. Lacking in conscience and empathy, they take what they want, do as they please, violating social norms and expectations without guilt or remorse; they literally are Anti-Social. What are missing are the very qualities that allow human beings to live in social harmony. Psychopathy is truly the most bizarre and diabolically dangerous personality disorder. It is nearly impossible for a normal feeling human to believe this condition exists, the huge number of sufferers and the enormous negative social impact that psychopathy delivers to everyone and everything on the planet.


What does the psychopath really get from their victims? It's easy to see what they are after when they lie and manipulate for money, material goods or power. When it comes to love, relationships or faked friendships, it is not so easy to see what the psychopath is after.


It seems Psychopaths enjoy making others suffer.

Just as authentic humans enjoy seeing other people happy, or doing positive things that make other people smile, the psychopath enjoys the exact opposite.


People suffering Narcissistic Personality Disorder, another level of ASPD, may be capable of feeling emotions like normal feeling humans. What is missing is the capacity to feel what other people are feeling and to be able to react to them appropriately. As a result, they suffer psychological pain from loneliness and may seek psychotherapy. A psychopath will never seek help, they have no reason to change; they like who they are. Winning, success, money, theft, lies, illicit sex, murder and controlling others is far more important than anything to a psychopath.


The media has been carefully training feeling humans to accept appalling behaviour as normal for many years. Callous disregard for other peoples’ feelings, social ostracising and violence toward them becomes acceptable to impressionable, modern, young people. People can watch other people being shot, strangled, beheaded, stoned, tortured, blown up, run over, burnt, raped, abused physically and verbally and feel absolutely nothing. There is a dangerous, socially engineered disconnect from empathy, understanding and sanity.


As mentioned, the Hare Psychopathy Check-list, Revised (PCL-R) is a diagnostic tool used to rate a person's psychopathic or antisocial tendencies. The PCL-R is a clinical rating scale (rated by a psychologist or other professional) of 20 items. Each of the items in the PCL-R is scored on a three-point scale according to specific criteria through file information and a semi-structured interview. A value of 0 is assigned if the item does not apply, 1 if it applies somewhat, and 2 if it fully applies. In addition to lifestyle and criminal behaviour the check-list assesses glib and superficial charm, grandiosity, need for stimulation, pathological lying, cunning and manipulating, lack of remorse, callousness, poor behavioural controls, impulsivity, irresponsibility, failure to accept responsibility for one's own actions and so forth.


The scores predict the risk for criminal re-offence and probability of rehabilitation. The current edition of the PCL-R officially lists four factors (1.a, 1.b, 2.a, and 2.b), which summarise the 20 assessed areas via factor analysis.


The previous edition of the PCL-R listed two factors. Factor 1 is labelled "selfish, callous and the remorseless use of others". Factor 2 is labelled as "chronically unstable, antisocial and socially deviant lifestyle". There is a high risk of re-offending if these people are caught and very little likelihood of rehabilitation for those who are labelled as having ‘psychopathy’ on the basis of the PCL-R ratings in the manual for the test. Although research into treatment for serious ASPD is continuing, the prognosis is poor, based on current information and treatment techniques.

Professor Declan Murphy and colleagues Dr Michael Craig and Dr Marco Catani from the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College, London have used advanced imaging techniques (DT-MRI) to study the brain images of known anti-social offenders. These offenders included rapists and attempted murderers.


Early studies indicated that some areas of the brain may not be functioning correctly, in particular the amygdala, or the two almond shaped areas associated with emotional reactions and the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), the region which deals with decision making.


The researchers found there is a white matter tract that connects the amygdala and OFC, which is called the uncinate fasciculus (UF). Strangely, nobody had ever studied the UF in psychopaths. The team used an imaging method called in vivo diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) tractography to analyse the UF in psychopaths. They found a significant reduction in the integrity of the small particles that make up the structure of the UF of psychopaths, compared to control groups of people with the same age and IQ. In addition, the degree of abnormality identified, significantly related to the degree of Anti-Social behaviour. These results suggest that psychopaths have biological differences in the brain, which may help to explain their offensive behaviours.


Professor Murphy and his team had discovered the physical brain difference in people that explained the degree of psychopathy or anti-social behaviour in afflicted people. These people were physically unable to connect with their emotions of love and compassion like the majority of feeling human beings. This may also set a medical benchmark for testing suspected Psychopathic behaviour in legal scenarios.


Dr Stephane De Brito from the University of Birmingham, confirmed Dr Murphy’s findings and found that, compared to typically developing young people, those with behavioural problems show grey matter reductions specifically within the amygdala, the insula, and the prefrontal cortex.


Associate Professor of Psychology at Harvard University, Josh Buckholtz notes psychopaths over-value immediate rewards and neglect the future consequences of potentially dangerous or immoral actions.


Sadly, ASPD individuals are dangerously damaged individuals seeking power, wealth, sex and control who look and initially behave exactly like everyday people. In extreme cases, psychopaths are certifiably insane and chances are they are living very near to you or you are closely involved with them and you have no idea of their emotional deficiencies. Amazingly, I can GUARANTEE psychopaths deeply and directly affect your life. Unfortunately, their existence and emotional deficiencies and the impact these deficiencies have on society have been a closely guarded secret, until now. Now you have the key to open their heavily guarded door and peer at their secret, twisted world. A sinister, dark and evil world that influences all life forms on the planet.


I have been studying ASPD for many, many years and I am still in awe of this diabolical personality disorder. I am amazed at the ability of a psychopath to override our internal warning system and the refusal of people to join the dots and recognise the negative power ASPD individuals hold over society.


The problem for humans is, 'paths seem to behave like everybody around them. Initially there are no detectable signs of psychopathy, unless you are aware of ASPD behaviour and have been studying them closely for considerable time. Evil doesn't always look evil, sometimes it's staring us right in the face and we don't even know it.


Psychopaths are male or female, young or old, black or white and they look exactly like any other human being. They exist in all cultures, globally; they are beautiful or ugly, tall or short, fat or thin. They don't have any physical sign of the inner rage of hate and contempt that is their substitute for love and compassion (manie sans délire). They eat food, sleep and reproduce like all mammals.


Psychopaths don’t have horns, glowing eyes, bolts through their necks or cloven feet. You can't tell them apart in a crowd and they have learned to blend in with the society they actually control. They mimic human feelings from an early age and are consummate actors.


They laugh and smile and even cry when needed, but these are cleverly faked feelings they have copied since childhood to gain social acceptance. They turn these displays on and off like a light switch. If you look closely at a psychopath, you realise they don’t smile, they bare their teeth! They disengage rapidly from normal social intercourse if they find the people or the subject boring.


They are like interstellar predators, cunningly blending into every society on earth and remaining hidden from personal scrutiny by pretending to be ordinary, wholesome human beings.


Their micron thin veil of charm, caring and apparent warmth is the way they entice us into their web of abuse, violence and manipulation. They cannot give they can only take. They have cunningly taught whole generations of feeling humans that love and compassion is weakness and have now mobilised societies to accept and follow their violent, warped and instant gratification behaviour.


They know they are different, unfettered with true human feelings to hinder their quest for power, money, material possessions and sex. Their often-high intelligence leaves them a reservoir of stories, anecdotes and bullshit to impress people for a long period. As adolescents, they can be so sickly sweet one moment in front of guests and strangers, then quickly turn around, and kick their family pet in the guts when they think no one is looking.


Individuals suffering ASPD exists in large and small communities and although they prefer the anonymity of large cities. I personally witnessed the trauma of a young fifteen-year-old girl having her jaw and ankle broken by her mother and grandmother in a rural town with a population of less than 900 people.

Her mother accused her of stealing the television set she gave her daughter as a gift several months before. The young girl was ambushed by her mother as she left school, dragged into a car with her grandmother screaming, “Kill her, kill her.”


Fortunately, the young girl resisted their attempts to get her in the car, but suffered horrendous injuries as the car moved away, dragging the girl along the road. While she was still in the car, her mother punched her repeatedly in the face and cut off her beautiful, long, dark hair with scissors.


Some of the other schoolchildren, who witnessed the horror, were able to take videos of the attack and submit their evidence to authorities. Clearly, the mother is suffering from a severe Personality Disorder and I'm sure the small town is still bewildered by this extraordinary display of aggression with absolutely no idea of the underlying cause of the violence. We later learned the young girl, so terribly abused by her mother, attempted suicide.

That is a high price to pay to a facsimile of a mother who does not care if her daughter lives or dies!


In a 1976 anthropologist Jane Murphy, attending Harvard University, studied an isolated group of Yupik speaking Inuits near the Bering Strait. They had a term 'Kunlangeta' which they used to describe “A man who repeatedly lies and cheats and steals things and takes sexual advantage of many women. Someone who does not pay attention to reprimands and who is always being brought to the elders for punishment.” When Jane asked an Inuit what the group would typically do with a Kunlangeta, the Inuit replied, “Somebody would have pushed him off the ice when nobody else was looking.” That may be a bit drastic, but it does illustrate the existence of Anti Social traits in ancient cultures and isolated societies.


The whole purpose of this tiny book is to help you understand the cunning creatures who control you and be able to negate their controlling behaviour. You don’t have to spend a lifetime in research, but I highly recommend you do some research for yourself – just to make sure I’m not writing bullshit.

The steep descent into oblivion, with no idea why is your other alternative.


The most dangerous weapon on planet earth is the smile of a socially adept psychopath.